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August 21, 1973 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1973-08-21

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,Tuesday, August 21, 1973 THE SUMMER DAILY Pg ee

Page Seven

LET US FILL yo ir next pi esciption.
Village Apothecary". 1112 S. Univer-
sity Ave. cFtc
STICK BALL, tact pitch. Comspetition'
wcanted. 662-3595. 14F66

THE DAILY nteeds a secretary. S eHelp
(Continued from Page 6) BUSINESS SERVICES MUSICAL MDSE., wanted toe furtherciforat ion,.
mo ig HERS DAVID GUITAR STUDIO t0 p.m. Lots ot people. Special: Hot
4THFE:;AIE wnte toshae mde~, Esperienced motera at finenitce and. Unasual and ordinary instruments, Chocolate. 4th clear Rackhim. Sew
2-hadem., hi-level apt. 504/ma. Avail1 appliances. Law caves. Jabs large ors atered4 mode, repoired-also carved _peoplwelcom'!_ct
Sept. 1. Dionne, 704-4025. 42Y69, small . 663-3882. oto and inlayed. Accestoriet, lessons, 200
S. Stove, 665-0001.lIXtc 'THINKING about neat slept in your
ROOMMATE(S) WANTED-We aced 1 FOR SALE ... LIFE? Call 761-2170 toe into, about
o r 2 friendly, sociable women to at- . GUITARS, AMPS, PIANOS. Fender, Personal Planning Wockshop: Aug.
copy bdrm. in 2-story. 3-bdrm. USED DOUBLE MATTRESS. Good rood.I Hohner, Moestro, Gibson. Martin, 20-30. 12F67
ROUSE tor ftallO MJwo. tot 2, $100 Catll 761-0102 otter 5. 03867 0u110. One-atop rester. Apollo Mnsic, . - __
tar I. Call Bill: 665-9511 OR 662-9769; - 321 5. Main, 700-1400. cXtc VEDDING INVITATIONS--Mod. or tra-
2-7 p.m. 29Y67 10' x 55 MOBILE HOME w litrge shed. ditional style. Call 701-0042 anytime.
Molny extcas, exc. cond. Rest otter APOLLO DRUM CENTER-Drum sets, oPSI5
SSEEKING ROOM with older students takes. Can stay on nice cocner ltL over 20 sets in stocks: Rogers, Sonar,.
or workers.Jahin, 663-lOS5. 16Y69 429-4004. 33B68 Ludwig, Gretssch, Singeclond. Prised COMICBOKoecetcinbs-
_..right deals. 322 5. Main, 705-1400. oXta ballBcarS, ppebarksiCUioUbse
I, needed to share one-tadrm.apt. i1 T MUSIC..STRINGS SaEDt pOOKiSHO7610112OOpen40 -.
quilet ald hallse.Call 665-5370 betweenLADY OR COUPLE to live 1n-5 min. USCSRN S Sae(psar}7101 oe 1-
1-5 p.m. 05Y66 to campusa. FPalighat housekepingo N. TH'aNGS p.m0.)
H OGMMATE REFERRAL SERVICE. 701- T0il0 1t d utrls 0;tllsia,1eORPEDO TYPING-769-2645, mornito1
044.rOO and sn.Coil 701-2210 dy, 475 ontry,3azzand theory. Alutatr, r
2017 .43 00 strings and occessaries sre always -__
f 'srvn 'n ^ar xir~rw m ,. -,. ,-a..a a.... n .. .-... ... .... _ ..._.a._. pen... t.. a....« list.a-

1:217 5. (Uiversty 709-0100
TENNIS LESSONS - formaer U-M play-
er. Couintry Clu~b pro. Fri vate couirt.
Individoal or groups. 700-5040. cFtc
BUMPER STICKERS culstom prited
while-U-wait! $2. MBL Press, 1217
jPcospect, Asia Arbor, 701-0042. eFtc
ot MARTY'S .. .
Flared 'n Cutfed
Knsit or Knot
-Jeans 'n Jackets
210 S. State St.
'Clinic in Mich.-l to 24 week preg-
nascies terinated, by licensed at-
stetrician gynecologist. Quick serv-
ices will be arranged. Law roses.
(216) 281-6060

