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May 17, 1974 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily, 1974-05-17

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ge Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, May 17, 1974
Bruns rp Fyers, stay alve

BOSTON (Y - Bobby Orr
broke out of a s c o r i n g
slump with two goals and
two assists and the Boston
Bruins outmuscled Phila-
delphia for a 5-1 victory
last night, remaining alive
in the National Ho c k e y
L e a g u e playoffs with the
The Boston victory narrowed
the Flyers' lead to 3-2 in the
best-of-seven series, with the
sixth game scheduled for Phila-
delphia Sunday afternoon.
Smarting from three consecu-
tive losses after winning the
series opener, the Bruins came
out and beat the Flyers at their
own game in a virtual brawl
from start to finish at steamy
Boston Garden.
Referee Dave Newell was the
busiest man on the ice, whistl-
ing a total of 138 minutes of
penalties. The 43 penalties in-
cluded 12 majors, a misconduct
and a game misconduct.
The Bruins were frustrated by
Philadelphia g o a I i e Bernie
Parent, despite outshooting the
Flyers 17-8 in the first period.
However, Boston inched into a
1-0 lead on a short-handed goal
by Gregg Sheppard, who was
set up by Orr at 8:14.
The Flyers tied the count on
a goal by Bill Clement at 6:04
of the second period while both
teams were shorthanded, before
Orr took charge once again in
his typical fashion.
The Boston defenseman broke
the deadlock six minutes later
by flipping home a backhanded
rebound s h o t after Sheppard
had been robbed from close up
by Parent.
Then, at 16:55 of the middle
session, Orr made it 3-1 on a
long slap shot. The play was
set up by defenseman Dallas
Smith, who carried down the
left wingboards and then tied up
two Philadelphia players to per-
mit Ken Hodge to get a pass
back to Orr.
Hodge and Don Marcotte cap-
ped the scoring for the Bruins
near the end of the final period.

The pattern was set in the
opening seconds when Philadel-
phia's Dave Schultz, who holds
virtually all NHL records for
the most penalties, got into a
browl with Boston's Carol Vad-
nais mast 24 seconds after the
opening faceoff.
Another bout in the opening
period featured Philadelphia's
Andre Dupont, Jim Watson and
Boston's Terry O'Reilly and
Andre Savard.
In the second period, Schultz
and Wayne Cashman of the
Bruins made good on continued
threats and squared off, each
drawing majors.
In the third period, the game
threatened to turn into a free-
for-all as the Bruins continued
to dominate the action.
Schultz and Vadnais tangled,
and Boston's Bobby Schmautz
joined in. Schultz was given a
minor and misconduct penalty.
while Schmautz drew a game
misconduct and a roughing in-
fraction. Vadnais got off with a
single minor penalty.
With 1:13 remaining, Vadnais
went after Bruce Cowick after
the Philadelphia forward had
flattened Marcotte. Boston's
Richie LeDuce and Phila-
delphia's Tom Bladon squared
off in their own private heavy-
weight event. When peace was
restored, all four were given
major penalties.

Flyers, B ruins tangle: Hockey orBoxing?

Royals power past Texas

By The Associated Press two Ranger runs. He doubled
KANSAS CITY - John May- after Toby Harrah walked in
berry hit a mammoth two-run the first and cracked his eighth
homer and Hal McRae slammed home run of the season leading
a solo shot, powering the Kan- off the sixth.
sas City Royals over the Texas Winner Steve Busby, 6-3, got
Rangers 5-3 last night. the victory with relief help in
The defeat was the third in a the ninth from Doug Bird after
row for the Rangers' Ferguson giving up a run-scoring single
Jenkins, 6-4, who was relieved to Tom Grieve.
for the first time this season
after Mayberry's 440-foot blast
in the sixth inning. Cubs cnn
Mayberry's seventh homer of PITTSBURGH - Shortstop
the baseball season followed a Mario Mendoza collected the
leadoff walk, only the 10th this first three hits of his major
season by Jenkins, to Amos league career and pitcher Ken
Otis. McRae had given the Roy- Brett knocked in two runs, pac-
als a 3-1 lead in the fourth with ing the Pittsburgh Pirates to a
his seventh homer. 5-2 triumph over the Chicago
Jeff Burroughs accounted for Cubs last night.

Michigan Daily

The Pirates forged a 2-0 lead
in the second inning off loser
Ken Frailing, 2-3. Richie Heb-
ner and Mendoza triggered the
rally with two-out singles.
A single by Brett, 3-3, knocked
in Hebner and Mendoza came
home with the second run when.
Brett was momentarily caught
in a rundown play between first
and second base.
Brett surrended the only two
Chicago runs in the sixth on
RBI singles by George Mitter-
wald and Vic Harris before get-
ting relief help from Bruce

Cards clipped
ST. LOUIS-Don Hahn slam-
med a two-run homer and Ted-
dy Martinez ripped a two-run
double, rallying the New York
Mets past the St. Louis Cardi-
nals 6-4 yesterday.
Mets' left - hander G e o r g e
S t o n e scattered nine hits
through 613 innings and picked
up his first victory of the sea-
son after three losses. Harry
Parker finished up for New

Big cage names appear
at Ann Arbor tournament
A pair of "ringers" from the ABA, George Gervin and Charlie
Edge allowed the Ypsilanti Jock Shop team to whip the Flint
Appollos 106-78 as the Ann Arbor Basketball Classic began action
Gervin, of the San Antonio Spurs did not show particularly
much as he garnered six points, all in the second half. But Edge,
leading rebounder for the Memphis Tams, put on a spectacular
show of dunking and boarding, scoring 16 points and pulling off
18 rebounds.
YPSI HAD the Flint team totally psyched out from the start
as they rolled to a big early lead and never let up. Former EMU
star Gary Tyson led the winners with 20 points.
In earlier action, the Detroit Saints, a group'~of Shaw College
alums, ran and gunned the Pontiac Roy Whites .to death, 103-99,
much to the vocal dismay of White, the Pontiac coach. Cliff Pratt
hit for 39 for the winners, offsetting a 29 point effort by Bob Solo-
mon. Eleven of Solomon's points came in one two minute surge
that pulled Pontiac from a deep deficit to a tie. Frank Russell,
the older brother of Michael C., scored 23 for the losers.
THE LOCAL HEROES of Ann Arbor's Thompson Pizza rode
a balanced scoring attack by Michigan grads to a 100-88 victory
over Detroit's Reynold's Sportswear in the night's second game.
Thompson's will battle the Detroit Saints and Ypsi will take
on Kalamazoo in quarterfinal action slated for Saturday at 10 a.m.

CHICAGO CUB PITCHER Ken Frailing applies a tag a little bit late yesterday as Pittsburgh's
rookie shortstop Mario Mendoza slides safely into home plate during the Pirates' victory. The
speedy But youngster had flown all the way around the bases from first to score on Ken Brett's

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