Thursder AvnAn+ t169 l THEIMME DA Al AILY Page Three 30 hour strike ends at Chrysler DETROIT (UP!)--An assembly line re- bellion that shut down a key Chrysler Corp. plant for 30 hours ended yesterday when police entered the plant and arrested two militant leaders. Baut dissident workers met shortly after- wards. voted to strike and put a picket line outside the main gates of the Mack Avenue stamping plant, where 4,800 em- ployes produce body parts for all Chrysler models. THE COMPANY summoned its first shift of 2,625 workers to report to work at 6:30 a.m. today. The effectiveness of the dissidents' picket line will be tested when the bulk of the work force ap- procihes the gate. The plant was the third hit by an un- authorized work stoppage in three reeks. United Auto Workers (UAW) local and international officers joined Chrysler in asking the workers to return to their jobs. The UAW officially disassociated itself from the picketing at the plant. THE SHUTDOWN ended when police arrested Clinton Smith and 'William Gil- breth on charges of "assault with intent to do great bodily harm less than mur- der." The charges were filed Tuesday after Chrysler officials said the men attacked two plant security men with metal pipes. That incident touched off a sit-down by about 200 militants that closed the plant. Chrysler later instructed other workers not to return to wtork until further notice. POLICE AT FIRST hatudctuffed till dis- sidenis inside the plant. Authorities later said all but Gilbreth and Smith were re- leased. The other dissidents then walked out the plant's front gate and to UAW Local 212 offices demanding that union officials sanction a strike at the facility. UAW Regional Director Ken Morris said thQ vote to establish picket lines at the plant did not reflect the feelings of all members of Local 212 'because only those very much involved attended the mueeiing" The workers originally said they, would not leave until Chrysler met demands that included amnesty for the militants, re- hiring of Gilbreth and other men fired earlier and improved plant conditions. The unsafe conditions cited by employes included extremely slippery grease puddles in work areas and numerous rats through- out the plant. Doily Phuin by KEN FINK TWO CHRYSLER WORKERS walk alone through the company's huge Mack Ave. plant in Detroit Tuesday after they and some 40 others took over part of the plant and shut down operations for nearly two full days. Police and security guards removed the wildcat holdouts yesterday morning but the strikers vowed to picket the plant today. 'U' of se on of ICil SV U O The hold 3:10 p floor posed studen out of minist schedi groupe ulatior immec studen by the U. I The terday rael fo Friday the U. Middle interce ing a turned HaF ing at Librar Olymp around formar p.m1. ii "Catch 10:00 stein's 4, MI the Vio form a Cimarc will be at 8:00 A 2's Toda sonable should residency requirements Ily JACK KROST . Acceptance of an offer of per Though they have already processed employment in Michigan. the first 60 applications of University stu- CONDITIONS TAT may be - dents petitioning for u-state residency status, members of the committee charg- stiuppotie evidence, hat atone don ad usifs k thse ''-I ecistins stitite priiif of ua Michigan donaic ed with making these crucial decisions cde have formulated no clear-cut guidelines l for interpreting the new requirements. -Voting or registration for voti Using the rules established at the June -Employment in any positiout not )Ortcnt meeting 22 Regents meeting, the committee grant- filled by a student. Student Organizations Board will ed in-state status to 20 of these first 60 -The lease of living quarters. a public meeting this afternoon at applicants. But according to committee -A statement of intention to acq i.m. in the SGC offices on the third member Ernest Zimmerman 'the deci- domicile in Michigan. of the Union in order to discuss pro- sions just aren't simple ones. -Domicile in Michigan of stu regulations governing financing of "THE CIRCUMSTANCES vary so much spouse, t organizations. The proposals grew from case to case," says Zimtmerman, the --Autoiobile registration. F a decision by the University's ad- 'assistant to the vice-president for aca- -tther public records, e.g., birt rators last May to postpone fall demic affairs. "There are no two appli- marriage records.