nt insane N '7 beap ofnre ' o a aN CLM a1 soit . B CAE Public is becoming aware that crooks infest the White House .. /I Nf NISCOS-iS i0 MILLON SAMaPLER ,,,. Summer Daily Summer Edition of THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Friday, August 24, 1973 News Phone: 764-0552 Tenants hurt own cause by ignorance IN ANN ARBOR, rip-off landlords, who offer the stu- dent community substandard housing at outrageous prices, proliferate. The landlords are successful because they know the law inside and out, while tenants too often are complete- ly uninformed or depend on the landlord for informa- tion. The lanrlord ha +ie unner hand in nearly every re- spect - ahnormally low vacancy rates, captive tenants forced to live in a narticilar area regardless of cost, and a thorough understanding of all the tricks and how to use them. Anythin short of touch rent control legislation prob- ably will not brinc down the cost of housing, but at least tenants should learn the rules of the game, so they can get their monev's worth. City Council has taken a first. albeit feeble, step to- wards edtcatin tenants by financing publication of a handhook exnlaining tenants' rights and duties. The booklet has a few valuable tips but the landlords approved the text nrior to publication. Consequently the book's overall worth must be suspect. Unfortunately some of the blame for the failure to know the laws lies with the tenants themselves. Too often tenants do not check out their legal powers and as a con- sequence live in htntsinl that could not possibly measure up to the city building code as they blindly pay an illegal damace denovit. Moreover. the landlords will continue to exploit un- witting tenants until they too know the law and the not quite ethical maneuvers for beating housing's exorbitent cost. Tenants cannot inst sit back and mark time, because there's going to be a lone wait for rent controls. Tenants must challenge the landlords. They cannot knuckle under to the landlord's pressure, but apply powerful counter- pressure. Several years ago a rent strike was moderately suc- cessful yet even on an individual level, tenants can force the landlords to upgrade conditions by legally withhold- ing rent until improvements are made. Most importantly, however, before confronting land- lords the tenants should get competent legal advice. Become informed, know the law, start on an equal footing with the rip-off artists. Summer Staff ROBERT BARKIN and CHARLE STEIN Co-editors GORDON ATCHEsON .. ... ... . ..Night Editor DANIEL BIDDLE.. . ....... ,Night Editor DEBORAH GOOD.. .. ...Assistant Night Editor JACK KROST.... . . .... Assistant Night Editor JOSEPHINE MARCOTTI .. ... Assistant Night Editor DAVID STOLL......Assistant Night Editor DEBRA THAL ..............................Night Editor REBECCA WARNER.........Night Editor DAN BORDS sports Editor BILL BLACKFORD" -Susiness saager I would like to be able to write about what a glorius day today is in the history of the world. I would like to be able to write of honesty in our time, of the guilty being tried and of truth in government. Eight months after ending the Vietnam War, men's hearts should anticipate a long peace, and men's minds should be free from the heavy weight that comes with war. But this is not such a period - for this is not a period of peace. This is the time of wholesale cor- ruption in government. TODAY WE are engaged in a final, all-out battle between crooks and uprighteous men. The modern champions of corruption have se- lected this as the time. And, the chips are down - they are truly down. Can there be anyone today who is so blind as to say that the war is not on? Can there be anyone who fails to realize this is the time for the showdown between the hon- est men and the corrupt men? , The reason why we find our- selves in a position of impotency in the world today is not because our only powerful potential en- emy has sent men to invade our shoresbut rather because of the traitorous actions of those who haverbeen treated so well by this nation. It has not been the less fortunate or members of minority groups who have been ruining this nation but rather those who have had all the benefits that the weal- thiest nation has had to offer - the finest homes, the finest col- lege education and the finest jobs in government we can give. THIS IS glaringly true in the White House. There the brightest young men who are born with sal- ver spoons in their mouths are the ones who have been the worst. This gives you somewhat of a picture of the type of individuals who have been running our gov- ernment. In my opinion the White House staff, which is an essential part of our government, is very robert barkin thoroughly infested with crooks. has needed only a spark to re- I have here fifty-seven cases of kindle them. Happily, this spark individuals who have coibmitted has finally been supplied. crimes or have helped plan them, As you know, the President on but who are nevertheless are still Wednesday accepted the total helping to run our government, blame for the Watergate break-in One thing to remember in dis- and the subsequent cover-up. The cussing crooks in our government President, in attempting to justi- is that we are not dealing with fy his position, claimed he did it men who get thirty pieces of silver for national security. The reaction to bug the Watergate hotel. We of the American people to t h is ...h.. }. $:? . $ * ' ,.^...i:: tr ris.s s..a.ia -u .5 5 . i=i t {.nit".g. risitdat v . gtits5 :t R In my opinion, the White House, which is an essential part of our government, is thorough- ly infested with crooks. 57 'gitf 5 .gesmistttumitst,i-isiytsts,saas s..st5t%5..<555555te555ti5.Siteti are dealing with a far more sin- ister type of activity because it permits a handful of men to guide and shape our policies. AS YOU HEAR this story of high treason, I know that you are say- ing to yourself, "Well, why doesn't the Congress do something about it?" Actually, one of the important reasons for the graft, the corrup- tion, the dishonesty, the disloyal- ty, the treason in high government positions is a lack of moral up- rising on the part of two hundred million American people. How- ever, the morals of our people have not been destroyed. They still exist. The cloak of numbness and apathy Letters to The Daily should be mailed to the Editorial Di- rector or delivered to Mary Rafferty in the Student Pub- lications business office in the Michigan Daily building. Letters should be typed, double-spaced and normally should not exceed 250 word.. The Editorial Direc- tors reserve the right to edit all letters submitted. would make the hearts of our forefathers happy. WHEN THIS pompous President in tailored suit, proclaimed to the American people that the Con- stitution endorses such activity, the blasphemy was so great that it awakened the dormant indigniation of the American people. He has lighted the spark which is resulting in a moral uprising and will undo only when the sorry mess of twisted warped thinkers are swept from the national scene so that we have a new birth of na- tional honesty and decency in gov- ernment. EDITOR'S NOTE: This is a direct quotation of the Wheel- ing speech which launched the anti-communist crusade of Sen. Joseph McCarthy w i t h the exception that references to "communists" have b e e n changed to "crooks," and re- ferences to the "State Depart- ment" to the "White House." ,14 And now, ladies and gentlemen, this theater proudly presents . I