. . 1 N NUCLEAR WASTE Watching the watchdog By ALAN KETTLER "4SHIPPING RADIOACTIVE wastes upon high- ways and railroads is an endeavor filled with difficulties for the industries involved and per- ilous for the nearby population. The I[shipping) casks are complex mechanisms which may fail either due to improper design, manufacture, or maintenance, or through involvement in accidents causing them to open." In a nutshell, these are the conclusions reached in a recent PIRGIM report, written by Marion Anderson, PIRGIM investigator. The study, entit- led "Fallout on the Freeway - The Hazards of Transporting Radio-active Wastes in Michigan," points out gross deficiencies in the manner in which the Atomic Energy Commission handles the shipping of atomic power plant wastes in this. state. What the report also brings to light are the possibly deadly consequences of such ship- ments. JUST WHAT ARE these radioactive wastes? During the process by which uranium heats water to make steam to drive turbines to make elec- tricity at a nuclear power plant, the uranium creates radioactive byproducts. One of these waste materials is the irradiated fuel rods, which are long metal tubes that contain the uran- ium white it is inside the nuclear reactor creat- ing electricity. A some point in a plant's operation, the fuel rods and other wastes must be removed and put into lead and steel casks. Filled with cooling water, the casks are taken to a reprocessing plant or burial site. It is these hot and intensely radio- active substances (some stay radio-active 25,000 years) that are shipped by train or truck through the cities of Michigan. Each cask carries the same amount of radio-activity as released in Hiroshima-size bomb. THE MiChigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan Friday, May 17, 1974 News Phone: 764-0552 Murder asa wayo THE MAJOR vulnerability of a typical cask is. that it is "filled with water which, because of the IN THESE "TROUBLED TIMES" when murder seems to heat emanating from the spent fuel, it hot and be an unpleasant yet accepted aspect of society, it at high pressure. The cask is like a huge pressure takes something unusually devastating for people to wake cooker; so the water or steam will seek to up to what is really going on around them. escape." In the event of water loss from a cask, less water remains to cool the hot fuel We seem too involved in our own problems to even rods, so the increased temperature inside the think about anyone elses. When the massacre at My cask will continue to build up pressure until all Lai happened, America and the world emerged from the the water or steam has been driven out, leav- depths of other troubles to cry out at the senseless mur- ing only the fuel rods, der of all those innocent people, but that was war and Then, the rods will become so hot that any "that happens." We all' remember the inquest into the cesium present will vaporize and escape from incident and the trial. Nothing was solved and no one the cask through the same opening used by was brought back to life. Eventually, everyone went back the water. This report, aided by the research into their shells, curling up to inflation, the energy crisis of Professor Marc Ross, physicist at the Univer- sity of Michigan, has branded radioactive cesium and Watergate. All consciousness of war had been alle- as a hazardous content of these casks that could viated from the troublesome list of current anxieties. contaminate land and create great danger for Our cities are flooded with murder everyday, from anyone living downwind within many miles of an accident. Detroit which so casually carries the title of "murder capital" to the mellow sophistication of San Francisco- RADIOACTIVE CESIUM, made famous from We shrug it off with out a second thought. Great men studies of fallout from nuclear weapons tests, is are murdered and we emerge again for a moment or two a long-lived radioactive material that enters the and wonder about what the world is coming to. We bab- body readily by breathing and through food ble about gun control but we doze off too quickly; our chains, and remainss in the body several months. memories are so short. Its effect on an area, following an accident, ALSO, ALTHOUGH one might think that casks would be tested to see at what point they would break, the GAO report's authors stated that this type of testing had never been done. The AEC does not insist that casks be tested under r e a 1 road conditions - cask manufacturing companies need merely calculate the durability of the con- tainers. This is a poor testing method, for as Dr. Ross says, "The quality of the actual casks may not correspond to theoretically considered systems." Additional factors increase the danger of casks leaking or breaking. Again, the GAO authors hinted danger when they said that used casks were only given a "visual inspection." This is a casual form of inspection for containers with numbers of nuts, bolts, welds, valves, and gaskets that could lead to the escape of poisonous gasses. A final frightening procedure is that some cask manufacturing companies only have to say to the AEC that their casks are being properly made. More than just hypothetically defective, casks have a true history of being improperly built or designed. According to the GAO, between 1969 and 1972, 64 instances in which the contain- ers of the vehicles were contaminated above per- missible limits were unreported. Two types of containers continually experienced contam- ination problems. The AEC, whose responsibility is to protect the public from radiation, did not report these 64 incidents, which were discov- ered only by the GAO's special research. THE ADEQUACY with which truck drivers can transport and