0'age Eight THE MIHIGANAILY Friday, May 17, 1974 Model Cities board: Unrepresentative? By ERIC SCHOCH Daily News Analysis Last of three parts In the days following t h e creation of the Model Cities Policy Board in February, 1969 critics charged that the Policy Board membership was not re- presentative of the citizens of the Model Cities area. As late as this spring, n e w members were appointed to the board by City Council, osten- sibly on orders from the De- partment of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), in order to make the board more represen- tative and increase citizen par- Satyrn Handmade Western Shirts Overalls MALE Jeans FRYE Moccasins for men and women 215 S. State-2nd floor 769-4673 ticipation. The basic cause of the charg- es has been the fact that Policy Board leaders have always lived outside the designated M o d e 1 Cities Area. EZRA ROWRY has been the chairman of the Policy Board throughout its existence. A bus driver for the University and never afraid to say what is on his mind, he does not live with- in the Model Neighborhood. Albert Wheeler, a long-time black activist and local Demo- crat who has been active in the NAACP, was the vice chair- man and an acknowledged pow- er on the Policy Board until 1972, when his term ended. Like Rowry he does not live within the Model-Cities area. Theodore Beals, a local patho- logist, was elected to the Policy Board in 1970 and has also been considered one of the influential and articulate members of the so-called Wheeler - Rowry crowd." He also does not live in the Model Cities neighbor- hood. WITH MANY of the m o s t powerful members of the Policy Board outsiders to the Model Neighborhood, it is perhaps not surprising that critics called the board unrepresentative. The first barrage came after the board was created. Groups within the black community and City Hall had been jockeying In late 1968 and early 1969 to gain control over the new program. In January 1969, Republican Mayor Wendell Hulcher and the then Republican-controlled City Council suggested that all inter- ested parties meet at the Com- munity Center to "hammer out" a method for choosing a Policy Board and return with it to City Council. A MEETING at the commun- ity center was held, with about 80 persons in attendance. The and fraternal organizations. At the next meeting of City Council, despite charges that the board was not representa- tive, the Community Center plan was approved unanimously. The Policy Board, says Row- ry, was chosen to be representa- tive "as it relates to the prob- lems that Model Cities attempts to address itself to - problems of urban decay, health, educa- tion, and so forth. "THAT'S WHAT Model Cities - ///-7 iss m- ' oi/- - - s 'I think if it's a program for a specific neighborhood then those people, whoever they are that live in there, ought to be sought out and made to become a part of it. I am aware of many people within the community-doctors, teachers, all kinds of professional people-who would be quali- fied to serve but are not being asked to be involved.' -Republican Councilman Lloyd Fairbanks hood then those people, whoever they are that live i there, ought to be sought out and made to become a part of it. And put in charge of running the thing," says former Republican Council- man Lloyd Fairbanks. FURTHERMORE, says Fair- banks, he is "aware of many people within the community - doctors, teachers, all kinds of professional people-who would be q'ialified to serve but are not being asked -to be involved." In 1970, Ann Arbor's Mod e 1 Cities ordinance was changed to specify that Policy B oar d members must be elected to their positions by the residents of the Model Cities Community. Included were at-large seats for non Model Cities area residents. The number of election can- didates and voters for the Policy Board is perhaps the most com- pelling measurement of Model Neighborhood residents' interest in citizen participation in the program. THE SECOND yearly Policy Board election in 1971 garnered the most voter interest and can- didates. Up for election after having been appointed two years previously, Rowry defeat- ed an opponent from the Black Economic Development League (BEDL) opposition slate. Over 400 total votes were cast in the election, the most contested in Policy Board history. However, in 1972, after hav- ing been delayed by the bitter fight over the Policy Board's attempt to fire director Herbert Wingo and the ensuing court battle, the Policy Board elec- tions drew only a handful of candidates and votes. The same held true the next year, in which the highest vote-getter re- ceived fewer than 25 votes. This spring, the Republican majority on City Council nam- ed several north central a r e a See BOARD'S. Page 9 plan which was drawn up was agreed to by nearly all those present, except for one or two abstentions. In general, t h e plan provided for a 1S-mem- ber board comprised of appoin- tees from various groups in the black community, including the NAACY, and several churches attempt; when w sentativ organizi cally a those ct tative b graphy, necessa are talk r Since race, in make-ur publicat SUBSCRIBE TO THE rats, consiste Policy E ative a: SUMMER controll argued not alli be resid ,* A&area. 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