Tl Summer Daily Summer Fdiion of THE' MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Saturday, August 18, 1973 News Phone: 764-0552 Nixon's Watergate speech is insulting PRESIDENT NIXON'S feeble attempt to turn the tide of public opinion on the Watergate scandal only proves more conclusively the disdain he holds for the Ameri- can public. Nixon admitted freely that the "statement does not answer many of the questions and contentions raised during the Watergate hearings. The President's solution is not to discuss and end the contradictions but rather to ignore them, and expect the American public to do the same. The President argued correctly that there are press- ing problems at home and abroad that need his attention. He has botched the economy, ignored the problems of the poor and elderly, and allowed the Russians, with our wheat, to buy bread for 23c a loaf while we pay 45c. But, incompetence is no excuse for corruption. NIXON HOPES that he can appeal to the fatigue of the American people to allow him to escape without ex- plaining his actions. But, the American, who had given him a 30 percent popularity rating on the same day of his speech will not likely be all forgiving merely because the President asks politely. A full explanation is necessary and sooner or later the President will have to give us one. Trouble averted by 'U"film action IT IS WELL that the University alleviated a tense situa- tion by abandoning their implicit threat to cancel the fall schedules of student film groups and allowed them to schedule facilities for their showings. The confrontation between themselves and the film groups had been instigated by University action and could only have deprived the University community of films in the fall. The threat of cancellation stemmed from a University decision in May to postpone all further scheduling of fa- cilities for film groups pending the passage of new regula- tions dealing with student organization finances. Accord- ing to Vice-President for Student Services Henry John- son, the postponement was intended, not to force action on the issue, but merely to delay scheduling for a month or two while new regulations were drawn up. THREE MONTHS later, however, those new regulations were nowhere in sight and film groups and faculty members were climbing the wall over what was about to turn into a cancellation of their fall film schedules. Breaking off long-standing commitments to film distribu- tors could, because of the financial penalties involved, drive film grouns out of business. Fall courses for which films were cognated were also threatened. The timely retreat upon the part of the executive officers - they renewed scheduling without any new regulations - should not disguise the fact that the origi- nal decision to postpone scheduling was a crude and ill- considered one. The decision to postpone scheduling was undertaken without any prior consultation with Student Government Council, affected faculty, or the film groups themselves. The decision was not adequately explained at the time it was made and resulted in a near-crisis situation which no one knew about until it was nearly too late. And instead of bringing pressure to bear on just those film groups of which wrong-doing was alleged- or alternatively, upon all student organizations affected by the new guidelines - the officers unfairly jeopardized the existence of all film groups. BY BRINGING a potentially fatal amount of pressure to bear upon the film societies-who are important carriers of ideas and together perform invaluable serv- ice for the University community-the officers managed to transform an issue of financial accountability into an issue of free speech and cultural freedom. Daily Photo by KEN FINK The striking workers huddled in a plant lunchroom to plan strategy. Inside the bowels of Chrysler (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is the second of a two-pact account from three Daily staffers who covered Tuesday's Chrysler plant shutdown in Detroit and managed to enter the plant and talk with striking workers in spite of tight security. In Part I, tension mounted as the rebel workers applauded the three for crawling un- der the plant's main gate.) By DAN BIDDLE, KEN FINK and DEBRA THAL The demonstrators on the out- side cheered; the officials on the inside shouted warnings and flailed their arms helplessly, and the un- likely bsnd of nervous journalists and Afro-topped Chrysler workers t r o tIt e d triumphantly into the bowels of the plants. The event took on a dream-like quality at this point; it was as if we had been watching a movie, went to get some popcorn, and re- turned to find ourselves on the screen. MOREOVER, much like a Key- stone Kops feature, the "film" seemed to speed up suddenly. All afternoon, The Daily's contingent had paced about the gate area, irritated by the apparent slowdown in the story's development since the morning episode between Gil- breth and the guards. But now the pace quickened. We entered the plant's main building and accepted Frank's in- vitation to ride a motorized fork- lift through the half-mile of dark, silent machinery that laytbetween us and the balance of the rebel workers. It proved a memorable ride. THE POWERFUL little machine weaved between long rows of en- gine parts and automobile frame sections like an experienced rat in an easy maze. The workers, un- bound in their enthusiasm, urged the