Thursday, May 17, 1973 THE SUMMER DAILY Page Thir e OAKLAND DEFEAT OVERWHELMING Seale loses in mayoral race I x er Artz parts The rats have begun to leave Student Government Council's foundering shio. This is not to say that SGC member-at- large Laurie Artz is some sort of rat, but her resignation, submitted yesterday, may indicate th-t most of SGC has begun to agree with the greater student body on one key point; SGC appears to be a wooden nickel. Artz, in a letter to the Daily yes- terday, described the outgoing regime of SGC President Bill Jacobs as "the most corrupt government I've ever seen or studied" Artz is a charter member of the q'sssi-politic I Mad Hatters Tea Party and a gener Ily outspoken critic of SGC'; methods. While she is not known for red- h .itiig, she described the recent all-cam- pes election whi:h swept Lee Gill's Stud- ent "ishts IPrty to viltsy as "free and f-ir as elections held in Communist Rus- sia." She added th-,t "the longer I re- m-in itt-ched to SGC, the lower my own credibility sinks." Pay rolled back targe-scale pay increases granted to county emloves 1,st year may he rolled back by the President's Cost of Laving Council. Investigtors from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) informed county offli-ls list week that an audit of the coslnty payroll had revealed the pay hikes to be o'er 5 per cent greater than those allowed under the wage-price g'tidelines. (founty officials met with IRS represen- tat'ives in Detroit yesterday afternoon in an attenst to iron tet differences. Rackham election (Crl S-sdburg, a masters candid-ite is Sociolog', hs been elected president ofs the Rackhsss St'dent Government. Sand- berg and his running mate, Asaber Krishna ('hand. won by 75 votes in an election which attracted little enthusiasms among University graduate students. Five students were also elected to the govern- ment's 15 mesiher executive committee. Happenings . . , are sparse again today. If you're into food you might try the American Heritage night at the League Cafeteria. They're serving goodies from the land of Lakes from 5-7:15. It might be a good day to stay home and dry out. Regents meet The Regents meet today for the first session of their monthly gathering. Oin their schedule are discussions with four deans about minority enrollments in their schools and a public comments session. The minority discussions begin at three o'clock, the comment session about an hour later. A2's weather The sun will shine today, but to little avail. Due to a polar flow of cold air, the passage of yesterday's cold front, and a high pressure center over southern Illi- nois, the temperatures will not get out of the 50's. Expect clear skies today with a high between 49-54 and a low tonite of 35-40. OAKLAND, Calif. ' Despite a crushing defeat in yesterday's Oakland mavor's race, Bobby Seale is not dis- couraged. The Black Panthr chairman called his campaign "a victsry in terms of organiz- ing the people " and indicates that he will stay in politics. "We haven't stopped yet," said the leader of the onc-ilitat Panthers after losing Tsesday's runoff election to in- cumbent Republican John Reading. "I will riot stake a concession speech be- cttse I will riot coscee sthe rights of hu- mss ; - cings " RIEADING, 3 a meat packing execu- tie, won a th:rd foar-year term as mayor of this sprawling, industrial city by al- most a 2-1 margin, with 77,476 votes to Scale's 43,719. Voter vtrnoutw as 71 pet' cent, a record. Se, 2,said his campaign was aimed at sirassiztig pttlitically the black, poor ,tnd Sssa ciig neighborhoods of sak tad s rhichs tditionally took little or no p i ir city politics. SIE u'1stvowed to stty in politics, to con- ti t'bscking athaerc andidates, and to rs tisr office -,gain. lie said that he p1 lss a ballot ca npaign next November i ststisag programs for unemployment, a ntw c'wIttral cent-r, and the high crime prol+ml in Oakland. 