Vo Summner Daily
Vol. LXXXII F, No. 68-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, August 23, 1973 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
President stands fast
Watergate denials
Calls scandal 'water undet
SAN CLEMENTE, Calif. (A9-Presi-
dent Nixon stoutly defended his ac-
tions in the Watergate scandal yes-
terday, declared the case is "water
under the bridge" and said he will
not resign but rather will get on
with the "people's business."
Standing in the hot California
sunshine for 50 minutes as he held
his first news conference in five
months, the President also voiced
confidence in Vice President Spiro
Agnew's integrity, assailed "out-
rageous leaks" on the investigation
involving the vice president, and
said he personally had ordered an
investigation of the leaks and would
fire anyone found responsible.
But he refused to comment on Agnew's
guilt or innocence.
THE BULK of the questions asked at
the nationally televised news conference
held on a parking lot at the Western
White House office complex dealt with
ramifications of the Watergate scandal
that has plunged Nixon's popularity in the
polls to the lowest point of any president
in 20 years.
In responding to the dozen Watergate-
related questions, the President made
these major points:
* He predicted that two former high-
ranking aides, H. R. Haldeman and John
Ehrlichman, would eventually be exon-
erated for their actions in the case.
* Said he taped conversations of White
House meetings and telephone calls be-
cause he wanted an accurate record,
agreed that such taping "is not something
that particularly appeals to me," and
said it wouldn't e done again. He re-
peated he would not turn over the tapes
to Watergate investigators unless ordered
to do so by the Supreme Court.
* Insisted he tried to "get the truth
out" in the months following the June
1972 bugging of Democratic national head-
quarters but that until March of this year
was told by since-fired White House
counsel John Dean that there was not
"a scintillahof evidence" thatanyone on
the White House staff was involved.
* Acknowledged he met briefly with
U.S. District Judge Matthew Byrne, while
Byrne was presiding at the Pentagon
Papers trial, but said the controversial
case was not discussed and that no at-
tempt was made to influence outcome of
the since-dismissed charges.
* Said "I would have blown my stack"
if former campaign director and Atty.
Gen. John Mitchell had given him the
facts of the case, as Mitchell said he
would have done if the President had
* Repeatedathat he views as "illegal,
unauthorized and completely deplorable"
the burglary of the office of the psy-
chiatrist of Pentagon Papers figure Daniel
Ellsberg by a squad directed by White
See PRESIDENT, Page 10
PRESDEN NION' facal xprssins vr a heansersAP Photo
PRESIDENT NIXON'S facial exp-essions vary as he answers questions from newsmen in an outdoor press conference at the
Western White House in San Clemente yesterday. Nixon stoutly defended his position on the Watergate scandal.
Nixon na mes Kissinger
as Rogers resigns
SAN CLEMENTE, Calif. (P)-Secretary the beginning of the Nixon administra-
of State William Rogers has resigned tion and is the last surviving member of
effective Sept. 3 and will be replaced by the President's original Cabinet.
Henry Kissinger, President N i x o n an- A source in Rogers' fo-mer Nw York
nounced yesterday. tow firm said he would be returntng to
Nixon opened his news conference at private practice immediately upon leaving
the Western White House by saying he the State Department.
was announcing Pogers' departure with Rogers has been the object, of some
deep regret. scorn for his low-keyed role in U.S. for-
eign policy, dating back to the early years
AT THE SAME time he urged that the of his tenure when Sen. Stuart Syming-
Senate act quickly on confirming Ki- ton (D-Mo.) said the secretary "was the
singer, who will remain as Nixon's na- laughing stock" of Washington.
tional security adviser as well as becom-
ing secretary of state. IN MORE RECENT times, Rogers has
Yesterday's development ends months privately expressed dissatisfaction with
of speculation that Kissinger would be- the headline - grabbing abilities of Kis-
come in name what many observers al- singer, although saying publicly he had
ready considered him to be in fact. no quarrel with the national security
ROGERS, 60, has been secretary since See KISSINGER, Page 10'
Henry Kissinger