forklift driver to "put your foot on it!" As we shot down a long corridor, a series of low-hanging exit signs almost removed Biddle's head. The speed of the ride and the relaxed, carefree manner in which the driver negotiated tight turns led Fink to express fears that whereas prior to entering the plant we might have lost our story, were now in clear danger of losing our camera equipment and our lives. BUT THE RIDE ended before that happened. We leaped from the vehicle, ran up a Sight of stairs and entered a dingy second-floor eating area. There, amidst vending machines, discarded paper cups and limp un- eaten potato chips, sat the forces of revolution. They stood up and cheered at our arrival; a dozen workers offer- ed us chairs and started respond- ing eagerly when we asked about the morning's events. BILL GILBRETH, the man of the hour, overruled them. His blond hair and shaggy mus- tache stood out in a room full of black men and women; his sense of planning was equally conspicuous. Gilbreth, a self-proclaimed Com- munist and member of the Marxian Progressive Labor Party, seemed to seek something more than the others: they were trying to shut down Chrysler, but Gilbreth was out to shut down the capitalist system. SO FAR, he hadn't done badly. The acres of freight yards and assembly lines on Mack Ave. had stood silent since dawn. Yet Gilbreth refused to answer questions: any statement, he in- sisted, must be the voice of the entire group rather than that of one individual. And who should be named the spokesperson? Gilbreth, of course. It had been reported that lie and another worker started the morn- ing fight in which two guards were injured, but a round of inquiries from Thal and Biddle produced no new information. Meanwhile, Fink was informed that no one's face could appear in any ' photographs. Hence, the main topic of the only roll of film to come out of the plant during the shutdown was a group of turned backs. FRANK LED US on a tour of the plant's conditions, pausing to point to huge grease puddles in working areas. He stopped longest at his own place on the assembly line, where, he said, he had to lift 300 K-frame engine mounts into and out of a stamping machine every hour. The frames weighed more than H0 pounds each. "Three, four guys have lost fin- gers in this machine," he said. Another w o r k e r added, "Down here, man, they don't run the fans or nothing. It's like workin' n hell. And upstairs, up there in the press room, that's double hell. "OVER AT FORD, in their lunch- room, they got air conditioning, and good food. All we got is rats, roaches, and maggots." If his word wasn't good enough, a pair of rats scurried across the floor as we walked beneath a long row of newly painted engine frames hung up to dry. That was somewhat more im- pressive t h a n Gilbreth's revolu- tionary theories. OUR RETURN to the lunchroom was punctuated by a brief face-off with security guards. For a mo- ment, push came to shove: Our worker escorts pushed the guards away and shoved us into a nearby staircase which led up to the lunch- room. Amid shouts of "Hands off, honkies!", we stumbled back to Gilbreth's group. The blond Communist was still trying to "collectivize" his people; they huddled at a table and argued strategy. Further questions from the reporters proved fruitless, and we left the plant through a lightly guarded sidegate with the help of our escort and some guards who apparently had little knowledge of our significance and no interest in arresting us. The Daily got its story; we went and ate at Lafayette Coney Island somewhere in another part of De- troit. AND THE next morning, Bill Gilbreth's revolution ended io jail. I I i i Letters to The Daily I Rodeo condemned To The Daily: It is simply beyond my com- prehension that an area which, on the whole, is as well-informed and animal - oriented as the Ann Arbor - Saline area can condone the kind of brutality inpolved in a rodeo. I am appalled that the people here are willing to pay out good money to see animals tor- tured, especially considering that many of these people own horses themselves. The only possible ex- planation is that they do not un- derstand the kind of hideous cruelty to which rodeo animals are exposed. If you look closely at the "mean" bronc which is tossing a cowboy in the arena, you will no- tice a strap (sometimes a length of barbed - wire) tied tightly around the animal's groin. This strap is tightened by the full weight of the animal's lunge from the chute (stimulated by an elec- tric shock) and is carefully cal- culated- to apply traumatic pres- sure to the animal's kidneys, in- testines, and genitals. The best horse in the world will buck un- der these conditions, and he will continue to do so until the strap is loosened, whether or not there is a person on his back. The heedless brutality of the steer- and calf-throwing is ob- vious. What iscnot obvious to most paying customers is, the pen, usually covered, in which the broken and tomn animals are thrown to await death,nwhenever the employes of the rodeo. get around to giving it to thet. People, please! Don't support this kind of barbarianism. You wouldn't permit this kind of thing to happen to your animals; don't pay out your dollars to watch it happen to others. Sincerely, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Way 8/18/73 Editor's Note: The rodeo in Sa- line was sanctioned by the Amer- ican Humane Association.