handle their deadly cargoes is also a matter of concern. According to the PIRGIM report, 1) drivers receive no special training for carrying nuclear waste, 2) drivers do not have radiation detectors with them nor have they been trained in their use, 3) the trucks are not inspected, not even their brakes, 4) the driv- ers take whatever routes they choose, 5) the drivers do not check with the Michigan State Police to find out about road conditions, and 6) there are no checkpoints along the route. It is apparent that the situation concerning the transportation of nuclear wastes is one mixed with "It is these hot and intensely radioactive substances (some stay radioactive 25,000 years) that are shipped by train or truck through the cities of Michigan. Each cask carries the same amount of' radio- activity as released in a Hiro- shima-size bomb." danger, uncertainty, and inadequate protection of the public from radioactive substances t h a t should require the most careful handling and care as is possible. The highly toxic nature of these substances makes it imperative that they be kept out of contact with the public. WITH SIMILAR THOUGHTS in mind, the au- thor of the report came up with a series of re- commendations that might lessen the danger at hand. The first set of recommendations calls for owners of nuclear power plants to write reports concerning he possible effects of transportation accidents, to be reviewed by a panel of six ex- perts and made available to the public. The second set asks that the Michigan Department of Public Health take some responsibilities from the AEC, and the third set would make casks more safe and truck drivers and officials more able to handle an accident. Finally, the fouth set of recommendations calls for something wholly different from the preceding ones - that Michigan put major funds into de- veloping alternative energy sources. While gov- ernment and industry have spent billions and billions of dollars on atomic power research, re- latively trivial amounts have gone into the study of other, more safe sources of energy. EITHER GOVERNMENTAL bodies will some- how implement and enforce adequate protection of the public from radioactive contamination, or allow too permissive policies that will result in illness and death through accidental releases of nuclear wastes during transport. In the latter case, the public may then find such transports an intolerable hazard. In any event, how the AEC resolves its lax policies and how the public accepts such policies concerning their health will decide the future of nuclear power in Mich- igan. If the AEC fails to make and enforce ade- quate safety procedures, then it has no right to carry on its business in the state of Michigan. WEDNESDAY WE WERE awakened rudely, as 16 Israeli high school students were killed and 70 were wounded. We will all stay up for a while contemplating the disgusting senselessness of this massacre. Dead are 16 children who, did not start the troubles between the Arabs and Israelis. We stand in horror of such a massacre and we sit in judgement and continued horror as Israel carries out retaliation attacks on a housing complex in a Lebanese city.. Maybe retaliation makes us feel good. There will be retaliation after retaliation and it just doesn't stop. No would depend on the weather conditions at the time. The report gave estimates of the number of deaths from cancer that would occur within 25 years after a rail cask accident involving irrad- iated fuel in the following cities: Detroit - 3,000 people; Ain Arbor - 1230 people; Flint - 1580 people;' Saginaw - 1420 people; Lansing - 1070 people; Grand Rapids - 1180 people; Kalamazoo - 940 people. As cancer is only one result of radioactive con- tamination, these figures leave out any estimates of immediate death through radiation poisoning, decreased longevity of life, damages to children in utero, genetic damage to reproductive cells, and increased susceptibility to disease. one is right and everyone getq hurt in the end. ACCORDING TO DR. ROSS, "a bare minimum of 162 serious accidents involving spent fuel casks What is missing from our lives and our problems is will occur in the United States during a ten-year a regard for human life. War casualty reports, as Ameri- period 20 to 25 years from now if reactors are built at the rate the AEC projects." With about cans know as well as anyone, are horrible. Yet as time 5 per cent of the nation's reactors at that time, passes we seem relieved that the numbers have gone Michigan would suffer from a minimum'of eight down. Each victim, losing his idntity to a number is only accidents involving irradiated fuel. This accident . v.m.sfigure is conservative, for it does not take into ac- an itidividual to his family and that is sick. count accidents due to faulty workmanship and JS A LIFE BUT a number, a statistic for the records? materials (which is a very real hazard), and the numerous shipments involving other radio- Every soldier and every person on the street, no mat- active materials. ter how important he or she may be, is a human life. The report clearly makes evident the possibili-, Human life seems to be snuffed out with hardly a ties of an accident occuring. Fir'st of all, it points out the inadequate care that goes into the design though these days, not just in America and the Middle and manufacture of the casks themselves. In a East but everywhere. We should all climb out of our com- Jduly, 1973 report, the General Accounting Office fortable little shells and do something about what the said that out of four AEC operations offices re- hell's going on around here, viewed, three did not have the expertise to pro- perly evaluate cask designs which were sub- --ANDREA LILLY mitted.