ursday, August 23, 1973 THE SUMMER DAILY Page Five Thursday, August 23, 1973 THE SUMMER DAILY Page Five Famine By LARRY HEINZERLING fall, Associated Press Writer yello ON THE ROAD TO AGADEZ, woo Niger - Just ahead, the fabled T mud-brick city of Agadez rises it d out of the wilderness at the edge tiny of the Sahara Desert, huts Far to the south, on the fer- semi tile banks of the Niger River, A stands Niamey, the dusty capital a of this landlocked African nation aliv of four million people. and pudd THE TORTUROUS, almost en- have tirely dirt road that links these tion two towns cuts a 600-mile swath far through the "famine zone" of aged one of the countries worst hit Fa by West Africa's drought. tree The bumpy two-day journey labo north by desert jeep unveils the of Ia catastrophic impact of nature's Th frivolity on an impoverished peo- their ple and their land. poun But the stench of death, t h e year skeletons of dead cattle and They camels that litter the rocky de- roun sert and the anguished faces of T proud nomads who have 1 o s t signs everything are not at first appar- forI ent. with THE THIN, hungry children, from the "grain lines" keeping thous- Tr ands alive andthegrim give' ands alive and the grim refugee g camps for those who abandoned satc their homesteads come later. sru From Niamey the road first In winds through parts of Niger's town so-called "breadbasket" filled abou with scenes of rural Africa bus- ily at work. TH In the fields between Niamey faint and Dosso farmers are planting - and weeding again. Young green stalks of millet or peanut crops now pushing from the scattered fields signal the coming of this year's rains. Other farmers across t h e drought-stricken sub-Saharan re- gion from Mauritania to Chad are also grimly gambling that this year's rain will turn their remaining stocks of seed into food. The four-year dry spell has critically diminished most stocks of grain and millions of cattle and other livestock have perish- ed from lack of pasturage a n d water in the six nations of Niger, Chad, Mauritania, Upper VA- ta, Mali and Senegal. THE LEAGUE of Red Cross societies has reported that half of the 24 million people in the six sub-Saharan countries a r e considered "severely affected" by the drought. It estimates that losses of livestock in the region range from 60 to 95 per cent. A massive international relief effort is pouring hundreds of thousands of tons of food grain into the region to keep the popu- lation - almost 90 per cent rur- al -- alive until this year's har- vest in September and October. Because of the depleted stocks of seed and spotty rainfall so far, this year's harvest is not expected to be large and more food from abroad will be needed, relief officials say. SOME FARMERS in Niger, who planted too soon, h a v e already lost entire crops which, after the first July rains, wilted and died under the searing rays of the African sun. Others waiting longer h a v e been blessed with steadier rain- plagues that insures that their little ridden sire, ow thatch-roof graneries on as you ap den legs will be full this fall. area. e countryside in the south The rottir otted by small clusters of cattle and reddish-brown, mud-brick ped dead or thatch homes that re- where they ble beehives. food give c the mercile FEW CATTLE, thin but Governms e, nibble at the new grass forced mar drink from the few mud men from t les along the road. They uous for t survived a massive migra- died soon a by thousands of herders and ers fleeing the drought-rav- AT TAIf north. tle airport, rmers rest in the shade of a of United after hours of back-breaking by Canadia r in their sun-baked plots go planes and with wooden hoes. will keep eir wives, babies strapped to starving. backs, rock back and forth North of ding what is left of last doughts bec 's millet in wooden bowls. parent; y use long, wooden staffs Mile after ded at the end. on either si tered with t IERE ARE FEW visible dead cattle of real crisis here except plague had he occasional trucks loaded relief grains going north FEW PEI Nigeria. visible nort aveling north, this relative- man stumbl erdant countryside slowly muttering i s way to larger and larger translates: hes of parched land and thin of his cows. b. Slightly o Tahoua, a cattle marketing by now on' of simple abode buildings stands a m, t halfway from Niamey to oro Fulani , lez, it strikes you. people cons They are IE EVIL SMELL, at first death all a: , filters through the fly- African countries ets, growing stronger proach the market ng bodies of dozens of donkeys that drop- on rubbish heaps y were foraging for off a foul odor under ass sun. ent officials say. t h e ch by nomadic herds- he north was too ard- heir cattle, w h i c h after arrival. OUA'S sandswept lit- several hundred tons States grain flown in n Hercules C-130 car- from Lagos, Nigeria, the population from Tahoua the tragedy of omes increasingly ap- r mile the barren land de of the road is lit- he bodies of scores of and camels, as if a suddenly struck. tOPLE or villages are h of Tahoua until a es out from the brush ncoherently. A guide "He has lost all 50 He has gone crazy." ff the track road - ly a sandy track - akeshift camp of Bor- tribesmen, a nomadic tantly on the move. profiting from t h e round them. A GRUESOME pile of skel-. tons perhaps 30 feet high marks the temporary camp as a slaughterhouse. The Fulani are buying dying cattle for slaughter at 50 cents a head from other herdsman moving south. One young tribesman, dressed in animal skins and armed with a simple bow and arrow, s a i d through an interpreter t h e y were curing the meat and plan- ning to sell it in Nigeria, to the south. Just north of Abalak, heavy rains have flooded parts of the road, turning portions of it into miniature lakes. A TRUCK carrying relief food to Agadez has been trapped in deep mud for two days, a sigh that towns to the north will soon be completely cut off by the heavy rains. "In August the trucks will not be able to pass," warns a gov- ernment official. "The only way to bring food to Agadez then will be by plane." "Until 1968 the area between Abalak and In-Gal was pasture," said one official. "Before, this road was very crowded. You couldn't even drive along it be- cause there were so many cat- tle in the way. Now look. There s nothing. Dial NOW SHOWING! 