Saturday, May 18, 1974
Pagje Three
Israel bombs Lebanon; Kissinger
details his 'thoughts' in Jerusalem
By The As ,v ia "d Press
Israeli jets raided southern Le-
banon again yesterday, barely 24
hours after reprisal raids that hit
Palestinian refugee camps and
Lebanese apartment houses left
scores of persons killed and hun-
dreds wounded or missing, Leba-
nese authorities said.
The new Israeli targets were six
small Lebanese villages in the hilly
southern Arkoub region, an area
near the Israeli border known as
ONE WOMAN from the village of
Kfier was killed yesterday in raids last-
ing 40 minutes, Beirut said.
The latest Lebanese casualty count
from Thursday's raids listed 48 killed,
174 wounded and 20 missing, probably
buried tinder the rbble of their homes.
The government said a total of 134
houses were totally demolished, 10 were
damaged and many shacks were razed
by fire.
In Jerusalem, Secretary of State
henry Kissinger presented undisclosed
"American ideas" on disengagement to
Israeli leaders yesterday in an uphill
effort to end the fighting on the Glan
TIlE OPEN acknowledgement by a
U.S. spokesman that Kissinger had taken
the initiative was clear indication that he
would try to bridge the gap with Syria
before winding up his Middle East peace
Evidently hopeful of a breakthrough,
Kissinger also altered his plans to allow
for a return to Jerusalem tonight after
carrying Israel's response to Syrian
President Hafez Assad in Damascus.
Meanwhile, the Israeli cabinet went
into a special pre-sabbath session, Shi-
mon Peres, the information minister,
shieds away from a judgement on Kis-
singer's chances or on when he would
leave the region.
"I WOULD not like to try to put a date
for the finish of his trip, nor an esti-
mate of its success," Peres told report-
ers. "The fact is we are still negotiat-
Prior to the two-hour meeting with
Israeli negotiators, at Foreign Minister
Abba Eban's home, Kissinger had de-
cided to fly directly to Cairo from Da-
mascus late tonight. He intended to talk
to President Anwar Sadat and then head
for home via Bonn and London, arriving
in Washington tomorrow night.
POLICE STORMED this small house in south-central Los Angeles yesterday believing that three members of the Sym-
blonese National Army were hiding inside. They found the house empty. Later, however, police found another house to
attack, with more dramatic results. (See story, Page 1).
R egents push back ban on
film groups using buildings
By GORDON ATCHESON THE REGENTS have been upset by run on a non-profit basis in that income
The Board of Regents yesterday de- the type of movies several groups have beyond pure operating costs is poured
cided to delay for at least one month shown in University auditoriums - par- back into the organizations.
implementation of a ban prohibiting all ticulaly X-rated films - and by how But an SGC inquiry Thursday showed
admission - charging film groups from profits from all screenings are being that at least one film group-the Friends
using on-campus facilities. used. of Newsreel - owes money to several
Originally to go into effect May 31, the At its April meeting, the board adopted film distribution companies.
ban has been postponed until June 30, the ban as part of a measure directing That type of situation has prompted
pending a report from University Presi- the administration to develop a series of the Regents to ask the administration to
dent Robben Fleming to the Regents con- guidelines governing the content of films design a new plan governing on-campus
cerning methods of making film groups shown on campus. film societies and their financial opera-
more financially accountable to the ad- Since then, Fleming has proposed a tions.
Students OK
as Regents,
group says
The Governor's Commission on Higher
Education has recently proposed two
constitutional amendments which would
allow students to serve on the Univer-
sity's Board of Regents and change the
Regents from elected to appointed offic-
Under the amendments, nine Regents
would be appointed by the governor to
serve for six years. Presently, eight
members are elected, to the board for
eight years.
IN ADDITION, the commission has
recommended that higher education no
longer be placed under the jurisdic-
tion of the State Board of Education.
It called, instead, for a separate unit
to plan and coordinate activities of state
universities and colleges while advising
state officials on campus affairs.
Under the first proposed amendment,
students would be eligible to serve as
ALTHOUGH the attorney general's of-
fice has ruled that such service is'illegall
See GROUP, Page 9
regulatory system requiring the movie
societies to "exercise mature judgment
in offering films to the University com-
FLEMING IAS not as yet directly ad-
dressed the issue of financial account-
ability of the movie organizations. Con-
sequently the Regents extended the im-
plementation date for the ban until the
administration has an opportunity to pre-
sent a proposal on the matter.
By a 7-1 vote, the Regents yesterday
temporarily halted the ban until the end
of neat month at which time Fleming
will have presented the board with a
recommendation tightening control on
the film organizations' finances.
Regent Gerald Dunn (D-Lansing) cast
the only vote against extending the dead-
line. He along with Regent James Wat-
ers (D-Muskegon) have opposed the ban
from the outset.
PRESENTLY ALL on campus film
groups must make financial statements
available to a committee of Student .Gov-
ernment Council, but no systematic in-
spection of the records takes place.
Previously the University has attempt-
ed to have the organizations channel
their funds through the student accounts
office to insure the money is not mis-
Although Fleming has not made public
any details of the administration plan
regarding film group accountability, in.
all likelihood the measure will increase
the University's role in monitoring the
See BAN, Page 9
Pizza Bob's successors
carry on store's tradition
Last of three parts
A legendary figure in the annals, of
Pizza Bob's is the streaker who hit the
establishment on a busy Friday night in
the dead of winter, two years ago.
The naked gentleman pushed his way
into the store through the crowd, jumped
behind the counter and shouted, "I'm
out of control. Leave me alone. I'm just
THE STREAKER filled his mouth with
a handful of ice, and then decided that
he didn't want to eat the ice, so he
spewed it out over the crowd. Most of
the customers reacted as though nothing
unusual were happening.
Fast Eddie and Typical Tim were on
duty at the time. Eddie just stood by his
subs, and Tim just stood by his pizzas.
The streaker grabbed hold of a gallon
of orange syrup and raised the bottle to
his lips. ie caught a whiff of the syrup,
however, and realized that it was too
concentrated to drink.
SO HE DROPPED the bottle on the
floor and began dancing on the mixture
of broken glass and sticky liquid.
crowd and out the door.
He proceeded to run two doors away to
the Garbage Pit (Pizza Bob's Uptown
now resides in the storefront which once
housed the Pit). He ran into, out of, and
back into that restaurant and finally sped
off into the night.
Such incidents, while they do brighten
up the routine of dispensing victuals at
Pizza Bob's, are of course few and far
between. It's the daily work of giving
people food that appeals to the workers
at the restaurant.
THE METHODS of managenient insti-
tuted by Pizza Bob, which continue to
this day, were so well received by pa-
trons of the store in the early days of
Bob's leadership that Wilson Loy chang-
ed its name from Pizza Loy to Pizza
Bob's even, before Bob bought it from
When Pizza Bob died, two longtime
employes bought the store: Fast Eddie
and Typical Tim.
Eddie had graduated from the Univer-
sity in political science and had worked
at the store even longer than Bob had.
Tim had graduated from Eastern Michi-
gan University in psychology,
FAST EDDIE got his nickname by
See PIZZA, Page 9
THE MAN hopped back over the coun-
MOST ON-CAMPUS film societies are ter and pushed his way again through the