Rage Ten THE SUjMMER MALY Thursday, August 9, 1 97 3 Anew: oCharges ware 'damn ed is AP Photo Carry it on Daniel Ellsberg, left, recently freed of charges in the Pentagon Papers case, joins members of the United Farmworkers in singing "We Shall Overcome" on the picket lines in Fresno, Calif., yesterday. WILL THEY STAY? Pa toilets cause brouhaha (Contiied from Page 1) his close political associates in Marvland also are involved in the probe. "1 am denying them outright and I think I should be permit- ted this departure from normal language and labeling them, 'damned lies"' he said of the charges. ASKED IF he ever received money for his personal use from firms holding contracts with the state or federal government, Ag- new replied: "Absolutely not." The Vice President said he was not aware of the specific charges against him. But at one point, he referred to the rumors which he said prompted a federal inves- tigation of bribery, tax fraud, ex- tortion and conspiracy allega- tions. The news conference signaled a shift in tactics for Agnew who declared in his initial statement that he would make no further comment until the investigation was completed. HUT HE CHARGED that "de- famatory leaks to news media" indicated to him that the tradi- tional secrecy of such investiga- tions is "not going to be extend- ed to the vice president." Because of these leaks, "I can- not adhere to my original inten- tion to remain silent." Asked how he thought the in- vestigation would affect his presidential chances, Agnew said such charges are always bother- some to public figures but that he was not thinking about them in that frame of reference at this time. AGNEW SAID his income tax returns have been prepared by a p r o f e s s ion al accounting firm since 1967, which he noted was the year in which the allega- tions involving him were said to have first arisen. Ie also said he doesn't know who the contractors are whose activities a r e under investi- gation. But he recalled that at one time he was offered a bribe in Baltimore, but reported it. He did not elaborate. As for his reaction to the char- ges, Agnew said, "A U. S. attor- ney's letter is not the kind of thing that makes you comfort- able." Although the Vice President said he is confident he will not be indicted, sources were quoted in published reports yesterday as saying action on a proposed in- dictment of Agnew is expected within weeks. NEW YORK (UP) - irry Gilmer was an All-America tail- back for Alabama although he weighed only 160 pounds. 'to Mom's **1 M -b (ContoiniledPrgsi ie's i "PAY TOILET'S were original- ly used only is women's bath- rooms," r e p o r t s Madar, the UAW's head of consumer affairs. "It's only more recently become an issue facing both men and women." In her desire to eradicate this discrimination, Madar sent in- formation on the toilets to a num- ber of state legislators. McCol- lough was the first one to take tip the chalenge. "I think Pat could become the hero of tihe year for this bill,' Madar comimosents W H I L E Mcc'Ol.lOLGII may indeed become a hero in some circles not everyone is over- joyed by the prospect of a ban on pat toilets. Martin Miller is one such per son. As getieral manager of the Nik-O-Lok company-an Indian- apolis based firm specializing in the production of pay toilet doors, Miller views legislation like Mc- Collough's as a threat to his live- lihood. He calls such bills "attention- getters" but c o n c e d e s "they cause some unrest among com- pany executives." IN RESPONSE to that unrest, Miller and his fellow executives set out in 1972 to design a coun- ter-offensive to the anti-pay toilet movement. The result was a publication called "Why Pay Toilets"-a 38- page pamphlet of letters from Nik-O-Lok customers explaining why they used the company's product. An advertising coup to be sure -the little blue booklet is a gen- uine "plain folks testimonial"- right down to the misspelled words and bad sentence struc- ture. THE BULK of responses come from bus stations, laundromats and gas stations across the coun- try. They praise the toilets for keeping bathrooms cleaner' and weeding out so-called undesir- ables. Some of the letters are vague about these "undesirables" while others are brutally explicit. fNe response from a service station manager in Oakland, Calif., reads: "I USE lock rest rooms to keep out the drunks, prostitutes, and homosexuals that make nit rest- roams a mess:- * Prostitutes; they nake a mess cleaning themselves after an affair. 0 Homosexuals tie up the rest- rooms doing their thing. * Dope hounds plug up the toilets and set fire to them to, heat their fixes. * Drunks can't seem to hit what they are aiming at, men or women and my God what a mess." Nik-O-Lok executives hope the booklet will convince hostile leg- islators that pay toilets do in- deed serve a useful function. TO McCOLLOUGH, however, the toilets are still examples of "wrongs we have an obligation to correct." As he puts it, "It aught to be clear that it is not the major bill facing the Michigan legislature, but it has at least as much im- portance for the citizen as many other pieces of legisaltion and probably more. "People who make their living serving the public have an .obli- gation to provide free restroom facilities." THE BATTLE - LINES, t h e n, have been drawn with McCol- liugh and friends on one side and the toilet lobby on the other. Just who will emerge victorious is at. this point unclear, but one thing is certain: The debate on the bill should be one hell of a circus. I Bring a box of salt For Tequilla Night Discount THURSDAYS OPEN 11 :00-2:00 A mori i t e'piiirite in sound atid light 341 S. MAIN ANN ARBOR Prosecutor pushes I invesigaton (Contined froim Page 3) Among the matters under in- vestigation had been whether any witnesses at the Kleindienst confirmation hearings had com- mitted perjury. Last month, at Cox's request, U.S. District Court Judge John Sirica signed an order creating a special grand jutry to hear evi- dence on Watergate matters other than the June 17, 1972, break-in at Democratic National committee headquarters and the subsequent cover-up attempt. THE ITT SETTLEMENT al- lowed the giant conglomerate to acquire Hartford Fire Insurance Co. But it was required to divest itself of four subsidiaries. Three.Justice Department suits seeking to nullify tTT corporate acquisition, including that of Hartford Fire, were pending against the conglomerate. The settlement became an is- sue at the Kleindienst hearings after columnist Jack Anderson published a memorandum alleg- edly written by ITT lobbyist Dita Beard that linked the settle- ment to the reported $400,000 offer from ITT Sheraton. RELIABLE ABORTION SERICE Clinic in Mich.-l to 24 week pregnoncies terminated by li- censed obstetricion nvnecologist Ouick services will -be arranged. Low rates. CALL COLLECT 21 2E1-E060 24 HOUR SERVICE S Mr. Tony's delicious * 1Z or 14" PIZZA! * Offer Good August 9-15 Offer good for pickup, dine-rn or I FAT!FREE DELIVtERY! 663-0511 1 Otter good for Pickup or FREE DELI VERY at 1327 S.Urniversitylocation only. What you like... in sandwiches.