Page Two THE SUMMER DAILY t~v tonight 6:00O2 4 711l3 New 90Cortshp of dde'sFte a'2/0OStageoahWetBW / .~:24 ABC News-SithRaon /l 0 Fintstones 5Lhas Yoga and You 0:30 2l11CBS Nes-RogerMdd i ^".. ; ~4 13 NBC News-John Chclo 7 ABC Nes-SmithReaon 9 I Deam of Jeanie 24 Dck Van Dye 50 il sligans Island 5t Maing Thing Go i 7:00 2 i Truth orCocnseune -yt.. 4Nwo 7 To Tell the Truth a'' 0 Beely l1tlibtiles 11 To Tell the Tuth 13 Whats My Lne '+. ~20 Nany and the Poeo 4 Bowling lee Dollas 001 Loe Luy-Comedy BW 50 Coreceof1O0ccTims-Hitoy '' 730 2 What's My Lie? 7 ihigan Ostdooes 9Movie-Adetree "azac teFeres.'." 0133) liPreet Goome 13Tuth orConsequence 24 Crcus! z .>f. 50Hog'Hros-Comedy ' 56 Ine-CityF ray :r 8:00S2 11Th Walos-rama 4 Helec Beddy-Vaity Pv BR ,t':,.207 24Mod w 50004n t - 30 50 Playhouse Nes Yok Bogaphy BW 50 Daet-Cime lDama 8:30 50 MevGific 900 2 Moie-Westen "he Jayhaker" 0007) 4 le Ionside CAROLINAKAREN RUCZNSKI and James Hiopkn rehearse one 7324 Kng Fu-mlaa of the scenes from Cimarosas comic opera "The Secre Marrage 9NesDnal The production opens tonigh and runs through Sunday evening _____________ at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. f Cimarosa opera to open this evening see The University's S c h o o 1 of of most companies. Yet it is one news Music will present Cimarosa's of the most successful examples, rarely s t a g e d two-act comedy if not the prototype, of opera h p e opera, "The Secret Marriage," uffa. h p e on Aug. 16, 17, 1, and 19. Curt- tamn time is 8:00 p.m. in the ALL TICKETS re $250 andCall Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.. can e purchased at the box of: The life of Domenico Cimarosa, fice now thin Aug. 19 between 7 - A L a contemporary of Mozart and 12:30 and :00 p.m. For group 7 DA L one of the mot successful opera sales and additional information composers of his time, was as call 764-6118. _____________ daai ashsmsepee......"The Secret Marriage." THE SON of a bricklayer and 1214 S UNIVERSITY a washerwoman, he rose to court , ,I composer for Catherine Ilof (I i( 5 Russia and later for Emperor FT .T-1 Leopold II in Vienna. It was for Leopold that "The Secret Mar DIAL 661-641 6 riage" was first performed in 1792, the same year of Moarts wd. at. deth. Snast 1:15 45 The opera was very popular at 6:1is 0:4ss its time, and has been compared M-TTb.Fr with Mozart's great c o mn e d y a 1 operas. "The opera is witty live $250 ly and p r ovi de s an excellent allsw story. The plot presents hilarious Nopse sitaulionis and the music provides NoBrn a perfect complement," says con Ratd x dctor Josef Blatt.--- _-.-_, The opera is now somehing of a 20-year old novelty, for it is NEW WORLD FILM COOP presents not mongtheusua reptoie ~ H 7 2 WASHINGTON (UPI)- Fish ing license sales increasod to a . record 26 million in 1972 says PI T S MPIV the Interior Departments Fish ISf J lI 1 f1 ~ anod Wildlife Service. Fishermen TH EST AMERIC N FILM paid more than $107 million for1HL-B licenses, an increase of $7 million I VE SEEN THIS YEAR"' - eren;EShr.I-oe19. -_______________ ' IT'S ONE HELL OF A FILM! A COLD, SAVAGE AND CHILLING RELIABLE COMEDY!"-Bruce Wiaon PAYBO ABORTION SERVICE "'CATCH-22' says many things Clinic inMich.-] to 24 week that need to be said again and pregnancies terminated, by li- aan lnAknsprom censed obsetricion ovnecolo- aan lnAknsprom list. Quick services will be or- ance as Yossarian is great;"' eanged. Low roles, -Joseph sMogeses rnNWSWEEK CALL COLLECTrr uu r 0 (26)28-660DOUBLEFETR 24 HOUR SERVICE $ 11 Move=-Comnedy 20 Lee Trevino's Gull Inc Swingers-R 0:30 9 lHappy Though Mactied 20 Sesen Hundred Cluh 50 Ask the Lawyers 10:00 4 Music Country 7 24 Streets o1 San Feanclseo S MS!-Intersiew 13 Glenn Ford's Summertime U.S.A. 50 Percy Mason BW 56 Masterpiece Theatre 00:30 9 Woods and Whes-Campint 11:00 2 4 7 11 03 24 News S CBC News-Lloyd Rohertson 50 One Step Beyond-Dramta BW 11:30 2 11 Movie-Drama BW "Code Two" (1053) 413 Johnny Carson 7 24 A Gift 01 Terror S News 20 WaltecsFamily-,uic 50Movie-Drama BW "The Swindle.' (Ital'itn; 1955) 12:ooS9Movie-Comedy "OhMen! Oh, Women! (197) 1:00 2loie-tDrama BW Thursday, August 16, 1973 "A Tree Grown I* tokV. (1945) 9 4 7 11 13 News 2:30 2 Mfayhberry S.. 3:00 2 News TIE SUMMER DAILY. summer MU- tscon o The MirhigaisDailoy Vol. LXXXlll, No. 63-8 Thursday.,Au gunst 16, 1973 is vidited soaniosagced by students at bhe Unitersiy at Michi an. Newspavner 764-0562, Secondctinristpotepaid ot Anin Arbor, Mirbtg'on S 4i10. hPublished dioiy Tsiesday tibsasiSunoday tonng durisg tbe university year as 420 May- n:ard Sect, Ass Atrbor, Michigan 48104. Subscriptinsraten: S10 by narrier (eam- pu oaea)i; $tt lociSInsaii (Minhigan and Ohio);,ti13sian-iocal sail (other staten and fioeign), Summersssnpublishedi Tuesday thonuna hSaturda yimosrniug. Subsrip- tisrs rate,: $5.50 by corrier (campus area); $0.50lscat maili(Michignand Ohio); 07.00 non-lnoalmaili(outer states osnd toreign). ai THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Department of Speech communication and Theatre PRESENTS The University Players' Black Theatre Workshop A CHILDREN'S AUDIENCE-PARTICIPATION COMEDY THE MIRRORKMAN by BRIAN WAY A fue filled hose foe children noes 5-12 THURSDAY, August 16--4:00 p.m. FRIDAY, August 17-4:00 p.m. SATURDAY, August 18, 2:00 & 4:00 p.m. ARENA THEATRE, Frieze BuildingI CORNER OF STATE AND HURON TickeIs 50c cat the door. Geosp rates availsable. SFtor information 763-3019 N EVER "f SEE... " arW 0 ADULTS /PLAYBOY UhmmwhmimS.f It [s. Judith Crist, NEW YORK MAGAZINE brL w EISENSTEIN'S M 2aserpiece: / H z Battleship I I TIMES ;ILYI' TONIGHT & FRIDAY catch-228I& 1tlp. AflMODERN LANGUAGES BLDG. & 10 p.M. W I Aud, 3 & 4--Single Adm. $1.25 Double feature: 7:30,