Page Two THE SUMMER DAILY Tuesday, August 14, 1973 PageTwo HE UMME DALY Tesdy, Agus 14,197 Cox f WASHINGTON (P) - Special Watergate prosecutor Archibald Cox asked a federal court yester- day to reaffirm "the American constitutional tradition that no man is above the law" with an order that President Nixon re- lease subpoenaed tape record- ings and documents. The legal memorandum filed with U.S. District Court counters the President's argument of last week claiming executive privilege "to withhold information, the dis- closure of which he has deter- mined to be contrary to the pub- lic interest." THE WHITE HOUSE can file Archibald Cox an answer to Cox by Friday. The issue will be argued in open court Aug. 22. Nixon is expected to address the nation and issue a detailed statement on Watergate later this week. "There is no exception for the President from the guiding prin- ciple that the public, in pursuit of justice, has a right to every man's evidence," Cox said in his 66-page brief. He called the White H o u s e claim that the president has im- munity from orders enforcing legal obligations "inconsistent with our entire constitutional tra- dition.", THE PROSECUTOR is trying to get tape recordings of nine meetings involving the President where Watergate was discussed. Existence of the tapes was dis- closed last month at the Sen- ate Watergate hearings, now in recess. The committee also has subpoenaed some of the' tapes and documents, and the court has been asked to rule also in that fight. "The public testimony strongly tends to show," the Cox b r i e f said, "that at least some of the activities discussed by t h e s e participants, according to some substantial evidence, were linked to a conspiracy; according 'o other public testimony, they were entirely innocent . . . "These recordings . . . world furnish almost indisputable proof of what was said upon these nine critical occasions." COX SAID of one meeting in- volving Nixon and top aides H1. 1. Haldeman and John Ehrlichman: "The inference that they report- ed on Watergate and may well have received instructions, is al- most irresistible." Of a meeting among Nixon, Haldeman and Former Atty. Gen. THE SUMMER DAILY, sonmer edi- tion of The Mchigan Daily vol. LXXXIII, No. 61-S Tuesday, August 14, 193 is edited and managed by studens at the University of Michigan. News pa x 764-0562. Second -class postage pd at Ann Arbor, Michigaan 4106. Puoliro-wd daily Tuesday through Sunday morn o during the University year at 420 Mtay- nard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 4804.o Subscription rates: 1O by carrier (cam- pus area); $11 local mail (Michigan and Ohio); 513 non-local nail (other states and foreign). Summer session published Tuesday through Saturday morning. Subscrip- tion rates: 15.50 by carrier (caipus area); $6.50' local mail (Michigan and Ohio); $7.00 non-local mail (other states and foreign). TAPES SOUGHT les legal John Mitchell, Cox said: "It also strains credulity to suppose that Watergate and how Watergate affected Mitchell and the cam- paign were not topics of conver- sation." Cox asked the court to decide three questions: -DOES THE President have the absolute prerogative to with- hold material evidence from a grand jury, which asked for the tapes and documents, "merely upon his assertion that he deems production to be against the pub- lic interest?" -Can his claim of executive privilege "based on the general- ized interest in the confidential- ity of government deliberations" block a grand jury's access to evidence possibly relating to criminal misconduct by high gov- ernment officials and party lead- ers? -Did'the President waive any privilege by previous disclosures he himself approved? "THE SUBPOENA was pro- perly directed to the President and the court has the power to enforce it," Cox said. "The grand jury is seeking evi- dence of criminal conduct that the respondent Nixon happens to have in his custody-largely by his personal choice . . . All the court is asked to do is hold that the President is bound by legal duties in appropriate cases just as other citizens - in this case by the duty to supply documen- tary evidence of crime." Arguing that investigation of high presidential assistants and criminal conduct in the executive offices is unique and unlikely to recur, the brief said production of the White House