1 at yo's all to remember we're go- izg to st y t gethlr. We've got a com- ts'itym sranization that's blown their mind. os, ,th, scpeople, are the most po- liticllyst p IIs force that has ever hit. We're mot'in'g on up. We're going to go after all of the prsograms I've talked about." Reading s-;id he hopes to meet with Seal- to get th Panther co-founder's opin- ions on city problems. "I WOULD HOPE they will continue to work in the democratic process," Reading said. "I' much more pleased with this than with the militant and con- frontational type of approach the Pan- tiers were doing fo3r to five years ago." Se- shad admitted his chances were tong, b ilie tewas counting on a large turn- osst among the 34 per cent black and 20 per cent Spanish - surnamed population in this city of 361,500 across the bay from Sara Francisco. Reading had needed only 59 more votes in the primary April 17 to avoid a runoff, Sc.. i came in a distantei second in the titne-maltan primary race. Skylab solution? Astronaut Russell "Eusty" Schweickert, left center, Skylab I backup crew com- over the orbiting workshop to provide the shade needed to cool it. The Skylash nander, spreads his arms to show how an aluminized curtain might be extended project may have to be severely curtailed if a solution to theoverheating prob- lem is not found. CITES BUDGET SQUEEZE: 'LI' asks legisilaA ture for F ver, F in of hav cen thri tur dol Hospit St. Joseph Mercy Hospital won another was battle in its struggle to leave the city for when it was announced yesterday that the T Planning Commission of the Greater De- now troit Area Hospital Council has granted Co approval for plans to move to facility to of Superior Township. pro The hospital had been given the go sidt ahead on purchase of the site and final S planning for the new 558 bed facility in con loca December. Confirmation of the move was mit given following the submission by the cha hospital of a progress report on how it obli AF . addtina operating fund By DAVID BURHENN EARLIER THIS YEAR, Governor Mil- The University is asking for substantial inancially speaking, it hasn't been a liken had recommended to the legisla- increases in three major areas - Salary y good year for the University. ture a $7.2 million increase in state fund- increases, student aid, and utility costs, ederal funding cutbacks have resulted ing. University officials say that this fig- IN HIS BUDGET presentation before the a $7.7 million loss. The galloping rate ure would only meet 2 3 of the Univer- State Senate Appropriations committee, inflation and skyrocketing utility costs sity's minimum needs. Fleming asked for a 5.5 per cent increase e made heavy fiscal inroads. The re- With these problems in mind, President in salaries, 1.1 per cent above the Gover- t tuition ruling of Judge William Ager Robben Fleming and other administrators nor's recommendation. Fleming said that eatens to complicate the financial pic- traveled up to Lansing Monday to ask the the salaries should be increased to "keep e, with implications of multi-million state legislature for more money - about them competitive in the academic mar- lar rebates and lost out-of-state tuition. S4.5 million more. ket place and to compare favorably with Michigan Civil Service." Milliken recommended $500,000 for stu- dent aid, a figure roundly attacked by E m ove O K 'd University administrators. The University is asking the state for $2.6 million, In addition, the University is asking meeting certain conditions required ' MCHR has specifically charged the the state for $535,000 for "critical needs final approval. hospital has given no facts on its rela- in academic units." Specifically, the re- HE COMMISSION'S recommendation tionship with it's' community board and quest is to prevent what officials call goes to the Board of Trustees of the that it has failed to provide sufficient "irreparable damage to academic pro- nprehensive Health Planning Council evidence of the financial feasibility of the grams" in the Schools of Nursing, Public Southeastern Michigan for final ap- move. Health, and Social Work. val. The trustees are-expected to con- ST. JOE'S Executive Director Sister State Senator Charles Zollar (R.-Ben- sr the matter on June 6. Mary Yvonne has denied both charges. ton Harbor) chairman of the senate ap- t. Joseph's moving plans have aroused propriations committee, says that it is siderabte opposition from a number of Sister Yvonne, in a statement yesterday "too early to tell" how the legislature il groups including the Medical Com- morning, called the Planning Commis- will deal with the additional fund request. teee for Human Rights (MCHR). They sion's approval of the moving plans "a Zollar indicated that all of the state's rge the hospital is not living up to its vote of confidence for the decisions we colleges would have to be heard from be- gations to the Ann Arbor community. have made for the future of the hospital." fore action is taken.