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May 18, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-05-18

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Summer Daily

Vol. LXXXIII, No. 8-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, May 18, 1973

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

issinger accused of
ordr'ng phone taps
Aides cite boss as source of leaks

Daily Photo by TERRY McCARTHY
LOCAL RESIDENTS gather around a television set to watch the Senate's select committee on presidential campaign activi-
ties get under way. The televised congressional investigation into the Watergate affair began yesterday.

Court bars state
regulation of 'U'

In a key ruling yesterday, the Michigan
Court of Appeals barred the state legis-
lature from placing restrictive controls
on the internal affairs of the University.
The three-judge appeals panel ruled un-
constitutional a series of legislative acts
aimed at regulating student and teacher
conduct and policy determination at Michi-
gan State University (MSU) and Wayne
State as well as here.
THE PANEL said the Constitution guar-
antees the "big three" state universities
independent authority over their own af-
The decision came on the appeal of a
suit brought against the state in 1971 by
the Regents, MSU's Board of Trustees and
Wayne's Board of Governors.
That suit was aimed at the legislature's
1971 appropriation act clauses, which were
apparently intended to force the schools
to accept certain legal controls by the leg-
islature or face a loss in state appropria-
ONE 1971 control clause, a reaction to
the high level of campus unrest a few
years back, barred the universities from
getting any state money to pay salaries

or educational costs for students or teach-
ers convicted of "interfering with the op-
eration of any institution of higher edu-
Other-clauses limited out-of-state enroll-
ment to 25 per cent, controlled annual
tuition levels, defined minimum teaching
hours, and placed the schools' funding
for new projects under the jurisdiction of
the State Board of Education.
Yesterday's decision stated that the
Board of Education "has no authority over
the constitutionally sanctioned governing
boards of the universities."
THE APPEALS panel upheld Ingham
County Circuit Court Judge Marvin Sal-
mon's December 1971 ruling of unconsti-
tutionality in the case.
University Attorney Roderick Daane
reacted with satisfaction yesterday to the
"I'm certainly pleased that Salmon's de-
cision has stood," Daane commented.
"This settles an important legal point for
the University."-
of Public Instruction John Porter an-
nounced yesterday in Lansing that the
case would "certainly" be appealed to
the State Supreme Court.

at a glance
NIXON - Sen. Stuart Symington,
(D-Mo.), said after a closed Senate
Armed Services Committee session
with top officials of the Central In-,
telligence Agency that he finds it
hard to believe that President Nixon
did not know of attempts-to use the
CIA to help cover the Watergate in-
DEAN - Former White H o u s e
Counsel John Dean III said yelster-
day he has no knowledge that Pres-
ident Nixon knew in advance of the
break-in at Democratic national
headquarters last June.
HALDEMAN - The Charlotte Ob-
server reports that former White
House aide H. R. Haldeman tried to
enlist help from North Carolina GOP
officials in "digging up something"
on Sen. Sam Ervin, chairman of the
Senate Watergate Committee.
INVESTIGATOR - Atty. Gen. de-
signate Elliot Richardson promised
that the special Watergate prosecut-
or picked to handle the case in the
courtroom will have a free hand.
SEGRETTI - In Tampa, Fla.,
Donald Segretti, a California lawyer
and Nixon campaign figure, pleaded
innocent to charges of distributing
a phony campaign letter during the
Florida presidential primary that ac-
cased two Democratic candidates of
sexual iisconduct. .

WASHINGTON (IP)-Some former staff
members of the National Security Council
(NSC) say that Henry Kissinger ordered
wire taps on aides and newsmen to pre-
vent security leaks at the same time that
Kissinger himself was the prime source
of the leaks.
Kissinger has denied to newsmen on at
least two occasions that he initiated the
electronic surveillance of his staff or of
newsmen, bt he did acknowledge dis-
cussing leaks and ways to stop them with
former FBI director J. Edgar Hoover.
THE SOURCES, who served on the NSC
both during and after the 1969-70 period
in which the phone taps were used, say
Kissinger himself provided the names of
the men he wanted checked.
One of the former NSC staffers said at
least two of the newsmen whose phone
con'ersations were monitored had direct
and frequent access to Kissinger and much
of their reporting was based on what he
told them.
The newsmen were CBS diplomatic cor-
respondent Marvin Kalb and London Ob-
server correspondent Henry Brandon. The
sources say Kalb particularly was given
sensitive information by Kissinger dealing
with Vietnam, the Mideast and other
sensitive areas.
AMONG THE NSC staffers who were
eavesdropped on was Winston Lord, a key
aide to Kissinger, Helmut Sonnenfeld, re-
cently nominated as undersecretary of the
treasury, and Morton Halperin, an agency
consultant who left in 1971.
The bug on Halperin is the only one
publicly acknowledged by the Nixon ad-
ministration. Kissinger said the surveil-
lance showed nothing to indicate his for-
mer aide had ever been indiscreet or
leaked classified information.
Other newsmen whose phones were
tapped in their homes and, sometimes,
offices included New York Times - re-
porters Hendrick Smith and William
Beecher and syndicated columnist Joseph
HOWEVER, the former NSC aides said
they did not know if Kissinger requested
and approved the taps on any newsmen
other than Kalb and Brandon.
According to these sources, the taps
were placed on the newsmen and NSC
aides at Kissinger's request in 1969 and
1971. They also claim there were other
taps made after the February 1971 date
Kissinger said he stopped receiving re-
ports from such surveillance.
The sources said Kissinger's actions
could be explained in several ways. In
the case of his aides, he wanted to check
that they were following the administration
position and to insure that they 'were
personally loyal to him.
ONE FORMER aide said Kissinger
would accept political dissent but was
outraged if he suspected any of his em-
ployes of personal disloyalty or even dis-
See STAFF, Page 2

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