ACapt.att839 TappannerHilliSt. ItCKThatess edd pl
C,11Te at uga2,f01904.7527 . TeScen, 241 5. H'in. 32H68 516 E. William(aver Camptis Biket
Cal Td ftr ug 31 71-63 7Y6 _668-90360 xte
CAMPUS and HOSPITAL AREA-Need' HOUSEKEEPER-Far tail, 11:30 a m.--- -----_
male roommates. 009.00prmot. 5:00 pm. somewhat tlexible), 2 days/PESOA
721 E. Kingsley. Call 663-9373. wa, etc331t, 22 h.70162.
HURON VALLEY REAL ESTATE _3_2H0-5 PSYCH. DEPT. would like temsalr sub-
= cYtc SHORT-TERM Seretary looking tar jects tar a memory experiment. Pay
ROOMk t tasiald aesu horn-term lull-tim e secretarial work? at least $2 hr. Call 704-9443 between
det. Room and boardin eschane Unive ofMichianaTempoarryoEm- E23-.316
tar toinimal assistauce, Reply Mih- ploymtnsOttice has immediate trw-
igaanGaily Boa 16. 28Y69 porary typist openingos. Gooid tylsinig INTRO-ACT -Fasl termt Personall
skills required. To apply, comte to Growth Grotups. Weekly Groups Man-
MISCELLANEOUS the Temnporary Etmploymnent 0111ce, days, Tttesdays or Thursdays-eves.
203 Admniasttative Services Blot., Weekend Group November 9, 10, 11.1
Toomuh tuf? il mve HasverO& renStretbetwenO8 UofM cdit aranged.PFe. Ci
MOVING? a 111htlt il 0 tt -0Aoi-lcis cy I- Rc tr 0-10 I
yVorstore yoti worldlier. Dep d o iman 4:-0.cAion-discayriminatra- Rcad0epe,62-86111
able,, inexpenisive. 971-9401, 440-4702. imtv-cinepoe. 416 $50 REWARD tar infarmation leadingo
51M66 lELEPHONE SALES. Temnpocrarypsil- to rental at efticiency apt.que
t ion, experienace att asset. Eocellent etngh to afford privcy. 705-1005.
BOARD EXAM TUTORING pay, tletible hauls. 005-2055, 22H169 34F69
Kpltt ntutsorbing cuped lr BABYSITTER NEEDED car 7-ina. nld WHERE MARGINAL prtcrs tasy qulality
MCATftiheSt embettrexa. gir. 15-al hra wk. 769-1182. 10H69 diamonds-Austin Diamsond, 1200 5.
taO~'ta ct Ottea totUlniversity, 063-7151, cFtc
LSAT Jutly & Octoberexeatms. MATURE PERSON tar warehouse stock -
DAT October etata. work. Afternoons only 12-5 p.m. Mini- Wthy tasy toasa praduaced WEDDING1
FortInformattioni&Eirollwentt mumttge 18. Must have good health. RINGS? Have yostr personsal design
Cal 54005 Molec Some clerical duties. Apply Quarry created by JHAN. 700-7550. 45F69
_ Inc, 212S. Wgner d. i perHn.5'DATING SERVICE. Lives 01, 5weekends.
WANTED TO RENT 9746 Sturday Night Insantc, 6603-1392.
, EMLElokngf a onroomnta JOB OPENING OAY Libecaticti Open Met, Tuesday,
capus wiOo'th frienadly people. pret.i The Michian Daily nteeds a secretary 5 p.m1. Untota, South Wiing, 3rd tloor
hosise.. Jutdy, 605-0009. 35L68 to do typincg, filiing, sortiag and Conterence Room. All wcelcome!tDGs-
GRD. TUET.rd -om et answerinog the telepthonle. Ftall-time cussion topic: GLF atad Its Relalion-
GRA. TUEN ned rom Spt./ throtugh Septemberc with poitbletx ship with the Lesbian Commsunity."
Oct. oinly. Peter, 703-0763. 45L68 tensiona. For further~ infocrnation and 47F66
FRIENDLY FEMALE-Soeeks own room itriw otc:Bl t7406.
