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August 16, 1973 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1973-08-16

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Thursday, August 16, 1973 THE SUMMER DAILY Page Seven
well right hee in Michigan
They, too, see their profession Es
as a individual battle. "It's man
against beast out there," says
clown David Yates. "Some bulls
bh ye a repotation as killers. Bot
th'e still ride them and we have
to help the cowboys after they
g I tossed.'
Thre are other rontests, where
mtto ad b ast work to-ether
ogist a romon t opponeot. In
the cow-tino event, the hors
nd rider t ke nit after the ft -e
ai }t w, r ssi held bi h nin1he
nrbos hti eek
)e Itt eFt, vhet thewts a 11 stir
en in thb sof teif et
th'rt tefi i c 3y dimotits Ii
I r 'trolegs if tho a nimal. Srv-° q c-
dlhrtttth tnt the event the horse
p1 y on essential role, keeping z : Y z v 5 k y rp. a '
teG nit e k'ut, and the hclf lis
h'b attle a h 'omeo nireiw-
ten sgin lbest 'r wrestling event
ihere the ctw y jomps off hisz;
horn tatd thyows an animaevhe N
eral tiet s his eight It 1ortd,"
fTneVinfanst e e rdtbbed
Rubberneck, refused In bespaken
down, even though his neck was
tswisted a full 10 degreest
The race in all the events is
against the clock-and the other
cowboys. In a year, a rodeo cow
boy may enter 175 competitions
often against the same opponents.
The cowboys emphasize their
c omop atI a b il1ity. Accord- .i
ing to Yates, they are "the
friendliest people in the world"}R
friendship, there is an unspokenya
rl.AJakWsmnanO-ylahotoant currently leading the wx'"y
contrly in rodei earnings, says,
nith teeth clenched so tight that
ihe words could barely emerge,aw;
"Noboidy de'pends a o n d totea . :~..6 6. .$.. $ . ,torr~~E.a"..id".,,_ f Va
elitit depend on nobody."

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