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May 17, 1973 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1973-05-17

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Summer Daily
Srr:tnrz sI dili on of
I'lu <Il(;IIIGAN l)AII V
Edited and managed by students at the
University of Michigan
Thursday, May 17, 1973 News Phone: 764-0552
Congress unites:
THE TIME IS long overdue for President Nixon to end
the bombing in Cambodia and to depart from South-
east Asia once and for all. Recent moves by both the
House of Representatives and the Senate Appropriations
Committee to cut off funding for continued military ac-
tion in Cambodia make it even more urgent for Nixon
to halt the bombing immediately.
The House last week, in its first real antiwar vote,
refused to allow the transfer of $175 million from other
defense accounts to be used in Southeast Asia. Tuesday,
the Senate Appropriations Committee, by a vote of 24-0,
moved to cut off funds for further military actions in
Cambodia and Laos. The whole Senate will vote on this
measure shortly, and is also expected to cut off funding.
The significance here is that it would be the first
time that the entire Congress has voted to end the Indo-
china involvement. President Nixon will then be faced
with two choices: either end U. S. participation by June
30, when the current fiscal year ends, or, as Commander
in Chief of the Armed forces, challenge Congressional
authority to end the war in the Supreme Court.
[T WOUI D BE a tragic mistake on Nixon's part to con-
tinue the bombins in defiance of Congressional ac-
tion. The Executive branch has already been weakened
by the Watergate scandal, and a constitutional crisis of1
this nature could only damage it more.
Now that the troops have been pulled out of Vietnam
and our P.O.W.s have been returned, our role in the In-
dochinese civil war should be ended. The President how-
ever, stubbornly persists in supporting a corrupt Cam-
bodian government at the expense of more American
deaths, P.O.W.s, and money.
Nixon no longer has his "silent majority" backing
him. A recent Gallup Poll shows that Americans are op-
posed to the bombing in Cambodia by a 2-1 margin.
Senator Mark Hatfield stated Tuesday that Nixon
should suspend the bombing "immediately as a sign of
his willingness to respect the will of Congress and re-
new the public's trust."
WE WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree. To do otherwise can
only serve to perpetuate the mockery of further
"peace with honor."

Undue criticisms of Nixon may
prove to be self-defeating

WITH ONLY 1355 days left in of-
fice, as Mr. Nixon might say,
his effectiveness as President is
diminishing. After being swept in-
to office by an overwhelming ma-
jority of the electoral vote, the lat-
est Gallup Pall indicates for the
first time in years that less than
a majority of Americans are satis-
fied with the President's conduct of
his office.
Furthermore, in this time of radi-
cal criticism of the President, the
actions of the individual, Richard
Nixon, could have a profound and
great effect on the role of the ex-
ecutive branch for decades to
come. Let us stand strong by our
convictions and criticisms of t he
President, but at the same time
we should not act out of haste or
icism lies Watergate and its after-
math. More than ever before, the

integrity of the highest office is
being tested, and Nixon appears
headed for a failing grade.
One must question Nixon's di-
rect or indirect involvement in the
Watergate, and related, scandals.
What was the President's role in
the hreak-in at the office of D~aniel
Ellsberg's psychiatrist, in the de-
struction by Patrick Cray of pos-
sible key documents relating to
Watergate, and in the suspicious af-
fering of the F.B.I. directorship to
William Matthew Byrne, the pre-
siding judge of the Elsberg trial?
a desire to know what happened
seems most justified, but this can
prove self-defeating. Constant rad-
ical criticism of the President
threatens to interrupt initiatives in
foreign policy, and already, Euro-
pean parliamentarians have been
reported to be unanimous in the
belief that Mr. Nixon will be crip-
pled in his foreign policy overtures

in this "year of Europe." Also, in
response to the criticism, Nixon's
attention could he deflected firom
running the machinery of domestic
a ft airs.
IN CONSIDERING impeachmnear,
one mist not foirget that the execu-
tive branch was weakened far
many years after the attempt to
impeach President Andrew John-
son in 1868. And even worse, in th
event of the first successful im-
peachment in United State history,
our likely successor would be Vice-
President Agnew.
Nixon's instructions to the news
media after his April 30 speech
were to "Just continue to give me
hell when you think I'm wrong."
Let us criticize the President, but
in a wise and tasteful manner so
as to uphold the power, integrity,
and effectiveness of his h i g h of-
Stan Dickson, '75, is a guest
wri/er for The Daily.

