Friday, May 17, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Regents listen to film flak -,. .- 4, kleindienst pleads guilty to misdemeanor WASHINGTON ()-Former Atty. Gen. Richard Kleindienst pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor yesterday for refusing to answer Senate questions about the ITT case. He is the second cabinet member in history to b; convicted. Kleindienst faces at least a one-month jail sentence and a minimum $100 fine, although a suspended sentence could spare his having to go behind bars. U. S. District Judge George Hart pro- mised to expedite sentencing. Klein- dienst remains free pending Hart's de- cision. KLEINDIENST IS the highest ranking member of the Nixon administration ac- tually convicted during the post-Water- gate prosecution, althotigh several other administration and Nixon campaign of- ficials have pleaded guilty or been con- uicted by juries. Tto other former Nixon cabinet mem- bers, former Atty. Gen. and campaign manager John Mitchell, and ex-Com- merce Secretary and campaign fund raiser Haturice Stans, were acquitted by a federal jury in New York of perjury and obstruction of justice charges. Mit- chell still faces trial on Watergate cover- op charges. Kleindienst's plea to a misdemeanor charge followed bargaining with the Watergate special prosecutor's office which had been probing his role in the ITT case and his statements before the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Watergate grand jury. SPECIAL PROSECUTOR Leon Jawor- ski, in a letter submitted with the infor- mation filed against Kleindienst yester- day said his investigation "has failed to disclose any criminal conduct by Mr. See KLEINDIENST, Page 10 By GORDON ATCHESON The Board of Regents yesterday heard sharply critical comments from students and faculty concerning administration- proposed guidelines governing the type of movies on-campus film societies may show. The speakers assailed the proposal, drafted by University President Robben Fleming, for potentially endangering academic freedom and curtailing stu- dent-operated film groups. Discussion yesterday, however, totich- ed on much broader subjects than Flemt- ing's recommendation that motion pic- ture sponsors "exercise mature judg- ment in offering films to the University community." AMONG THE topics mentioned were: * censorship in any form and its af- fect on the University; 0 financial responsibility and account- ibility of on-campus film societies; and * the future of a Regents' ban on the use of campus facilities by film organi- zations due to go into effect at the end of this month. Under the administration recommnenda- tion, any films not shown as part of a specific eduvtional program must meet certain staudards of matority not explic- itly spelled out in the statement and which Fletin subsequantly refused to define. TIlE RE(;l-;TS h-e scheduled no formal action on Fleming's proposal for today's meeting, hot a decision could still he made. The most vehement criticism yester- da caste from Senate Advisory Commit- tee on University Affairs (SACUA) Pres- ident and Philosophy Prof. Carl Cohen who declared that formally adopting "any policy regarding the content of films shown on campus would damage the spirit of openness the University has cultivated and cherished." Cohen added that he believes the fac- ulty would disapprove of regulations concerning the film groups' right to show whatever movies they choose. FLEMING'S relatively vague proposal h a s, despite its apparent mildness, "created anxiety and anger" among the faculty because of an "implicit threat" it carries, Cohen said. English Prof. Marvin Felheim, chair- man of the Film Resotirces Commitee which coordinates the University's mo- tion picture courses, voiced many of the same views Cohen expressed, and said "any film should be shown on campus." Felheim also stressed the national re- spect now accorded the University's stu- dent-managed film groups but- warned a move to regulate the organizations could severely damage that image. AGREEING with the faculty speakers, Elliot Chikofsky of Student Government Council commented that responsibility for the film groups "must rest with the students themselves." Among the Regents, only Robert Brown (lR-Kalamazoo) actively participated in See REGENTS, Page 9 SPECIAL WATERGATE PROSECUTOR Leon Jaworski talks with reporters outside U.$. District Court in Washington yesterday after former Attorney General Richard Kleindienst pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge brought by Jaworski. Kleindienst pleaded guilty to refusing to answer questions about the ITT antitrust case. Rodino denies Nixon appeal for open WASHINGTON (A) - President Nixon asked yesterday that the House impeach- ment hearings be opened to the public immediately, but Judiciary Chairman Peter Rodino (D-N.J.) refused. The White House request followed the disclosure by committee sources that the President had once discussed eco- nomic retaliation against the Washington Post and a Democratic Party attorney. Rodino said the hearings would be opened as soon as possible, but would re- main closed at least through next week. THE PRESIDENT'S threat to cause "damnable, damnable problems" for the Post was edited out of the transcripts given to the committee and made pub- lic. But news of the omission broke after panel members heard in a closed ses- sion Wednesday the original tape of a Sept. 15, 1972, meeting between Nixon, ll. R. (Bob) Haldeman and John Dean. Published reports on the matter propmted the President, according to his chief attorney, to "respectfully re- quest that all further proceedings . . . be conducted in open session so that the American people can be fully in- formed with regard to all the evidence presented." That was the language of a letter for- warded to Rodino by White House coun- sel James St. Clair. "The experience of the three executive sessions to date," the letter continued, "demonstrates quite clearly that there is no hope that the committee's rules of confidentiality will be observed," RODINO REPLIED thast "iWe have been conducting our hearings in a fair and responsible maimer. I am not yet Judiciary inquiry ready to concede the members cannot and Attorney Edward Bennett Williams, act responsibly." who then worked for the Democratic Na- St. Clair asked also that the record of tional Committee in its litigation over closed sessions to date be released to the the Watergate break-in. t t pulc The selective leaking of infor- mation," he wrote, "is prejudicing the basic right of the President to an im- partial inquiry." - The White House confirmed that the edited transcripts of the President's Watergate conversations had omitted the discussion of actions against the Post A full transcript of the Sept. 15 tape, prepared by the panels staff, disclosed that Nixon supported attempts to frus- trate the renewal of the federal licenses for the Post's broadcast stations, and also to tie up Williams for weeks through FBI questioning. A heritage ilves: Pizza Bob's through the ages By STEPHEN HERSH Secondo tthree'parts The Pizza Bob dynasty ended with a vacation Bob and his wife Pizza Babe took four summers ago: Pizza Bob was an inveterate horse race bettor. Because he only bet on longshots, he would normally go four or five weeks without winning anything, and would then come home from the track four days in a row brandishing $1500 in fifty dollar bills. HE SOMETIMES brought his fellow workers on "field trips" to the races. Once he brought Paul, a part-time pizza man and a University senior in nuclear physics, to the track for his first time. Paul won $750 and went home mumbling, "Where has this been all my life?" Being the scientific type, Paul decided to go about betting on the ponies in a scientfic manner. He memorized approx- imately 300 racing forms, absorbing a history of every horse that was running at the nation's tracks at the time. Paul now owns a dozen horses at a racetrack in Florida. lie lives in New York, where he works part time for Con Edison as a nuclear physicist. He re- cently waggered $1010 on a horse that came in 11 to one. WHILE BOB and Babe were back east visiting Babe's relatives, Bob went to New York to visit Paul, Bob and Paul decided to watch Paul's horses run, so they flew down to Florida. Before Bob set out to return to Mich- igan, he left Paul with $100 to bet on his favorite horse. On the wvay huime, Bob stiffered a heart attack. Ile was hospitalized, and several days later was stricken with a second, fatal heart attack. BUT HIS last bet came in, 18 to one. Pizza Bob's charm was not the only factor that drew customers to his store. Much of the restaurant's appeal ema- nated from Babe. Pizza Babe mixed the pizza dough. In order to test whether a batch of dough was properly mixed, she would throw a handful of it at the ceiling. If the clump stuck to the ceiling, the batch needed more flour. See PIZZA, Page 10