Page Ten TESIM~ AL rdy uut2,17 THE SUMMER DAILY Friday, August 24, 1973 MSU okays abortion FBI sources dispute Nixon chargesconcerning break-ins EAST LANSING-The Michigan State University (MSU) Board of Trustees has approved health care guidelines allowing the cam- pus service to perform abortions.. However, the health center will not become an "abortion mill," according to tr. Joseph Patter- son, chief executive director of the MSU Health Care Authority. PATTERSON stressed the de- cision to perform an abortion will be up to the physician and the pa- tient. Student fees will not pay for abortions--patients will have to pay for the procedure. Patterson said physicians now on the staff at Olin Health Center are unqualified to perform abor- tions. Qualified doctors will be allowed use of the facilities, he said. The guidelines, adopted Wed- nesday, do not authorize abortion specifically, but state that "all physicians employed by the uni- versity shall be free to use their best professional judgment in the treatment of patients in conform- ity with both legal and ethical standards." THE UNIVERSITY of Michigan Health Service and University Hospital have both declined to perform abortions for students. 'U-' sports program sued for sex bi as iotinuied from age 3) ination suit, HEW held up $400,- made," and claims the compo- 000 in federal contracts until the neat could be too integrated University developed an affirma- with the present program and tive action program for 1971. vulnerable to its pitfalls. This, says Burns, 'is an obsiu SUCH A MOVE is unlikely this flaw." time, according to Washington HEW spokesperson Lou Mathis. Burns also coamented that the Says Mathis, "t doubt that HEW suit was unnecessary and we'd withhold funds on the basis said, "President Fleming is very solely of sex discrimination. committed to doing something We're trying to work on cases of about women's athletics." discrimination involving race, Because of a 1970 sex discrim- color, national origin and sex." (Continued from Page 1) son, denied that he ever author- ized or knew about such break- ins. Two former close associates of the late Sen. Robert Kennedy, who was attorney general under his brother, John Kennedy, said they are certain he didn't know about such break-ins. FORMER ATTY. GEN. Ram- sey Clark, who took office in 1966 under Johnson, said he turn- ed down several requests from the late FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover for permission to break into a foreign mission in New York to obtain some material wanted by a no t h e r security agency. He said Hoover didn't ask him about that sort of thing again. This was in late 1966 or early 1967, Clark said, about the time that Nixon says the break- ins stopped. Former Atty. Gen. Herbert Brownell, who s e r v e d under Eisenhower, declined to comment on the matter, It is now known that Hoover in 1970tresisted anhattempt by Nixon to resume the break-ins and to extend them for use against domestic radical groups such as the Black Panthers and Weathermen. THE FULLEST account of the intelligence plan approved by Nixon and later thrown out is a lengthy memo written by White House aide Tom Huston. "Present restrictions should be Agency needed the information modified to permit procurement to break foreign codes. of vitally needed foreign crypto- HE ALSO SAID the recent in- graphic material," Huston wrote, creases in police protection of "The FBI, in Mr. Hoover's foreign embassies "has increased younger days, used to conduct the risk of surreptitious entry of such operations with great suc- diplomatic establishments." cess and with no exposure. The information secured was invalu- Nixon says he approved the able.,, plan, but when Hoover redou- ab. bled his objections the plan was Huston, who had been the scuttled. The Ellsberg break-in White House representative on a occurred more than a year later task force that included heads using White House agents G. Gor- of the nation's intelligence agen- don Liddy and E. Howard Hunt, S- both later convicted in the Water- cies, said the National Security gate wiretapping. Trony violates state damage deposit law (Continued from Page 1) None of the tenants seemed to know about the new law and were amazed to find out the al- leged rate of damage deposits swas unlawfuil. 'Until now Trony has been a pretty straight outfit," a tenant said. Most of the other renters felts the company had generally been fair in its dealings. "THEY'RE GOOD landlords," another added. "They will break the rules for you." Hoffman pointed out his com- pany has tried to "build up a rapport" with the tenants be- cause "we don't want a day's vacancy in our apartments." He further explained that the own- ers of Trony have at least a par- tial financial interest in all the buildings they manage. Because the law sets no crim- inal penalties for violation, ten- ants must initiate civil law suits in order to recover the apparent- ly illegal damage deposits. IN THIS AREA no such suits have been filed, perhaps because most tenants seem unaware of the statute. The provisions of the law are listed in "The Rights and Duties of a Tenant" a leaflet published by the city. Landlords are re- quired by municipal ordinance to give tenants copies after sign- ing leases. Trony has complied with the ordinance, but the tenants of- ten neglected to read the book- let or did not take it when it was offered. "I didn't want the thin, so I refused it," one Trony tn- ant said. 7617(0 CORNELL WILDE'S NO BLADE OF GRASS at 7 p.m MGM pres;ents ... Vis (THE MAD KING OF BAVARIA) at 4WTECuCOsRsP oe sssr WQ MWM 8:45 SpecialMidnite Show Fri.& Sat. (Also Sun. Matinee 3 & 5 p.m.) of the originoI uncut version SEPARATE ADMISSION $1.50 hA Vigot Jjomon s complete and uncut i AM CURIOUS (YELLOW) is a "remarkable filim (which) has been playing for a long time to droves of Swedes, and to several million people almost every- where it is the story of a young girl who is, or was, curious about politics, nonviolence, Zen, commitment, socialism, other Swedes and, to be sure, sex. It s a serious film with a noble theme, and, in dromatic terms, it is original," says Look Magazine. The Ever- green Flm presented by Grove Press stars Lena Nyman. A Sun- drews Production. ADMISSION RESTRICTED TO ADULTS AP Photo Shades of bizarro irvice station owner Bob Hamblin is finding a shortage of customers not gasoline at his Indianapolis Citgo station. Hamblin thinks all the talk of the gas shortage has kept customers off the roads, Note Specia Fri, at 7&915 Stt & Sun. at 1:15 3:45. 6:15 & 845 PASS LIST and Suspended Admission ALL $2 S X-Bated 3rd HIT WEEK! 1214 5University " Dial 668-6416 1 " , , l f . t. . a Im(Pa ra Wed., Sat,Sun. open at 12:45 SOther Days spen at 6:45 is a genuine masterpiece of staggering proportions." jig I-Edward Behr.Newsweek is a rich, resonant film ... a magnificent one." -Bruce Cook, The NationalObserver ~ -HI-