Thursday, August 23, 1973 THE SUMMER DAILY Page Three I Ann Arbor kids offer thoughts on By JO MARCOTTY sli nine year old Lbri. Daily Roving Reporter HER FRIEND Debbie if kids in Ann Arbor are any reflection her and s'iid "I think he of what the country thinks about Water- on purpose. And he sa gate, the game is up for Richard Nixon. ait'wi n too, bit se didr According to a lDaily poll of kids be- Nixon was described tween the ages of five and eleven, the ma- wy os is derogatory jyrit think that he knew about Watergate, a cheater, liar, storytelle and they don't have a very high opinion of s'id ten year old Sandy him otherwise either. Their understanding "k ijust talks about lowering prices though iscomplete, is fa and stuff, but he doesn't do anything," FIVE YEAR OLD C 5, 11 rai id t n't. in y. Ki er, R r, "hb irly vhris Watergate "Watergite is what you watch on TV." , agreed with And Peely, 6, said "that's where they sed the prices talk about presidents and stuff on tele- hat he'd stop vision." But they all agreed that Watergate was a variety of ia'ch too boring to watch. tori complain- ids called him ed the it she had to watch it "Because ev- "and besides," eryone else did. They all think it's so in- se's ugly." teresting, but I don't." f Watergate, The kids also recognized it as a sort of accurate. contest, between Nixon and the Demo- knew that crats, or in a few inaccurate cases, Mc- G",wern. DEB)IE, LORI and Sandy all agreed th,,t "Ninn is trying to twin the Water- _ , he can stay President. McGovern " g ginst him, because he wants ''"le;d_,t tuou.'' b 10, ct'imed his mother told him t 'rg'ste sis an apartment complex ixn hvd some kind of meeting. u -5teart, 11, had the definition down "Wsterg'st That's where the Re- 's h'gps'd the Democratic head- rters. They sty that's one reason why wan the Presidencv." A'THOUGII NIXON has done a lot of things according to these kids, Lori s's isle awise statement. "You can't blame on Nixon." Photos by Ken Fink Peely Sandy Lori Debbie r White House awyer: Nixon U cim- beyond reach of subpoenas U' crime WASHINGTrON(! - President Nixon's two lawyers, both recognized as authori- iproduced the disclosure that Nixon' A University student was robbed of her I wyer argued yesterday that the Presi- ties on the Constitution, outline the is- of fices are i ired to record all his cone lurse 'Tuesday night while playing piano dent is beyond the reach of a court order s'es of the historic confrontation between s't is. at the Iaw Quad. According to police, compelling the production of White House th' executive and judicial branches of Cox and the Se'ite panel both aske the womn was approached by a group tapes demanded by Watergate prosecu- government. for certain tapes and Nixon refused. Co of seven youth who threatened tier with tors. Sirica said he will decide within a week then went to court, leading to yesterday' a screwdriver and demanded she turn ( harles Wright said Nixon himself is whether to order production of the tape confrontation. The Senate committee als over the handbag When she refused, they not above the law, but that, as President, r'cordings of presidential conversations has initiated court action to get the tape' took the bag and fled. lie alone has the right to decide if the iith a number of figures involved in the REGARDLESS OF Sirica's decision, th °d x 's he Funds intact Funds earmarked for the University were left intact by Governor William Milliken as he signed into law the state's appropriations for four year colleges and universities. $88.32 million dollars will be heading for the Ann Arbor campus-an increase of somree $8.5 million from last year's budget. The entire budget repre- sented a 10.3 per cent increase over last year. While the higher state funding was applauded by University officials, it was deemed not enough to prevent the mas- sive 24 per cent tuition hike recently ap- proved by the Regents. Economic crime We haven't seen any food riots yet, but inflation seems to have kicked off a minor crime wave. In Chicago yesterday, a beef trucker woke up from a nap to find some desperate consumer had removed $1200 worth of meat from his truck. Happenings .. . .. . the Center for the Continuing Edu- cation of Women will hold a discussion on the problems of an adult woman student at 330 Thompson St. at 9:30 . . . the al- ways popular "King of Hearts" will be shown at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. in Aud. A, Angell Hall . . . Hopper's "The Ameri- can Dreamer" and Kubrick's "Paths of Glory" will be shown at And. 3, 4 MLB at 8:00 and'10:00 