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August 17, 1973 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1973-08-17

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Page Eight


Friday, August 17, 1973

Tennessee town battles rock fest

BENTON, Tenn. P9 - This
obscure east Tennessee town,
snuggled deep in the -Bible belt,
wants a rack festival about as
much as it does hoof and mouth
disease for its cattle.
In these parts, where religious
fundamentalism, country music
and moonshine run as thick as
Southern sorghum molasses,
mere mention of the words "rock
festival" spurs apprehension and
promoters came to this placid
Great Smoky Mountains farming
region about two weeks ago and
announced plans for a Labor
Day weekend music festival.
They are predicting a crowd of
more than 100,1100.
Benton's population is about
Part of the townspeople's op-

position stems from the late-
July "Summer Jam" rock festi-
val at Watkins Glen, N.Y., where
600,000 music fans caused that
small town's worst traffic snarl
square, everybody is talking
about the festival and few are
boosting it. A survey of t h e
town's merchants and street peo-
ple turned up no one willing to
speak openly in favor of the fes-
tival, young or old.
But there isone man promin-
ently in favor of the affair _-
Polk County Judge Dennis White,
who leased 500 acres of his cat-
tle farm to festival promoters.
"Give 'em hell, judge," whis-
pered an old-timer into White's
ear as they stood outside t h e
courthouse. "If I owned land,
I'd do whatever I wanted to with
it. Half the people hollering at

- - ---------- . ..... .. .... . ... ... . .......

you are the same ones who would
do it themselves if they had a
LAST WEEK, a cross was erect-
ed outside the judge's farm-
house and set afire. W h it e
insists he put the cross there,
but offers no explanation for its
being set ablaze.
Local leaders have. been com-
pletely beaten back in their at-
tempts to stop the festival so far.
But Wedneslay they gained a
strong ally: Gov. Winfield Dunn,
who said his administration is go-
ing to do "whatever we can to
discourage" the festival.
"We going to use all the facil-
ities of state government at our
S. Viets
tagon says its has advised the
Saigon government that it will
not replace any U.S.-supplied mil-
itary equipment used by the
South Vietnamese in support of
Cambodia or Laos.
But Deputy Defense Secretary
William Clements said there is no
provision barring South Vietnam-
ese troops from using American
supplies in clearing communist-
held sanctuaries in Cambodia
which pose a threat to Vietnam.
CLEMENTS MADE the written
statements in reply to questions
raised by Sen. Harold Hughes (D-
Iowa) during Armed Services
Committee hearings last week.
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan.,Notices should be
409 E. Jefferson, before t p.n. of
the day preceding publication and
by 2 pam. Friday foe Saturday and
Sunday. Items appear once only.
Student organization notices are
net accepted for publication. For
more information, phone 764-927#
Friday, August 17
Music School: Cinarosa's opera, "The
Secret Marriage," Mendelssohn Thea-
tee, 8 pm,
Music School: Jerome Butera, organ,
M Aud., pm.

disposal to make all these people
comply with the state law," he
"I'M OPPOSED to it. I don't
think there is any sense in our
condoning the things that hap-
pen at such festivals, the ex-
change of drugs and all that sort
of thing."
The governor's remark came a
few hours after a health officislt
said festival promoters must sub-
mit a detailed report to t h e
state Health Department by to-
day on how they will meet strinh-
ent health regulations.
Dist. Atty. Richarl Fisher
planned to petition circuit court
for an injunction to stop the fes-

hazy on support of
military operations

tival. He said its promoters could
be violating camping and sewage
control statutes.
"WE HAVE a deep religious
heritage and we have a way of
life here," said Jasper Woody,
Benton's mayor, a Baptist preach-
er and newspaper owner. Of the
festival, he said: 'We detest
Judge White, a bushy-haired,
nustachioed man who halds a
master's degree inyagranomy,
looks at it differently. "Instead
of condemning these pe tple as
four-legged, longhaired creatures,
we need to try and save them,"
the judge said.

lw- 0

Hughes asked the question Aug.
9, six days before the last U.S.
combat activity in Indochina was
to end under a compromise be-
tween Congress and President
Nixon. Clements' written answer,
made public Thursday, was dated
Aug. 14, one day before the cut-
There have been reports that
with the end of the bombing in
Cambodia, Saigon was planning
to send thousands of ethnic Cam-
bodian troops from its own forc-
es to help defend the Phnom
Penh regime. To move them
would require the use of trans-
portation given to South Viet-
nam by the United States
IN HIS LETTER to Hughes and
to Sen. Stuart Symington (D-
Mo.) acting chairman of the Arm-
ed Services committee, Clements
recalled that in approving the
1973 military spending b ill1 ,
Congress had included a proviso
barring use of military aid to
South Vietnam-
"To support Vietnamese or oth-
er free world forces in actions
designed to provide military sup-
port and assistance to the gov-
ernment of Cambodia or Laos..."
The ban, sponsored by Sen. J.
W. Fulbright (D-Ark.) was first
aproved in 1971 and carried for-
ward to cover appropriations for
the current 1973 fiscal year.
States has given no aid designed
to assist South Vietnamese forc-

es in military support of Cam-
bodia or Laos.
He said Saigon has been ad-
vised that any supplies or equip-
ment used for such support would
not be replaced.
Further, he said, "we regard
ourselves as constrained f r o m
taking any initiative to request
the government of Vietnam to un-
dertake such an operation."
EVEN IF SOUTH Vietnam used
planes and tanks provided by the
United States before 1971, t h a t
equipment could not be replac-
ed in support of Cambodia or
Laos, Clements said.
But if South Vietnam is direct-
ly threatened from communist-
held border sanctuaries in Cam-
bodia, it is a different story,
Clements indicated.
While he did not say so, the
same interpretation presumably
would apply to Laos sancuaries
used by communist forces to at-
tack South Vietnam.
BUT SINCE most areas on both
sides of the long border are ef-
fectively under communist forc-
es control already, it could prove
difficult to determine where a
threat might have originated.
Nowhere in his statement did
Clements attempt to explain hose
the determination would be made,
or by whom, as to whether the
use of certain U.S.-supplied
equipment by the South Vietnam-
ese had violated the laws pro-

SZ leae

The last day of publication for
Sumuer Daily
is FRIDAY, 24 AUGUST 1973
|||( MiRtgan
resumes publication on
Display and classified advertising deadlines will be:
* Noon, Thursday, Sept. 6 for classified and 3 p.m.
Wednesday, Sept. 5 for display.

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