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August 14, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-08-14

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Summer Daily

Vol. LXXXI11, No, 61-S

Ann Arbor, Michigon-Tuesday, August 14, 1973

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

i* U.S. to protect
reco n m Sissou
Sover Cambopdia
.~~ ~~ aferbombhl

I'VASII IN('IS)N 311/-l-re 1ent gon
yesterday indicated it would tact to
pirotect tiarnied L115. reconnaissance
and ca rgo planes if they were tired
on rafter UI.S. bomibing in ("ambodia
ends tonight at midnight.
However, spokesman Jerry Fried-
hei s 'aid the P entagon would take
no military ation such as providing
armedl jet escorts without aoingto
Coon'ress beforeha nd
Al 1,lEST, Friedheimo spoke onlcy of
rconsuiiticct with Congress. Bit later hoe
said, "t Wottld be ctit to Congress to
cthange te law,''whtichi tatis U. S. coin-
hbit in tIndochina.
TIhe Penitagon ntotified Congress 10 lays
agor thtit i intends to continue "uanned
reonnaissance flights for the purpose of
gathering intetligence'' and "ntcncottbat
At Photo flttghtts tic deliver military assistance and
htttttitarian supplies"tto Cambodia and
Laos beyond the bon-ibing cot-off date.
i riedheitn said that U. S. reconnaissance
reporters flights are necessary "because we have an
conducted interest in what is going on" in Cambodia
in Claude and ILaos. lie justified this interest on
thte casis if cointied U.S. military aritts

Doawn but not out
President Nixon's advisor Melvin Laird sits on the floor surrounded by
during a nests briefing yesterday in the While House. The briefing was
by deputy newrs secretary Gerald Warren and Secretary of Transpmortatic

aid to tlte twit couintites
Furry winged roden..ts
dri~ve University btty

ABtOUT' SIX t.S. Cargc plines are ar-
rising at the IPluc1tn I- l'ttalls iot cacti
dlay, tcictttcict sail, inidicat ing he expects
tis ociittiiite fat suuiie tiiii. Ile dit
not idisciiss lie otinier at presetnt or fic
tlure recoinnaissatnce ftigthts.
-WIe tiase no itntention of becoiinig in-.
victved in hiistilities after ttte fitteeithtoif
tiae imoctht," l'cieilheictt said.
'"Vie liiite tie cther sile willt initersttiitd
ailtot pitt us ill lie positiuoct iliere sv«e
wiioilli ase to reassess te ititaati.''
wthat kitnd if specific iitary actints
titight be takent.
I Inwever, he indicated the Penctagmn is
ready fur sssift itoves in eveitt the 2111
ccr so U.S. ditploiats tutd other U.S. citi-
zens in Phitn Peith are etidatigered aitd
need to be rescued.
iriedheimn made it plain thait the Untited
States will be in tn hurry to reduce ifs
heavy iairpiower based ini nearby Tlhai-
land After till the bonibinig ends.
"WE WILL CERTAINLY be aissessing
how the situtatiiin evolves," Iriedheita
"'I wuldn't litok far all the aircraft to
coimeIonte ini the first fesscdays.''
Other sources haive said that the United
Stiles probably woculd start piillig ccit
Sallce it its OoOillates acid 45111111Amcerican
service mcent froiic'T'haitatnd about a motht
aitter lie barubitig hlat acid that tce with-
drawat puacess witt cottiuucocvei'a terid
ot mcany Iciittls.
SONIE I..WARPLANE:S, inictuinitg
HtS? ht'tvy bitt s, will teninin ii'TOtt
laud tcils'tiiiiitely is5acdetertrent lii passiblc
ciew SaorIthiVit ctin cese 'cit e :ives cc tid
chtciit i ci isi t 'tiiltttl.
.'ct'tiicchilt ycstcrday\, tS, ltnticibtitifi
ect mi icticuist fldtames ictill ml ttclfltlto
t1: il1 itt() 11 1 for id sagiiit tt
't ws'SI) .5 is's1011' tiiig agl"ainsttle
thiefiho~t 11 iticts 1W 0 than' i :daysctiio.'
l',ii.' osiiaiii cc t itit icifisf fl icc c.s
I Nil ir' t I futuftiii c thou iltithei(tit tlt'
IN l tit'III;Ig if'c' ttes it l.cts, l ie t 'aacltt
f~l iI tais'c'c ccc i I itctc s'ti ci It cci ''fi ~tii
iith -I tci1111,' ii'ePciccctict I u'iccie tctcdill
cIl c slti ligitthcay liicii c'd tivttit .15 c itt s
1i'ttc t 'itctc tcil iil li giccctec
clicuid t'; ticicditt cc i'c c tl.tt fcc it li'il icc
sciccic ti. w 'tii'lcl~ttices w ill t'ettttiti Iccli
dci~itut titst thebicicitig l;ciildlitte ct
ttiiicilct P1)1T''acoday . The cresience
wouild he used as a deterretut toI aliis..ihle
new Niirtli Vietimese offensiiv,
See U1S,, Page S

BItlt)ItlR'l ItAIKIN
Asii7ctsIttit 1t;a\s;1ithle Utic isiy
1 c ccl (e 'cybusly ;lwtIs ilsiicg a1sicil,
fit- . iiwcigt lcdets fhol struktoik nciathlie
1,i fattyi.
ha cioi' lik'1(111ss inc the;'1llicit 1 of cc '
sail ic'iiii etc11(Ai11 Iiif trlll 1 1c i' iccs 1ir.i1
ti, up'ac'siinis'c to :cvi'
IlI' 'l'lll;I' ,lllC(,tNNI cl it Augu(1S, t
11'f l\ i 11'i's i's ctt t fcs t ltcie i
I t.'fccci (icic c 1! 1 citiicicci 1scitti I ('11tit t ii
a111 ccIll(c1c llcictil ;ti I ;1giccicicty cit A tcitl,''
cit 11 1cc1ls Ivewcck ;ticid a1 c1ltI''
/iilcgy Prict11')f. Vi111ictuctItucle whiocis
ricrlc(ir it t11ttc11c11;t~ls1at111c Mclicccic11i
1111cc1(1cy, is Ictffleil by l11Ce 1utli 1' of1c1ts
See FURRY, Page 5

PolitP dit, to KINH fIriK
'1InIE t' P1 1 (RI ATURE ilturd aimov htas tuse'd In 'resing trouble fotr
University batp 'rsonms in recent weeks. While most eperts agree at rabies
epidemic is not likely, bats hove invaded a number of University buildings.

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