Thursdoy, August 9, 1973 THE SUMMER DAILY Page Eleven Thursday, August 9, 1973 THE SUMMER DAILY Page Eleven RECRUITING VIOLATIONS CITED Oklahoma: two year probation KANSAS CITY (AP) - The Big son and in 1974 and cannot ap- Oklahoma forfeited four confer- high school coach for his ex- shaken by the penalty's severity Eight Conference dealt the Uni- pear in televised games in 1974 ence games. penses in bringing three pros- said the' Oklahoma progran versity of Oklahoma team, rank- and 1975. Under the probation, Wendell pects to the campus. "wasn't built on infractions" an ed No. 2 nationally in 1971 and The Sooners will honor their Mosley, an assistant football * An Oklahoma coach provid- that the school would "dedicat 1972, a severe blow yesterday by television contracts in 1973 un- coach, and Dennis Price, an as- ed his automobile for the per- ourselves to continue in our pro placing the Sooners on probation der National Collegiate Athletic sistant basketball coach, will be sonal use of a prospective ath- gram and will take every ste for two years for recruiting ir- Association rules since these prohibited from recruiting for lete. possible to insure that it won' regularities. had been signed before the dis- one year. 0 A coach arranged for the happen again." The Oklahoma basketball pro- ciplinary action, taken Tuesday transportation of a prospect's- - _ - "' gram was handed a similar per- in Chicago by the league's fac- NO LIMITATIONS were placed mother and two of her friends to lad of probation, likewise for vi- ulty representatives, its govern- on Oklahoma's basketball prO- the campus. olations of recruiting rules. ing body. gram other than the probation- 0 A representative of Okla- ary period. homa's athletic interests trans- IN ADDITION TO the probation, OKLAHOMA PLAYS Texas Oct. Assuming Oklahoma contin- ported parents and friends of an the proud Sooner footballers, 13 in a televised contest and ues to flourish as a football athlete in a company-owned air- who skyrocketed into national Nebraska Nov. 23. power, Neinas estimated the craft to attend a game in Nor-th e b all prominence a 2 years ago by The conference action, an- probation would result in the loss man. installing the Wishbone forma- nounced in Kansas City at a mid- lass of $1 to $2 million in bowl 0 A coach offered to provide .a 0 tion in midseason, will be barred morning news conference by Big and television monies for the prospective athlete with a ward- from postseason competition and Eight Commissioner Charles M. conference. robe as an inducement to attend -s w e t television appearances for two Neinas, also stripped the Soon- The conference enumerated 10 Oklahoma. years. ers of .the league football cham- football violations: Oklahoma usedd an ineligi CHICAGO (A) - Pitcher Ga Oklahoma will be unable to pionship they won in 1972 and * A representative of the Ok- ble player in four conference lord Perry of the Cleveland I play in bowl contests this sea- handed the title to Nebraska. lahoma coaching staff was in- games. dians, who is supposed to has volved in the falsification of the more on the ball than just speed high school transcript of a pros- The high school transcripts of confessed yesterday that hei ective student-athlete. two freshmen players, quarter- n something "but onlyo 1214 S. UNIVERSITY 0 A student - athlete who fail- the sidelines." ed to meet the 1.6 grade aver- The OU Scandal Perry was questioned about age requirement was provided fi- book yet to be published entitle L I Z nancial assistance and was al- VIOLATIONS: Ten Football "Me And The Spitter-The Da lowed to practice and compete. recruiting irregularities a n d I Took The Plunge." DIAL 668-6416 0 Oklahoma certified an in- three basketball HE SAID, "It's about things eligible athlete for NCAA post- MOST SERIOUS: The tam- pitcher goes through on th wed sat. season play. pering with the transcripts of mound, for instance, getting hi sun. a*tA prospective student - ath- two players, including black ters to think maybe I'm usin 1:15, 3:45lete visited the campus three quarterback Kerry Phillips T-85. times and received partial ex- PENALTIES: Two year Pro- something." at 7 pm penses on each visit. A second bation for both squads and pro- e said he" t o go g & s:15 temuhwe htwslg $25 prospect visited twice and re- hibition against any football ap- in 1964 and when the rules wer 50i$ ceived at least partial expenses pearance on TV for 1974 and i and hn te srles wt a sbhoseoc.O oevsteah17"changed in 1968 I started otht No psses once. On one visit each prospect 1975. Kerry Jackson ineligible routines, like going to the cat Na again was on campus in excess of 48 for a year Ra ed x hours. DAMAGE TO O.U.: No es- or neck all the psychologic "*Oklahoma reimbursed a tablished quarterback, prestige things I can do to keep the bat loss, recruiting problem, loss of thns Iucang. revenue es guessing. "ON THE SIDELINES I t .athrowing new pitches-I'm a back Kerry Jackson and h neman ways working on new things," h Mike Phillips, both of Corpus said. "And I use stuff on th B eca efulw ith reChristi, Tex., were those to whom ball-tm not saying what-I thCe c o nf e -e n c e r e in n ine.le a rn th e se th in g s t p ra c tic e Jackson, who played in nine the sidelines. ]R e e rn V~,%;JL*. e ~e b / games, was ruled ineligible to "As a result, I have comeu compete in the coming season, with a slider and a fork bat back with varsity experience, things. I still don't throw a scre in f e w+Q ds. THE CONFERENE did not ball t taktitweyWO (illlps' eligibility, "I feet that someday spite take away Phillips'eiiiiy will be legal and I jost at noting that its investigation re-wI want 1 And those baby fawns, rabbits, Fllow all the rules of svealed that o one at Okahoma be sure I'm ready." squirrels and trees need a safe, happy caution just like any other place whee was involved or had any prior Meanwhile, the Chicago Tri knowledge of the alteration of une said: "There are hints th ome, They need a place where they can there arc children a play Phillips' transcript. Phillips did the allegations against Gayloi grow up strong and healthy. not play in varsity games. Perry which accuse the Clev h Oklahoma officials appealed to land hurler of throwing an ill Like babes everywhere.the NCAA to make Jackson eligi- gal pitch may finally get a hea So, please, be careful with fi re when ble for the 1973 season but the ing in the commissioner's office you're in the forest. appeal was denied. IN A STORY by George Lan Oklahoma A t h 1 e t i c Di- ford, the newspaper said todt rector Wade Walker, obviously that "the charge must first I - - brought by an American Leags DETROIT (UPI) - Wayne umpire who has some evideni State University's first football that Perry is applying a forei team, the 1918 squad, went un- substance, in this instance su beaten, untied and unscored pected to be petroleum jelly,t upon, but gets no official recog- the baseball to make it drt nition in the NCAA record books abnormally when thrown. because it played just four "The umpire who might I games. WSU wasn't nicknamed leveling such charges is Bi the Tartars at that time but did Haller, although he would n vs, y~ go 4-0-0 while scoring 100 points, confirm it yesterday. is a d .e 5- p ,t y- n- e d, is In a d y a he it- 'g to ;al e er P, al 0- ry l- he he to on w- !rs to ib- at Ord re- le- ir- 1g- ay be ue ice gn s- to op be ill lot DIAL Open Daily 12:45 665-6290 ENDS Shows at THURS.! 1, 3, 5, 7, & 9:05 MIC IGAN 603 E. Wednesday Is Bargain Day-Only Liberty $1.00 before 5 p.m J