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May 18, 1973 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1973-05-18

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riday, May 18, 1973 THE SUMMER DAILY Page Three
School board member proposes
alternative for disruptive students

jFf-nX F C'"1AL'.DAILY
642 and 762 .+-
. . . are this weeks winning lottery
numbers. The real winners, however, were
those who cashed in on the Super Draw-
ing. Bernice Scrimger - a 58-year-old
florist from Lapeer, Michigan - collect-
ed $200,00 for herself, her husband, and
three children. There were eight $50,000
winners and three $10,000 winners as well.
Ypsi strikeout
The Ypsilanti Little League has lost
its charter and must rip the little league
patches off it's uniforms. That's the word
from the national little league office in
Williamsport, Pa., revealed in a letter to
Ypsi little league officials yesterday. The
move is a result of Ypsilanti's defiance
of the league's "no girls" rule in allowing
12-year-old Carolyn King to play. The
national office could seize all uniforms
and equipment and freeze the chapter's
bank accounts as a result of the charter
revocation. Ypsi little league officials say
they will not back down on letting King
play and plan to fight the national office
in court.
AFSCME election
Members of the University's American
Federation of State, County, and Municipal
Employes (AF"SCME) Local 1583 were still
waiting yesterday for the results of thei
recent election. Incutnbent President Char
les McCracken appears, in unofficial re-
turns, to have been re-elected. Due to
problems with challenged ballots. no of
ficial returns will he available until late
Abortion bill
LANSING - Michigan's Senatee -
terday approved a bill allowing abr ionss
during the last three months of pregnanc
only "to preserve the life or health of the
woman or fetus." The bill, which nous goes
to the tHouse, is designed to set abortion
guidelines in the wake of the recent Su
preme Court decision outlawing restric-
tions on abortions in the first three months
of pregnancy. Under the bill, abortions
could be performed without restriction in
the first three months and would be legal
if performed in a hospital anytime during
the first six months.
Skylab delay
CAPE KENNEDY - The bad news
just keeps mounting up for the ill-fated
Skylab. Yesterday it was announced that
the repair mission - originally scheduled
for Sunday - will now have to be put off
until next Thursday to allow for further
training of the astronauts. Space agency
engineers, however, were able to stathiize
the increasingly serious heat problem with-
in the craft bringing internal tempera-
tures down slightly.
Happenings . . .
. . are beginning to pick up after
a dry spell between terms . . . The
South University Neighborhood Improve-
ment Association will hold its annual trash
pick up tomorrow. Residents in the neigh-
borhood should have junk they want pick-
ed up on their front lawns by nine o'clock.
. ..eThe Feminit House is sponsoring a
coffee-or forum tonight at 8:30. The
topic will be "Women in Business" and
the place is 22 Libery, Room 23.
A2's weather
Mostly cloudy today and a little warmer,
The warming will be caused- by the ap-
proach of a frontal occlusion, which will
bring warmer weather as it passes us.
There will be an increased probability of

rain as late evening approaches. Highs
will be between 5-63 with lows tonight
of 44-49,

Controversial school board trustee Cecil
Warner has proposed 0 alan under which
students deeined to be "disruptive" would
be segregated in an "alternative" school.
Referred to as the "reform school" by
the plan's opponents, Warner claims the
alternative school would allow teachers
who now "spend all their time working
with disruptive kids" to pay more atten-
tion to the other students.
THE SCHOOL BOARD Wednesday soted
to refer the proposal to the Superintendent
for a determination of staffing and pro-
gram needs of the proposed facility. De-
tails on the criteria for assigning "dis-
ruptive" students to the school must also
be worked out.
The detailed plais is to be submitted by
Jtly 1. If passed, the school wi llopen in
What prompted the proposal? According
to Warner, his years of observation in the
schools has convinced hiri that there
"needs to be a place for kids who just
can't operate in a normal school environ-
BUT ACCORDING to Bill Stewart, pub-
liv information officer for Ann Arbor
schools, the school board has experienced
a "great deal of cmommmnmity pressure" to
remove the disruptive kids for the benefit
of the rest of the students.
This pressure has come as a result of
the continuing increase of crime in the
schools, culminating in last week's stab-
bing of a Tappan Junior iligh student.
According' " Warier, oie gia of the
alternative school will be to 'socialize'
those whso dont show respect for other
people and their property.
Althoigh he agrees that definitions of
proper socalizatioIare culturally deter-
mined, Warner says that if another per-
son's culture is against ''thise standards
that our society has come to respect, then
there's got to be a change in that culture."
tion goal is "not a racial thing." There
are lots of wahite kids in school that have
sot been socialized," he explains.
As Varner sees it, use of a weapon or
assaulting a teacher could be grounds for
immediate assignment to the school. More
ganeral disturbances in class and hallways
would have to be considered in light of the
student's past history.
The other major goal of the school
would be to develop the skills of the
individual students. According to Warner,
those who are not reading up to their
grade level will be given extra remedlat
help, if it seems they will benefit by it.

It went BOOM
One of three nuclear explosive devices which were set off yesterday in Colorado
rests on the, ground before being lowered into the earth. Each of the 30-foot-long
units carried an explosive charge of 30 kilotons; all three set off simultaneously
equalled 90 tons of TNT. The explosion took place a mile beneath the earth's
surface in an effort to free natural gas deposits.

Minority groups protest

Representatives of three major minority
groups on campus yesterday roundly and
bitterly attacked the findings of a recently
released minority student survey. The
s t u d y revealed that a 1970 University
pledge to achieve 10 per cent black enroll-
ment by this fall would not be met.
The criticism came during a packed
Regents public comments session, held
after four deans had given presentations
before the Board to explain why their
schools had a low percentage of minority
THE SPEAKERS at the comments ses-
sion, representing black, Chicano, and
Native American groups, labeled the sur-
very "vague," "opinionated," and "un-
documented," and attacked both the
amount of time spent and the method
employed in its presentation.
Richard Gaand, the University's black
advocate had harsh words for the survey
and for the failure of the University to
meet the 10 per cent enrollment goal set

as a result of the Black Action Movement
strike of 1970.
"The spirit and concerns," Garland said,
"of the Black Action Movement are not
dead-but very much alive.
"WE WANT TO make it emphatically
clear that the responsibility for not reach-
ing the 10 per cent black enrollment rests
on the shoulders of the University Execu-
tive Officers and the Regents. We want
to further state that we will not sit idly
by and let this situation - . . go un-
Garland asked that the Regents set
aside "ample time" during their June
meeting to receive a position paper which,
according to the advocate, "will clearly
outline our concerns,"
Speaking for the Native American Stu-
dent Association, Anthony Genia called
the minority survey "completely errone-
ous with respect to its report on American
Indian enrollment."
GENIA CALLED for more recruiting of
Native American faculty and staff, and

attacked administrators of minority pro-
grams for what he considered a degree of
insensitivity to American Indian students'
From Rodolfo Arevalo, a representative
of the campus Chicano group MECHA,
came a request for more investigation into
the status of minority students.
AREVALO ATTACKED the survey for
not distinguishing between n a t i v e and
foreign-lorn students with Spanish sur-
names. He also criticized its report on
student attrition, saying that "data on
this should have been kept up to date."
Arevalo called for the development of a
Chioano Cultural Center and other sup-
portive services to help cut down on the
number of Chicanos leaving the academic
Also at the comments session, Richard
Ross and Patrick Bynoe of the Center for
Afro - American and A f r i c a n Studies
(CAAAS), asked the Regents to authorize
an evaluation of the center before they
appointed a new director for CAAAS.

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