Marcus Welby's medical advice

QUESTION: WHO will deliver
the commencement address at
the University of Michigan Medical
School next June 8?
Circle one: The Surgeon Gener-
al of the United States. The Mich-
igan State Director of Public
'Health. The President of t h e
American College of Surgeons. The
star of Marcus Welby, M.D.
You peeked.
Yes, Robert Young ill dot I h e
honors, and he reportedly is thril-
led to have been invited.
John A. Gronvall, M.D., read, in
part: "The current class as a group
are strongly interested in careers
in family practice. As I am cer-
tain you are aware in your role as
Marcus Welby, M.D., you have had
a significant impact not only upon
the public, but also upon young
people interested in medical ca-
Doctor Welby has not yet had a
chance to write his speech, but let
Clarence Peterson is a writer for
the Chicago Tribune. Reprinted
by Permission of the Chicago Tri-
bune, copyright 1973.

us hope he takes full advantage of
this unique opportunity to influence
the course of family medicine.
From this rough draft, he might
even find an inspirational word or
"Dean Gronvall, future family
practitioners, ladies and gentle-
"I am honored to be here. Of
course, I would say that even if
I weren't, but in this instance it
happens to be true.
"I HAVE BEEN a television
doctor for about as long as, may-
be a little longer than, you have
been in medical school - and I
like to think I have learned some-
thin-g from the experience.
"What have I learned?
"That is a question I have often
asked myself.
"I think it was the day we fin-
ished the last episode of the first
season of Maroon Welby that I
went home - it was rather-late at
night --sat down in my favorite
chair, and asked myself: 'What
have I learned after one season
as a TV doctor.'
"I did the same thing at the end
of my second season. In fact, it
is a question I have often asked
"Here I am, I thought to my-
self, probably the best known 'doc-
tor', in America - certainly the
best known family doctor in Amer-
ica - each week, except when pre-
empted for specials, picking up my
black sachel, climbing into my car,
and heading for the hospital set.
"I stand there next- to the oper-
ating table in my green suit and
mask, my stethoscope hanging
from my neck, and I think to
myself: "What am I learning here?
"I have thought about that ques-
tion many times.
came your kind invitation, from
Dean Gronvall. I was deeply hon-
ored. And it made me think: What
has my experience in the role of
Marcus Welby, M.D., taught me
that I can pass along to you -
to you who will be practicing medi-
cine on real patients?
"I thought about that for a long
"I thought to myself, "They are
going to be real doctors; they will
be what I pretended to be,' What
can I tell them from my exper-
ience as Marcus Welby, M.D., that
will be valuable to them as they
strike out on medical careers of
their own.

Robert Young as
Dr. Marcus Welby
"And I got to thinking that, in
a way, the medical profession and
the acting profession have a lot in
common. I mean, when you really
start to think about it.
"And that started me thinking:
What? What is it that the medical
profession and the acting profes-
sion have in common? I ponder-
ed that for a long time.
"I thought back on my firut
season as Marcus Welby, M.D., to
see if I could find something there.
Then I thought back on the second
season. And I kept thinking until
I had gone all thru the current
season, including reruns.
"Thinking, searching for t h a t
central truth that could best ex-
press our shared concerns, o u r
aspirations, or raison d'etre, if you
will - it was quite an exper-
ience for me, humbling, inspiring
and, not to be pretentious, per-
haps even ennobling.
"I WAS, FRANKLY, rather deep-
ly moved by it. It got me thinking
that you, the family doctors of
America, and I, a television actor
of, I hope, some small measure of
success, probably do have some-
thing to say to each other, exper-
iences that we can pass on to each
other; lessons of life, so to speak,
that I can learn from you and
that, hopefully, you could learn
from me.
"I thought about that for a long
"And I came to a rather inter-
esting conclusion, I thought, and
maybe you will think so too. I con-
cluded that you and I - you as
doctors and I as an actor - do
have something in common. Or
will have.
"Money. Lots of money.
"As you go thru life, perhaps
recalling this occasion, not because
I am here but rather because com-
mencement is such an important
milestone in your own lives, per-
haps you will remember one thing
I can tell you, in all humility:
]Don't spend it all in one place."

Letters to The Daily should
be mailed to the Editorial Di-
rector or delivered to Mary
Rafferty in the Student Pub-
lications business office in the
\Michigan Daily building.Letters
k\ \ . -~ THE MILSAUKEE JOLNAI . should be typed, double-spaced
and normally should not exceed
''ixon Law and Order Administration. Sorry, they're all out 250 words. The Editorial Direc-
the moment. . . may I tare a mesrage? f eserve the right to edit
unswerillg il~t hpeulaSat tem m n t~'Itk res~. all letters submitted.

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