documents will establish no precedent for other grand jury investigations. THE BRIEF said the President was trying to strengthen his hand in a constitutional confrontation by assuming personal custody; otherwise he would not h a v e been named in the subpoena. Cox argued that the President has an "enforceable legal duty" to present the material for the grand jury, and that the author- ity to determine which evidence should be produced rests w i t h the court. The White House has argued that under separation of powers the President could n o t issue orders to courts and that the reverse is equally true. But Cox said that argument 8- STARTS TOW09R W! 55 -.-.. . ~~sa- I 'brief misses a crucial point - the in- teraction of the legislative, judi- cial and executive branches - and added: "WE ENJOY a constitutional government of laws and not of men because each branch as ack- nowledged its duties under the functioning of the others. The judicial power is no less potent when the rights and duties of executive officials are at issue." To Nixon's contention that he has listened to some of the tapes and found they would not help the investigation, Cox said: "Respondent cannot be a pro- per judge of whether the greater public interest lies in giving the evidence to the grand jury or withholding it. His highest and closest aides and associates have been accused in sworn testimony. "RESPONDENT is bound to them not only by the natural emotions of loyalty and gratitude, but also by the risk that his pre- sent political power and future place in history will be linked to the effect of disclosure to the grand jury on them." Cox also noted that the evi- dence may accuse the President himself - "a question to which he can hardly be indifferent." The brief recalled that Nixon had not taken issue with t h e power of the court to issue a sub- poena, but had said there was no obligation for the President to follow its command. "THE INCONSISTENCY is ob- vious," said Cox. "A subpoena is a judicial command. If it is val- id, compliance is a legal duty." He called an assertion of per- sonal privilege "particularly empty" and added: "It is hard to imagine a strong- er need for piercing the cloak of confidentiality in the present case." HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - Jack- ie Cooper trades his producer's hat for the greasepaint b o x once more with a starirng role in "Chosen Survivors" to be film- ed in Mexico City. - AS YOU LIKE IT From A.A.C.T Aug. 22-25 Mendelssohn Theatre Tickets at the Music Shop tov. tonight 6:00 2, 4, 7, 11, 13 News 9 Courtship of Eddie's Father 20 stagecoach West 24 ABC News-smith Reasoner 50 Flintstanes 56 Chan-ese Way 6:30 2, 11 CBS News-Roger Mudd 4, 13 NBC News-John Chaneellor 7ABC News-Smith/Reasoner 9 I Dream of Jeannie-Comedy 24 Dick Van Dyke-Comedy 50 GCiligan's Island-Camedy 56 How Do Your Children Grow? 7:00 2 Truth or Consequences 4 News 7 To Tell the Troth 9 Beverly Hillbillies 11 To Tell the Truth 13 What's My Line? 20 Nanny and the Professor 24 Bowlilg for Dollars 50 1 Love Loey 56 French Chef 7:30 2 What's My Line? 4 You Asked for It 7, 1i PricerIs Eight 9 Wacky World of Jonathan Win- ters 13 Truth orConsequences 20 Rifleman 24 Adventurer 50 Hogan's Heroes 1214 S. 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Judith Crist, NEW YORK MAGAZINE t ' I- '-II I 56 Changing Musie as 02,11Maude-Comedy 4, 13 Movie-Western "Tbe Alamo" 7, 24 Temperatures luing 9 Keep America Singing 20 Burke's Law-Crime Drama 30, 56 Evening at Pops 50 Dragnet-Crime Drama 8:30 2 One On One 7, 24 Movie-Drama 11 1972 World Finals of Drag Racing 50 Mere Griffin 9:002, 11 Basebali 9 News-Don Daly 20 There is an Answer-Religion 30, 56 International Performance 9:30 9 It's A Musical World 20 Seven Hundred Club 10:00 4, 13 NBC Reports 7, 24 Marcus Welhy, M.D. 9 Ascent oe Man 50 Percy Mason 56 DeteoitBlackJournal 10:30 56 The Power Crisis 11 :00 4, 7, 13, 24 Newt BCBNews-Lloyd Robertson 50 One Step Beyond-Drama 11:30 2, 9, 11 News 4, 13 Johnny Carson 7, 24 "oward Cosl lwith the Miami Dolphins 20 New Directions 50 Movie-Mystery, "Hunter of the Unknown." 12:00 2, 11 Movie-Comedy, "Bunny O'Hare." 9 Movie-Science Fiction, "The Mysterians." 1:00 4, 7, 13 News 1:20 2 Movie--Adventure, "Erik the Conqueror." 11 News 2:50 2 Mayherry R.F.D. 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