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August 16, 1973 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1973-08-16

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.* age Ten


Thursday, August 16, 1973

'U' officials remain vague on City-Chrysler dispute

new residency requirements

(Continued from Page 3) a as individiat must be able to
With the first batch of appli- meet.
catioss already behind them, Accordin- to Katz an appli-
committee members stil can not cast most meet at least several of
say which requirements are the the first group of "probative con-
moot crucial or how masn criter- ditions" to qualify for residency.
overine provides
solution to ShOrtage

IsCnt iw-lfomPag e'
down its back, the wolverine in-
habits wooded rural areas around
the state - some as close as 10
or 15 miles to the city.
The best time to hunt the ani-
mals says Dogman is in the fall
just before mating season.
ganesmen have tried to trap the
animal, but they soon learned
the wolverine is just too smart
fr that
"They've been known to pull
the bait out Of traps without be-
ing caught," comments Dogman
on tapes
(Comnmned fro"m Page 1)
wuld cripple all future presi-
dents . . .
O Defended wiretapping he or-
dered in the name of national
security, although he conceded in
some instinces "s zeal for secur
ity did go too f-r and did inter
fere impermissablY with mdivid
ual liberty."
and statement were his first di-
rect restonses to the allegtions
and sometimes contradictory
statements produced by 37 days
of televised hearings by the Sen-
ate Watere te committee.
In a stitement accimpanying
his speech, Nixoin siid it was
not until last Marh 21 that "I
learned of some of the activities
upon whi h charges of cover-up
are now based." He said this
was true even thugh he had re-
peatedly ured his staff to give
him the Fll facts of the Water-
gate affair.
Nixon told his broadcast audi-
ence that he would not sort out
the evidence or rebut specific
Senate witnesses because "that
is for the committee and the
BUT HE SAID he wanted to
"defend the integrity of this great
office against false charges" and
to "put the events in perspective
from the standpoint of the presi-
The President acknowledged in
his statement that it added little
to what he had previously said.
"I recognize that this statement
does not answer many of the
questions and contentions raised
during the Watergate hearings,"
he said.
Guru disciples
beat pie-tosser
DETROIT (UP)-'In'wo disciples
of the Guru Maharaj Ji admitted
yesterday they brutally assaulted
a young anti-establishment re-
porter who slapped a shaving
cream pie into the face of their
"perfect oaster."
The victim, Pat Hlley, a re-
porter for the underground news-
paper Fifth Estate, was reported
in serious condition after brain
surgery at Detroit General Hos-/
Spokespersons for 'the guru
claimed he expressed concern for
Halley, his friends, and family.
Followers of the guru held the
assailants until police arrived,

"If you want to get one you're
just going to have to shoot it."
Even hunting the animals is no
easy task. Despite their small
size - generally around 20 or
30 pounds- wolverines can be
among the most dangerous of op-
ponents. Their razorsharp teeth
h:ive discouraged more than one
greenhorn hunter.
IF A HUNTER is fortunate
enough to bag one, he has got
himself enough meat for seven
or eight meals. The Outdoor
G;ourmet, a popular camper's
cookbook, lists several ways to
prepare the meat.
The authors recommend broil-
ing, but hamburger - like patties
or meat-loaf variations are term-
ed acceptable. Organic vege-
tables come highly recommended
as side dishes and red wine is
considered a must.
According to University natur-
al history Prof. Harold Katz,
wolverines have been used for
food during other times of eco-
nomic deprivation.
"DURING THE depression in
1893," Katz reports," the gover-
nor himself ate wolverine for din-
ner to show the citizens that it
would be all right."
Though no such gestures are
coming out of Lansing today --
this not being an election year-
consumption of wolverine around
the state is definitely on the rise.
So for those hearty souls, who
aren't about to let a little local
patriotism stand in the way of
their stomachs, we can only say
i-bo appetit

"I hesitate to say that the in-
elusion of any one or the ex-
clusion of any one of conditions
would make or break an appli-
cation," he adds.
NEITHER KATZ nor Zimmer-
man would provide examples of
people who have been accepted
-even under the conditions that-
the names be withheld.
They did say that of the 20
students accepted only four or
five were undergraduates. Zim-
nerman claims that very few pe-
titions from undergraduates were
The applications processed thus
far were those from students try-
ing to gain residency for t h e
summer semester. Students have
20 days after the start of the
new teri to file their applica-
UNIVERSITY officials h a v e
miintained that the new rules
would make it easier for stu-
dents to obtain residency. Com-
mittee members agree with that
assessment, but can offer no sta-
tistical proof to back it up.'
The anticipated loss of sonie
$2.5 million stemming from the
adoption of the new rules hass'
been used at least in part to jus-
tify the massive 24 per cent tui-
tion hike recently approved by
the Regents.
Though this target figure of $2.5
million has been established com-
mittee members insist they are
under no pressure from the Uni-
versity to keep acceptances be-
low any given percentage level.
"WE DON'T have any magic
quota," Zimmerman claims. "If
less people meet the standards
in a given year then there will
just be less people accepted."
Zimmerman's only advice to
students u-as to "look at the
rules and evaluate in your own
mind, whether or not you stand
a chance.'
With a certain defensive ione
in his voice tie adds, "We dJ'ur't
ask for these regulations, you

(Continuedi cressPage 3)
diiriing probatioinary periods at
the plant and as a result never
became proficient at any one job.
They are then released for "los
level" performance.
Furthermore blacks receive
unfair treatment from supervis-
ors, unequal job assignments and
inadequate consideration for pro-
motion, according to the com-
"RIGHT NOW ALL we have
are t e s t i i o n i a I wit-
nesses," Slaughter said. "The re-
cords will prove the allegations
one way or the other."
Slaughter originally set up a
meeting with Chrysler execu-

tisres to discuss the situaition, but
they' backed otit, he claimed,
Shortly afterwards the Chrysler
leg-l department contacted him
and first raised the jurisdictional
As IIRD collected other infor-
mation, Slaughter determined
the personnel records were vital
to proving the accuracy of the
complaints. When the company
denied him access to files,
Slaughter requested the subpoe-
HRD WANTS the job assign-
ments, lay off data and related
personnel information for the
persons who filed the complaints
as well as other records


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