p.m. : . Shakespeare's "As You Like It" will be presented at the Mendelssohn Theatre at 8:00 p.m. The Ann Arbor Civic Theater is sponsoring the performance. A2's weather Today should be a carbon-copy of yes- terday, Skies will be partly cloudy with afternoon highs in the upper 70s. national interest" requires that the tapes le kept secret. ARGUING TO the contrary, special Watergate prosecutor Archibald Cox as- serted that the President has no special right to reject a demand for evidence 'it -l to critminal prosecution. In two hours of polite debate, U. S. Dis- trict Court Judge John Sirica heard the W'tirgate investigation. PRIOR TO yesterday's oral confronta- tion, the lawyers had submitted lengthy briefs during the past weeks setting out their positions. T'le tapes in question concern nine pri- vate conversations Nixon had with aides. The conversations were referred to dur- ing the Senate Watergate hearings, which Community Center finds new home on E. William By DAVID STOLL Spurned by Arbor St. residents who didn't want them for neighbors, Drug Help, Ozone House, Community Switch- board and the Creative Arts Workshop have nonetheless found new quarters at 621 E. William. Their new home - once occupied by the now-defunct Taylor Business Insti- tute - is just a few doors down from their present cramped offices at 603 E. William, next to Mark's. THE FOUR GROUPS had successfully. completed negotiations for the purchase of a house at 719 Arbor St. when the deal was killed last veek by the city's Zoning Board. The board refused to rezone the house to office use after a number of Ar- bor St. residents came to a Planning Commission meeting with a petition pro- testing the move on the grounds that the move wouid create traffic problems and lower property values. According to a spokeswoman for the four groups, Joey Schwartz, the move will give them more- space. - although not as much as the house on Arbor St. would have provided. Leased for two years at $800 a month, Schwartz said the four organizations will be moving into the second and third floors of the build- ing by the end of the month. While Drug Help handles drug crisis situations, Ozone helps runaways by pro- viding temporary housing, counseling and, when necessary, placement in foster homes. The switchboard handles referrals of all kinds. BURNED OUT of the Fisher Cadillac Building on Washington St. by an arsonist last December, the community services agencies have had a long history of wan- dering from storefront to storefront in search of a home. Ozone and Drug Help have travelled to- gether since the winter of 1970, when they first joined forces in a storefront on S. State St. For a time they operated out of a minister's living room, then spent a year in a house on Liberty St. before moving to the Fisher Building, which they shared with the People's Ballroom, the Tribal Network, and the free clinic. question is certain to be appealed ulti- mately to the Supremne Court which has never ruled on the bounds of a President's cl-im of executive privilege. "We do not contend for a moment that Ifichard Nixon is above the law, Wright declred to Sirica and a costrtroom tacked with some 200 hushed spectators and scores of newsmen. Ite went on to note that the Constitution confers upon the President certain powers and added: "These do not put the man above the law. But they do limit the extent to which the l'w can make its force felt against the man who holds that office." WRIGHT SAID the tapes contain "na- tional security material so highly sensi- tive that he (Nixon) does not feel free to hint even to me what it is." In reply, Cox said that Nixon's "duty to produce evidence is a firm leg-t duty and insol -es no judgment on his psrt." He reached back to the 36th century to quote an opinion cited to England's King James that "the King ought not to be under any man but he is under God and the law." EACH SIDE argied th't the decision will have widespread impact on future cases. Cox said thit denving the tapes to the Watergate grand j'trv would au- thorize any department head in the execu- tive branch to deny demands for confi- d"l l information. He cited court rulings which have com- pelled the production of documents from others in the executive Branch. On the other hand, Wright argued that requiring production of the tapes would encourage future demands for confidential White House documents and would cause the 400 other federal district judges to compel their production. THE RESULT, said Wright, would be gross violation. of the confidentiality of Presidential communications.