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May 17, 1973 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1973-05-17

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Page Ten


Thursday, May 17, 1973

Page Ten THE SUMMER QAILY Thursday, May 17, 1 9'73

Put your body.
iere your mind is

American's Waayfarer summer tours to take you away meals. Or there are special rates for hotels only. If you've
from it all. got our Waayfarer club card, you'll be able to save money
If you're looking forward to going away this summer, on the airfare and many other attractions. (Card valid
but don't have much money we've got summer till your 22nd birthday) And if you go to Los Angeles or
tours you'll be interested in and a brochure that tells San Francisco and want to stay at one of our three
you all about them. youth hostels, it'll be only $5 a night. And wherever you re
You can backpack in Arizona,hike or camp in Hawaii; going we'lltfly your bike out for a small charge.
see the sights of New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, For more information write for a copy of the
Washington, D.C., and Honolulu; and body surf Waayfarer Experiences*, the Waayfarer Center, American
in San Juan or Acapulco. Some tours are three days, Airlines, 633 3rd Ave., NY., NY. 10017.
and some are a week. We can't give you the money to go someplace, but
Tour prices include rooming, entertainment and some we can give you someplace to go on the money you have,
Amen .n rlines
ToTheGood Lifer
'Th GoodtLif" C 1463, Paris Music Co,E nc. Used byoer' ssioIt

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