6264 Open 12:45 'k3A Shows at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 P.M. S.i Feature 15 ainutes later State c Ste "Will make you TaheDcme.Cawpaype..eo feel goad all over -Sholit, NBC-TV in" MMhAL 1} PWII rnwtR~es wf 6 IW4 If somebody tells you drug laws overseas are relaxed, that somebody is talking through his hat. Ifrsomebody tells you the system of justice gives you all the ights of a United States citizen in the United States, that's a bunch of baloney. You should get the facts straight. The truth is their drug laws are tough. And they enfome them to the tetter. There's a girlfreem the United States sitting in a Rome jail right now. She'll be there for six to ten months awaiting trial. With nobail. Noteven a chance for it. Ifshe's convicted, it's a minimum of three years. Carrying stuff across a border, from one country to another, is asking for trouble. And you'll get it. That's their law. And there's no way around it. Over 900 United States citizens are doing time on drugcharges in foreign jails right now. And nobody can get them out. Not family. Or friends. Orthe smartest lawyer in town. Not the United States government. Ifyou're planning a visit to Europe, the Middle East or south of our own border, check out the countries. Get the facts. And get them straight before you leave. oe act awill come through. Loud and ctoar. Whenyou're busted for drugs over there, you're in for the hassle of your lIfe, Swe n Possession or salt up to 19 months and permanent expulsion from the country. U. S. Embassy: Stnandvagen tot StackholmSowodo- '1e. 63/05/20 Morocco. PosseOsti'r, 3 sonths to 5 yearsand fine. U.S. Embassy: 43 Ave, Allal Ben Abdellah Rabat. Morocco Tl. 30361/62 Mexico.Poeono9 years plus fine. Trafficking, 3 to 10 years plus fine. Illegal import or exportofdrugs, 6 to 15 years plus line. Persons arrested on drug charges can expect a minimum of 6 to 12 months pre-trial confinement. U.S. Embassy: Cor. Danubio and Paseo de la 305 Colonia Cuaubteoso Mexico City, Mexico et 511-7491 Spain. Penalty depends on quantity oftdrugs involved. Less than 500 grams cannabis, fine and expulsion. More than 500 grams, minimum of 6 years injail. U.S. Embassy: Serrano 75 Madrid, Spain Tel. 276-3400 Italy. Possession: Minimum I years and 30,000 lire tine. Maximu 8 years and 4,000,000 lire fine.- US. Embassy: VV.Vnento 119 Rome, taly Tel. 4674 United Kingdom. Possession, use trafficking: maximum 10 years and heavy fine. Possession of small amount for personal use usually punished by a fSe or light amprisonment and expulsion. U.S. Embassy: ' 24/31 rosvenorSquare W. t., London. England Tel. 499-9000 Netherlands. Possession, fine or 6 months in prison. Traflicking, mnaximum 4 years. U.S. Embassy:, 102 Lange Voornhout The Hague, Netherlands Tel 62-49-11 Greece. Possession, minimum Sn Possession, 2 years in jail Trafficking, maximum maximum 2 years or fine up to 30," 10 years plus fine ,rancs. Trafficking, maximum 5 years U.S.Embassy U.S. Embassy: 91 Vasilissis Sophia's Bl d. 93/95 Jubila msstrasse Athens, Greece Bern Switzerlans Tel 712951 Tel 43 00 11 Gw many. Possession, jail BahamasPOsssion sentence or fine. Traffickirrg. gttonths to I year. raximum 3+years plus fine. U.S. Embassy: U.S. Embassy: Adderly Building Mehlemer Avenue Nassau, Bahama$ 53 Bonn-Bad Gode berĀ£ Tel. 21181 Bonn., Germany Tel,02229-1955 Janan CanadaPossession, jail ==s' hence and expulsion. Tralinckinig, a' Possession. pre-trial 1mimum 7 years, maximum life. detention, suspended sentence and U.S. Embassy: xpulsion.'I rafickn g, maximum 100 Wellington Street 5 years. Ottawa, Canada U.S. Embassy: Tel. 236-2341 10-5 Akasaka I-Chrome Minato-Ku. Tokyo Tet. 583-7141 De mar Possession, fiat and detention p to 2 years U.S.Emssy Leb non. . P tol3 agHa mm kjods Alle 24 years in prson .rak mg 3 to Copenhagen, Denmark 15 years. Tel TRO4505 U.S. Embassy: Corntche atRue Ai Mreieherruy.Lebanon. Tel 240-.00 Jears. Traflicking, 10 }ears to a, M U.S. Embassy: Jamaca. ossesion prion 10 Ata'uk Blvd. Posseo po Ankara Turkey sentence and fine. Trafficktg. Tel. 18-62-00 maxtmum 3 years at hard labo. U.S.E bay: 43 Dake Streat 1 Kingstn. Jatmaica ran. P oussnt c, 6 mnto T .26341 3oyears. Traflicking. 5 y ear to death and tine of 3,000 rials per gra. U.S. Etmhasty: rn ce 250A ve.Takti Jamsh id F Possession. te or Tehran.Iran trafficking: prison term of3 month ' Tel. 820091,.825091 to 5 years andi ie. Customs Court will also levy heavy fine. Minimum NationaltClearinghouse for $ to 4months pre-trial confinement. Drug Abusetlnformation. U.S. Embassy: 19, Rue de Franquevile Paris, France Tel. Anjou 6440 advertising contributed for the public goof Israel. Possession, heavy fioe , *Qd expulsion. Trafficking. maximumn 10 years and 5.000 Iraeli poundsltine. U.S. Embassy: 71 Hayarkon Street Tel Aviv, Irael u ie Tel 561731 fordr s I ' re i th hassfe