Wednesday; May 16, 1973 THE SUMMER DAILY Page Five Wednesday, May 16, 1973 THE SUMMER DAILY Page Five Connally: A poliltilcal acrobat'? (Continued from Page 3) which Agnew's Maryland scene is a dainty minuet. Other conservative GOP presi- dential possibles-Gov. Ronald Reagan of California and Sen. William Brock of Tennessee- also cannot ignore the arrival of Connally. In addition to all of the above points, Connally has youth to contrast with the aging' Reagan and maturity to over- shadow Brock. Republican liberals have no more cause for complacency. GOV. NELSON Rockefeller of New York and Sen. Charles Percy of Illinois are in a par- allel position to Reagon and Brock in the youth-age bracket, and anyone who has seen Con- nally in action has to give him the nod for political fluency over both those GOP liberal potential candidates. All of that being said, Connally still is a far fetch from getting the 1976 Republican presidential 'nomination. In the first "place- and this is an important point to political regulars - he is a Johnny-come-lately whose con- version to the Republican faith can be pictured as. the only move open to him after he burned his Democratic bridges by serving President Nixon. Second, while Connally has a big reputation for political savvy and persuasiveness, Republicans are entitled to ask 'What have you done lately?"-and to meas- ure his potency against Agnew and the rest of the field in the 1974 congressional elections. IF CONNALLY campaigns ex- tensively for GOP candidates, as it seems likely he will, you can be sure the Republicans who will be choosing the nominee in 1976 will keep a detailed book on his successes and failures. If his candidates flop, so may Connally. Humane Society: no place like home (Continued from Page 3) biturate, in their food: they are when the semester is over. That "put to sleep". Smaller animals is inhumane." are chloroformed. All the ani- Maynard says the Humane So- mals are cremated, their ashes ciety makes every effort to trace deposited in a field behind the the animals' original owners or - building. Once a year the ashes to find them new homes. But the are hauled away. dogs can usually only be kept for "It is like playing God when 10-15 days because of the lack of it comes to putting these animals available space. down. I don't think anyone could The amount of time is flexi- evrgtue oi, anr ble, however. "If we get a beau- ever get sed ntto its Maynar tiful Irish setter here, it is only or a dog - either w-y, life is natural to keep that dog longer being destroyed." than a moth-eaten mongrel," Maynard says. There are no city dog pounds Puppies and kittens are the in Washtensw County because, easiest to place. It doesn't make the Humane Society has voluntar- any difference to prospective ilyoted to be caretaker for all owners if a dog is large or small, stray and unwanted animals. short-haired or shaggy, "but for "We would rather take care some reason, no one wants a of them here than see the Ann black dog." Arbor Police open a pound that Dogs that cannot be placed are keeps dogs for three days and fed Sodium Pentobarbitol, a bar- then - boom, boom, boom . . vote produces nurmerous surprises The changing of the wards (Continuedtrom Page 1) The Republicans contend the present plan is, riddled with er- rors. Lax has consistently said the current plan conforms to all legal requirements. MAYOR JAMES Stephenson claims the resolution allows coun- cil a voice in the court proceed- ings but in fact it seeks to cir- cumvent the legal process en- tirely. Political observers have called the Republican effort everything from a "joke" to a "crock of shit." The tactics, however, are a not too subtlely veiled political power play. If successful, the Republicans may be able to retain control of city government despite the will of the liberal 'majority. "THE BEST FILMED CHEKHOV I'VE EVER SEEN." ---Canby, NY Times IN COLOR Starring Serqei .1 Bondorchuk, Director rte of '~ "War and -t / Peace" y "BREATH-TAKING IN ITS BEAUTY." -Archer Winston, NY Post Sat., Sun. & Wed. at 1, 3, 5, 7, & 9 P.M. Mon. & Tues, at 7 & 9 P.M. Only N 214 s un vers ty Theatre, Phone 668 6416 NEXT: "The Nelson Affgir" (Continued from Page 3) he and two friends once "bought" their way out of a stolen goods arrest in Chicago by paying off several police offi- cers. He claims to have had no in- volvement in the stolen goods operation, but adds that he had "knowledge" of the ring's activi- ties and refuses to go into de- tails. A man of many talents, Gill recently taught a Sunday school class at the Grace Memorial Church of God in Christ in De- troit. His campus activity has included formation of the Coun- cil for Black Concerns, presi- dency of South Quad's Minority Council, and appointment by the Jacobs administration as SGC's vice president for minority af- fairs. GILL SAYS SRP is planning a "s t u d e n t government work- shop" to be held in late August by representatives of all of the University's student organiza- tions. He adds that details of the workshop are presently "pretty vag'e" but that "the main idea is to put SGC back together." Vice President for S t u d e n t Services Henry Johnson, an acquaintance of Gill's, expressed optimism about the newly elected SGC chief, but not without quali- fication. "Lee is a very bright and am- bitious man," Johnson said in an interview yesterday. "But the role of an SGC president is not always to charge out like a stal- lion-it is usually a matter of just getting people to agree on which is the right stallion." With TWA it pays to be young. 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