Page Ten Probe leaks blasted b Agnew in brief talk (Continued fBonnPage 1, "Salute to Ted Agnew" GOP fund-raising dinner. The name of the person indict- ed will not be releised until he appears to pick up the indict- ment, said state's attorney War- ren Puckett. Ie said the indict- ment will remain secret until at least tomorrow. THE STATE'S attorney said there is a possibility that addi- tional information will be pre- sented to the grand jury next week but he said it was almost certain that there will be no fur- ther indictments. ' State Republican Chairman Alexander Lankier admitted in June that $49,900 received as a loan from the Committee to Re- elect the President had been ca- mouflaged as donations from 31 contributors who in fact had not given to the May 1972 fund raiser. The same grand jury in June indicted Blagdon Wharton,. a Baltimore banker who was treas- urer of the fund raiser. He was charged with four counts of vio- lating Maryland's election law. The law prohibits the listing of campaign contributions under false names. Stores AT THE OTHER end of the spectrum, Sgt. Pepper's co-man- ager Ernie Ajloumy says h i s store's decision to support the UFW was "common sense, ac- tually, because we believe in it. We believe in people making enogh money to live on." All six stares have agreed to let boycott supporters check back room coolers as well as produce counters for non-union grapes and lettuce on a regular basis. Although the negotiating party sent out by the committee open- ed its arguments by presenting managers with information about the farm workers' problems, Sup- er says the power of the picket line was probably a factor in manager's responses. "I THINK ALL of them h a v e some knowledge as to what hap- pened to that Huron A&P," Sup- er explains. Picket lines at the campus A&P store have reduced business during picketing hours to a trickle. The decision to enlarge boy- cott efforts to include negotia- tion with independent grocers was caused mostly by "the ur- gency of the situation," S u p e r says. The switch in policy orig- inated in the Detroit Boycott Of- fice. THE SUMMER-DAILY Wednesday, August 22, 1973 to support UF ban areas have nearly completed their harvests, so the union's strike effort in the Fresno-De- lano area "must be won," Super explains. "We really have to hurt them now." IN DETROIT more than 40 in- dependent grocers have agreed to buy U"W grapes and lettuce. A handful refused at first and then gave in after no more than an afternoon's picketing. "Our battle with White's was the longest in the state," Super says. The local effort to convert inde- pendent stores has been put off this week for lack of personnel. However, Super says the commit- tee expects to approach Strick- land's and the S. University Food Mart next week. ACTION ON larger independent stores, like Food and Drug on Stadium, Buster's on Platt Rd., and Farmer Grant's on Jack- son Rd. will be deferred until stores in the campus area have been "cleaned up," Super sat-s. Picketing at the Huron, Stad- ium, Maple Village and Ply- mouth A&P stores will also con- tinue, Super says. Picketing has been limited to three days a week this summer, but may expand to six days a week in the near fu- ture, he cdaims. Picketing of A&P stores repre- sents the UFW effort to convince the chain to buy union grapes and lettuce. The national A&P boycott was organized this win- ter to strengthen the produce boycott. Picketers ask prospec- tive customers not to buy any- thing at A&P, as well as to boy- cott non-union grapes and let- tuce at all stores. Murray assumes top city post (Continued from Page 3) the reins of Ann Arbor - a city touted as the "dope capital of the midwest." Murray's qualifications, hou'- ever, are impeccable. lie served as city manager of Inkster, Mich., for over two years before coming here. He received an un- dergraduate degree from Lincoln University and a masters in ur- ban studies from the University of Pennsylvania. Moreover, the Democrats and Republicans have given Murray their wholehearted support. Even the Human Rights Party opposi- tion to his selection seemed based not on the man but on the system itself. MAYOR JAMES Stephenson, who put in a spectre-like appear- ance yesterday, has praised Mur- ray as a man with "a direct, pos- itive approach to people and man- agement." All three parties conceded Mur- ray was the best of over 75 can- didates for the top city job here, but that's about the only thing they have agreed upon all yeir. And unless Murray can also walk on water, he won't be able to change the situation. IN AN INTERVIEW last month, Murray pointed to crime as one of the city's biggest problems and recognized "there is no sitple solution." Murray added he would like to see closer coopera- tion between the University and the city in facing municipal prob- lems. Still Murrav said the f i r s + hurdle to clear is getting to know his staff. "In Inkster I krew the city employes by name," he commented. "But in Ann Ar bor that will be difficult." An accurate observation. THE BUREAUCRACY being what it is, the next time that janitor gets to shake the city administrator's hand will prooah- ly be when Murray's successor arrives. The UFW is presently engaged in a crucial struggle to re-secure grape harvesting contracts it won in 1971. Two of the major grape I 1 AP Photo VICE PRESIDENT AGNEW speaks to a news conference yesterday regarding the investigation into his alleged political wrongdoings. Cox got file on ITT (Continued from Page i) sue at the Kleindienst hearing Watergate committee c h i e f after columnist Jack Anderso counsel Samuel Dash said the published a memorandum a memo also indicated former legedly written by ITT lobbyic Atty. Geen. John Mitchell may Dita Beard that linked the se have committed perjury during tlement to the $400,000 contribs the K I e i n d i e n s t cofirm- tion. atio hearings. At the Kleindensl hearing The White House supplied the Mitchell testified heaknewrm011 ITT file voluntarily within a i the TsTifedge kier ot week of when Cox's staff started iag of the ITT pledge prior to lt submitting evidence to a second antitrust settlement. Watergate grand jury. ON AUG. 1, the Senate Wate THREE GOVERNMENT anti- gate committee released the te trust suits against ITT were set- of a mite House memo date tIed in 1971, not long after an March 30, 1972, from Charle ITT subsidiary pledged $400,000 Colson, former special counse to hells cover the cost of the to H. R. Haldeman, then pres COAAPLA NT? . .. missing out on some of the DAlLIES because e y e y - L j r t y. ,^,, .Co f d e liv e r y f 5Sdtf _ ,kl~r ad; . y j~" m instakes? OR...i l"tadisagree wt abll- we sent you for THE DAILY? ~E'D LIKE TO TRY TO STRAIGHT- N OUT THAT PROBLEM, BUT WE AN'T IF YOU DON'T LET US 55 NOW ABOUT IT. gs Dn 1l- ist t- U- >r- Ed es i- 1972 Republican National Conven- dentiai staff chief, which said tion then scheduled for San that Mitchell was told about the Diego. pledge one month before the set- The settlement became an is- tlement.E NOW SIOWING' C 6264 Open 12:45 K 23Shos 3, 5 7. 9 P.M Feature 15 minutes huter "Wil moke you 0 wr~aw feel good all over" ; Shlit NC-TV ra Monday thru Friday, 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. 3Ziau OzIt I 764-0558 .