in house or apt. Call Lynnl, 760-5406 1sH69 DON 0.-Please call home. You ean
(leav messge). 8L69. - stoy wherever you are. Just lot us
levIesge.2L0SUBJECTS NEEDED. a hossr., $1.50. know how you are or it you need
OWN ROOMSiIn triendly hiouse. Cam- Soc. expetrimt'nt. 760-3913 eves. 43H169 anything. Mom. 24F67
puo/hospital. Candy, 663-8819: 25L69; BOOKKEEPER - ACCOUNTANT. Retail
a WANT TO TRADE large tarmhouse 1 store with $2,500,000 annual gross.
hour team A2 tar apt, or house tar at General accotanting and bookkeeping. RLAL
lat4 010s. 662-2440. 26L68 Pretparation of inacRELIABLEnts
deartent ostanalsis Mus be ABORTION SERVICE
BO WATDIhosonCampus capable through trial balance. Send'
not mar than $80. Call Ellen, 042 - rn cws yaqi i st
8148494L6 Michigan Daily, Bax 15. 93M1i1M66t o24wa
MAN WITH SMALL triendly dog needs YOUNG PERSONS, early 20's, seeking pregnancies terminated by ti-
room tar tall, ass oft campus. Mike, e areer in ciatom skilled stainsless censed obstetrician gynecats-
S 701-2827 or 763-6543 (leave message)i ateel work. Experienee helptul but ist. Quick services wit) be or-
73L66 not neressary. Training available, -ranged. Law rates.
-Fine opporsunity available in or C L OLC
BSNS SEVCS Detroit or southern Florida opera- CL OLC
BUIESSRIE Lions. Modern working taeculties at 1 RR
DttOwithsingr-gitarat, ianooss bath plants- with escellent incolne (26i8166
DUOwih sngr-gitris, ian bss potential. Contoct Grog Eamsab,
player and rhythm drum unit, avail- Stainless Equipment Mfg. Ca., 310$ 24 HOUR SERVICE
able tar campus tprties, weddints, Piquette, Detroit, Mi. 673-1300. 481169
or rcsub enagemrnts. Reasonable.
663-2725 or 663-3101. 59J69 PETS AND SUPPLIES
NUMEROUS satisfied cuistomers ran
testihy to my accuracy, _patienor, and SEVEN-TOED CAT! Young white and
tortitude. Expect typing at ultra- trown fem1leFree 764-5404, 065-516711
reasonable rates. Bob, 662-5050. dJ69 'eves. 02T66
TORPEDO TYPING-769-2645, moaning. MUSICAL MDSE.,

'I ---

Join The Daily
Come in any afternoon
420 Maynard

'fi i

Summer Clothes-Out
(Next to Village Bell)
OPEN 10-9



Thesis & MS Typing _____ __
Transcription PIN Klein Upright. Goodlcond.,
~ Printing & Xeroxing ao$9. 15X66
1Tyas expeienc LANSING Altet Voice at the Theater
Task 61 -146 stereo speakers. Excellent rondition.+
---- Onsly $300. Call 761-5124 persistently
'WE GUARANTEE personal attention in
handiliag shipmtentb at your persontal 1MARTIN GUITARS D-la, D-28, D-35,
ettects worldwide. Contact A. F.12-strins reody to be enjoyed! Apisc
Burshramr, E. Gene. 963-4033, Jtc Muoi1 Cente, 769-1400. eXte
All classified ads
must be pre-paid
now until the end
} of the.. term.
__ _ ~thank you I

s' The last day of publication for
Summer Daily
r is FRIDAY, 24 AUGUST 1913

_ mq%

resumes publication on

Disploy ond classified advertising deadlines will be:
Noon, Thursday, Sept. 6 for classified ond 3 p.m.
Wednesday, Sept. 5 for display.


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