} iling of facilities for all campus film cants who are going to present the srie See 'U', Page 10 s pending approval of the new reg- set of circumstances. ns. Although only film groups were Echoing similar sentiments, assistant re- diately affected by the decision, all gistrar and fellow committee member Lar- it organizations would he affected ry Kate says, "we have to evaluate enefi O proposed guidelines. case individually on its own merit." Along with a representative from the University attorney's office and one from s. vote the chief financial officer's staff, Katz er United Nations Security Council yes- and Zimmerman are responsible for decid- voted unanimously to condemn Is- ing which students will be granted in-state By GORDON ATCHESON ir forcing down an Arab airliner last residency. . The vote signalled the first time THE COMMITTEE was created in thei The city, attempting to verify S. had taken a stand against her wake of the newly approved residency Lions of racial discrimination 1 eEast ally. The Israelites say they laws. The University was forced to adopt against the Chrysler Corporation, hat epted the plane in hopes of catch- the new guidelines when the Supreme blocked i an effort to subpoena cr ma3ir Arab guerilla leader who Court decision declared the old rules an- personnel records. out not to be on the flight. constitutional. The city attorney sought investi In addition to a one year continuous res- subpoenas from the county Circuit idency requirement, the new rules detail on May 21, but Chrysler filed a ca p ,penings - - a number of criteria an applicant must motiost mo nth claiming the cit there will be an HRP mass meet- meet to prove his intention to "domicile" no jurisdictional right to the record 7:30 p.m. at the Ann. Arbor Public or reside indefinitely in the state of Mich- y . . . the AAU National Junior igan. A HEARING TO determine whethi ics continues at various locations That list includes such provisions as: subpoenas can be issued is schedulr I the University . . . the film "Per- # Continuous presence in Michigan dur- next Wednesday before Circuit ice" will be shown at 7:30 and 9:30 fag periods when not enrolled as a student. Judge Pat Conin. n Aid. A, Angell Hall . . . Nichols' 0 Reliance .upon Michigan sources for The Human Rights Department ( -22" will be shown at 8:00 and financial support. a city unit designed to investigate ch P.m. in Aud. 3, MLB . . . Eisen- 0 Domicile in Michigan of family, of discrimination, has received 10 "Potempkin" will be shown in Aud, guardian or other relatives or persns plaints from employes at the local B at 7:30, 8:45 and 10:00 p.m. . . . legally responsible for the student. Division plant alleging racism in we la Farber Dance Company will per- 0 Former domicile in the state and conditions and promotions, it the Power Center at 8:00 p.m. .. . maintenance of significant connections HRD Director James Slaughter sa osa's opera "The Secret Marriage" there in while absent, department has exhausted everyn performed at Mendelssohn Theatre 0 Ownership of a home in Michigan. available other than subpoening re p.nt .Admission to a licensed practicing to establish the accuracy of the profession in Michigan. plaints. Chrysler has refused to volt 0hLong term military committments in ily turn over the records for inspe wMichigan. he added, y should be partly cloudy with sea- 0 Committments to further education in temperatures. Afternoon highs Michigan indicating an intent to stay here CHRYSLER ATTORNEYS have c be near 80. indefinitely. to fight the order on the grounds t ed as I' cmn- Ile in- tug. ubire a 11"lnt's th and fs to subpoena records stalled allega- odged s been mpany gative Court ounter y had ls, er the ed for Court HRD), arges com- Introl orking id the means cords con- untar- ction, hosen hat a city has no jurrisdiction to make and en- force "civil rights in the area of alleged emnloyment discrimination." Asst. City Attorney Mel Muskovitz, wha. will argue the case for the city, pointed out that if the court ttpholds Chrysler's claim an "important precedent" would be set. SlIighter said he expected a challenge to the city's anti-discrimination ordinance "sooner. or later" and the Chrysler case represents the first test. IF THE COURT were to decide in favor of Chrysler, any frther attempts to in- estig te 'Ileged discrimination would be s^ri'r"sly innmaired. indicated the city will not hesitate to appeal an unfavorable rul- ing from the court. C-r-sler snokesnersons refised to dis- cuss the court case, saying "policy dic tates we do not comment on pending liti- g tion " rrTF'N AS'ED if ('l-rsler chose not to re"esA the records because they night con- firm the charges of racism, the spiokes- persan said "see certainly cannot cum- ment on such rare conjecture." The complaints allege black emplaves are switched from machine to machine See CITY, Page 10