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August 15, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-08-15

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Summner daitswy
Vol. LXXXI , No. 62-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, August 15, 1973 Ten Cents Twelve Pages

Ban on

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raids goes into effect
Cambodian military balance shifts

Daily Photo by TERRY McCARTHY
Eternal flame
Billy Mitchell of Pontiac Central carries the Olympic torch through Crisler Arena yesterday during opening ceremonies of the
AAU National Junior Olympics. The competition, which brings together some of the nation's finest young athletes, runs
through Thursday evening.
Pres iden dd
country. on Watergate*
WASINGTON (I)---President Nixon wilt reo announced the time and format of
address the nation on the Watergate scan- Nixon's speech, the President was in his
dat at 9 p.m. tonight, the White House Executive Office Building suite putting
announced yesterday. the finishing touches on what is ranked as
The President's long-awaited response the most important speech in his quarter
to allegations flowing from the political century of public life.
conspiracy controversy will he delivered WARREN WOULD NOT give details of
live from the Oval Office and will he car- the address, hut other sources indicated it
ried by all national television and radio would include these major elements:
networks. According to a presidential
spokesperson the address will be 20 to 30 . A denal by Nixon that he was aware
minutes in length. of plans to bug the Democratic National
Committee's headquarters at the Water-
OFFICIALS ALSO said Nixon will simul- gate; or that he was aware of or partici-
taneously release a more detailed written pated in the subsequent cover-up.
statement, giving his account of the events f A concession that he discounted al-
which have spurred widespread investiga- legations that White House and re-election
tions by the Senate Watergate committee committee officials were involved in the
and special prosecutor Archibald Cox. scandal because his subordinates told him
The address will be Nixon's first exten- a .thorough investigation had turned up no
sive response since May 22 to the scandal such involvement.
that has shaken his administration. * A review of his first-term accomplish-
As Deputy Press Secretary Gerald War- See NIXON, Page 10 President Nixon

PHNOM PENH (T) - American
pilots were assigned their last strike
targets yesterday before the congres-
sional halt on all U. S. bombing in
Cambodia went into effect at mid-
The end to U. S. bombing means
there will be no negotiations until a
new military balance is reached in
Cambodia and the United States is
now helpless to influence the situa-
tion, administration officials said
The officials would make no estimate as
to the time it will take to sort out new
positions. But they made it clear they be-
lieve the insurgents will have an easier
time against the American-supported Lon
Nol government with the end of Ameri-
can bombing.
Under a congressional mandate, all
American air raids and other combat
support had to end by midnight yesterday.
THE OFFICIALS also declined to pre-
dict what parties might emerge to carry
out any political negotiations, although
serious doubt was indicated about the
survival of Lon Nol.
As the hour approached for the bomb-
ing's end, the White House repeated its
pledge that the Nixon administration "will
do everything within the law to support the
government of Cambodia."
Deputy Press Secretary Gerald Warren
did not respond directly when asked whe-
ther President Nixon would call Congress
back from its summer recess to seek an
extension of the bombing deadline. He
referred to statements by other adminis-
tration officials which indicated such a
move was not planned.
"IF FURTHER actions are required
after Aug. 15, the President will ask Con-
gress for the proper authority," he added.
When asked what the United States can
do to hold off a Communist takeover in
Cambodia, a high administration source
said "We are not in a very strong posi-
tion to do anything."
He restated the administration's stand
that the congressional vote ordering an end
to the bombing "changed the whole nego-
tiating situation" and removed one of the
last meaningful American levers.
"YOU CAN'T on the one hand dispose
of a real bargaining chip and on the other
hsnd ask us to perform miracles" in sup
porting the current regime, the official
What the United States does intend to do
involves increased deliveries of military
equipment under the U. S. aid program as
well as accelerated deliveries and distri-
b-tion of food and medical supplies.
U. S. military officials, however, hold
out little hope such a strategy will work
since they give little credit to the effec-
tiveness of the Cambodian army.
IN DISCUSSING political alternatives,
administration officials indicated there
See BOMBING, Page 10

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