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August 11, 1973 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1973-08-11

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Saturday, August 1 1, 1973


Paae Five

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North Vietnam key
to Laotian peace

If real and permanent peace
comes to Laos, which has been
torn by more than a decade of
violent war largely because of
an accident of geography, it will
he because North Vietnam per-
mits events to happen that way.
Even if peace does come, it ap-
pears doubtful the Laotians, who
are now involved in their third
peace agreement since 1954, can
look forward to regaining full con-
trol of their territory without the
presence of the North Vietna-
THAT IS THE consensus of
many officials within the Laotian
government diplomats and long-
time western residents of this
small mountain kingdom, which
lies along the western frontier of
On July 28, a Communist Pa-
thet Lao emissary, Col. Soth Pe-
trasy, a r r i v e d in Vientiane
aboard a Soviet flight from Ha-
noi carrying fresh instructions
from Pathet Lao headquarters at
Sam Neua near the North Viet-
namese border.
Wi t h i n hours Pathet Lao
negotiators signaled agreement
in principle on points holding up
formation of a coalition govern-
been stalemated since a cease-
fire went into effect last Feb. 22,
moved into what is considered a
final phase. There are still, how-
ever, a number of issues to be
settled before a protocol can be
signed and the coalition takes
over, under pro-Western Prime
Minister Prince Souvanna Phou-
ma with his half-brother "red"
Prince Souphanouvong nominal
head of the'Pathet Lao, as first
deputy premier.
NOTING THAT North Vietnam
has done most of the fighting in
Laos in recent years, all sources
agree that the Pathet Lao could
not have moved without Hanoi's
approval. They also agree that
it is no accident that Laos is
the only part of Indochina where
fighting has come to a halt.
"The North Vietnamese want
the cease-fire to work. They have
the supply of the Ho Chi Minh
trail in return," said one well in-
formed source here referring to
the military supply route through
Eastern Laos from North to
South Vietnam.
Since the cease-fire and the
halt of American bombing in
Laos, reconnaissance p 1 a n e s
have spotted road work along
the - trail network, including the
installation of steel bridges, and
daylight truck traffic. Military
sources believe the improvements
have brought more North Vietna-
mese into the country, raising the
total of Hanoi's troops in Laos
from 60,000 to possibly 70,000.
FORMATION OF the coalition
government starts the clock on
a 60-day deadline for withdrawal
of foreign troops, including U. S.
advisers and 17,000 troops re-

cruited by the Americans in Thai-
Unlike in South V i e t n a m,
many Western sources-in Laos
believe the North Vietnamese
may respond with a substantial
withdrawal of their own forces.
But they are expected to keep
the Ho Chi Minh trail firmly in
their own hands.
Some sources here view the
future with pessimism, noting
that Souvanna Phouma's forces
are in a worse position with the
Communists exerting control in
as much as three-fourths of the
THESE SOUR{CES also note
that under the agreement as so
far negotiated the Pathet Lao will
retain control of its areas while
moving into the Vientiane gov-
ernment under a formula requir-
ing unanimous cabinet decision
that could lead to total chaos
and paralysis.
On the other side, the 72-year-
old Souvanna remains at the
head of the government. He is
originally a neutralist who has
moved into the western camp
during his more than 18 years as
prime minister in four different
governments, and is regarded by
many as the only capable leader
that Laos has.

A meetin of the mind
Sharing somewhat more than an experience, two zebras at a Stockbridge, Ga. game preserve seem to
be of the same stripe as they ponder a visitor with a camera. It's not a reflection, on either of them,
but the head is on the one at the left. Or is it the right?


Th isis Newsprint.

Harm less looking, isn't it?




All by itself, this innocuous square of paper hardly
seems important. But every week about 170,000
pounds of newsprint comes into Ann Arbor as news-
papers orto be made into newspapers. Well-packed,
that would make a square pile 20 feet on a side and
10 feet tall, solid newsprint. After the news is read,
the paper is buried and both are forgotten. But the
pile of old newsprint will grow until it no longer can
be ignored.

Fortunately, there is a solution. Old newsprint can
be recycled and made into paper products, thus
sparing the landscape and trees that would other-
wise have been cut. In Ann Arbor the Ecology
Center has a recycling station on South Industrial
Highway, off Stadium, just south of the Coca-Cola
bottlers. It's open from 10 a.m to 4:30 p.m. Wednes-
day thru Saturday.

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