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August 09, 1973 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1973-08-09

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Sunm er Daily
Summer Edition of
Edited and managed by students at the
University of Michigan
Thursday, August 9, 1973 News Phone: 764-0552
Relinquish royalties
IN THESE DAYS of possible presidential and now vice-
presidential scandal, the problem of professors as-
signing their own textbooks for courses would seem to be
a rather minor concern.
After all, with the maximum royalty fees reaching
perhaps $1000 a year, professors could hardly be describ-
ed as raking in the dough off poor unsuspecting stu-
But in this case, the principle involved-namely con-
flict of interest-is far more important than the amount
of money.
BY EARNING a profit from sales of the books, professors
leave themselves in an ambiguous position. One can
never be certain that the assignment was made for edu-
cational or financial reasons.
Most professors see nothing wrong with this prac-
tice. They defend their books as the best in the field and
dismiss the royalties as "insignificant.". This University
has never seen fit to challenge that judgement.
At other universities the situation is different.
IN ILLINOIS. a professor accepting fees from intra-uni-
versity sales of his book is subject to a one-year pri-
son term and a $1000 fine.
Perhaps more realistic, however. is the solution found
by a professor at the University of Minnesota. There, fol-
lowing a discussion of the issue in the campus paper, The
Minnesota Daily, one professor decided to donate his
royalties to a charity of his choice.
In making his donation Prof. Joseph Chaiklin said,
"I just wanted to remove any ambiguity about the fact
that I was assigning the book and making money from
THE PROFESSORS at this University would in our opin-
ion do well to follow Chaiklin's example. If a profes-
sor felt his book was the best, there would be nothing to
stop him from assigning it. The only difference would
be the money.
We call upon the administration of the University to
institute a policy of royalty donations on intra-univer-
sity book sales to students. Only in this way can the
cloud of conflict of interest be removed once and for all.

A peripatetic poet's pearly prose
on a weekend in the Windy City

WHEY DON'T BUILD cities like
Chicago any more. Oh, they
can slap down a World Trade
Building and _even a stock yard.
They can import a National Opera
Company and a baseball team and
call it culture. But they don't build
cities like Chicago anymore.
Why you may ask? Because they
simple couldn't find people I i k e
Chicagoans to live in it. Those
hardy souls who brave the slings
and arrows of outrageous fortune
only to wind up in second place.
THOUGH THE "Second City" in
the minds of the country's urban
historians, Chi-town has no equal
when it comes to humor.
A couple of gems for the collec-
tor are offered here:
laast Friday, Chicago's creme de
Ia creme of hotels, the Palmer
House, hosted Japanese Premier
Tanaka. The place was lousy with
coppers and several elevators that
serviced key sections of the hotel
were cordoned off.
A RATHER well to do female
resident complained bitterly in no
uncertain terms about the incon-
veniences necessitated by the Tan-
aka visit. Referring somewhat ab-
sently to that "little Jap," she
told her fellow elevator car rid-
ers that "my money's as good as
his." To which at least five peo-
ple around her retorted, "Wanna
Joining the Palmer House lady in
anger about the Tanaka visit was
lovable Roman Puchinski, former
Senatorial candidate and present
Alderman. Seems the Daley hench-
man was unclear as to his position
on the visit. After all, the outsp.k-
en Pucinski pointed out "I was
flyins lead bombadier against To-
kyo 29 years ago."
Chicago is in the midst of yet
another scandal and as usual Hiz-
zoner, Richard Daley, was in the
center of the tempest. Daley's
right hand man, Earl Bush, has
been involved in fixing the adver-
tising bids for O'Hare, the world's
largest airport.
"IT'S NOT ILLEGAL, everybody
does this sort of thing," Bush said.
Well, just about everybody.
The meat crisis is for real in Chi-
cago and shows no sign whatever


"THEY CAN SLAP down a World Trade Building and even a
stock yard. They can import a National Opera Company and a
baseball team and call it culture. But they don't build cities
like Chicago any more."

of diminishing in force. A Chi-
cago paper detailed the plight of
"Cruising for Burger" giant Mc-
Donald's with the touching head-
line, "Yes, We have no burgers"
. . . A local politico had a solu-
tion, though - "re-constituted
beef. "No doubt," one wag con-
fided, "the mayor's son has in-
vested in it. And there's alrecdy
a plant on the South Side."
CHICAGO SPORTS fans h a v e
taken a beating this baseball sea-
son. Once their two teams were
predicted to engage in the first
cross-town World Series since the
Dodgers and the Yangees went at
it in the 1950's. But the Sox have
collapsed on the broken leg of
Dick "The Franchise" Allen and
the Cubs are up to their old lethar-
gic tricks. "A curse," howls a
Sox fan, "We're cursed."
"An infield leaky as a pregnant
faucet, four broken legs on four
different players, a leading pit-
cher who can't throw a fastball,
and a drunk announcer."
Second in size, first in lies and

fourth in the American League
THE SAME DAY the Palmer
House graciously opened up its
portals to Premiere Tanaka, t h e
Big Ten football coaches broke
bread in the Palmer House's fourth
floor ballroom. The purpose of the
coaches meeting, after all, was to
show that all the guys who talk
like Marine drill sergeants and
coach Big Ten teams were just re-
gular fun loving guys.
The charms of Chicago even
reached the slightly derranged
Woody Hayes, who spent his free
time this summer writing a book
entitled "Win With People."
After plugging his volume, Hay-
es told the assembled multitude
of his excursion to the Rose Bowl:
Seems after the crushing forty
point loss at Pasadena, H a y e s
was making his way to the locker
room when he bumped into a little
old lady. "No offense," said the
gentlemanly Hayes.
the woman.



ILetters to The Daily

To The Daily:
The Summet
article (July2
(July 28), igno
involved in the
the showing o
the Band". T
the right of t
Cooperative to
Michigan facil
fit from showin
point is summi
en by one of t
"Show me a
and I will shos
The Summer
that Gay peo
short' pre-arr
few well-chose
invitation to t
after the film
tale the flow
hands of the

Gays respond of many of them. There are a num-
ber of Gay people living in this
town who do not intend to allow
r Daily, in a news the Ann Arbor Film Cooperative -
27) and an editorial or anyone - to exploit the oppres-
res the central issue sion of Gay people by hiding be-
recent disruption of hind the "concept of free public
f the film "Boys in media-access" - just as m a n y
he central issue is Americans no longer intend to let
he Ann Arbor Film Mr. Nixon hide behind the concept
use University of of "National security" vis-a-vis, the
ities to make a pro- Watergate affair.
1g a film whose view- While the Summer Daily may
ed up by a line spok- feel that tokenism and "sympathy"
he characters in it: should be what Gay people ought to
happy homosexual be working toward, many G a y
w you a gay corpse." people have decided to stop plead-
Daily seems to think ing for "sympathy" and "under-
ple should give "a standing." Stepping to the back of
anged rap" or "a the bus won't do. If heterosexuals
en words" and "an are not ready for this attitude, that
alk with Gay people is their problem, not ours.
-" in order to facili- -Gerald G. Naylor, Rack. '73
of revenue into the
Ann Arbor F i 1 m Critic crucifed





Cooperative - at Gay people's ex-
pense, of course.
I believe it was Justice Holmes
who once said that the right of,
free speech does not extend to the
right to yell "FIRE!" in a crowd-
ed theatre, if the theatre in ques-
tion is not on fire. So, too, does
the right of the Ann Arbor Film
Cooperative to derive profit from
showing a film like "Boys in the
Band" cease to be valid as long
as Gay people are being placed
in mental institutions and jails to
be subjected to the tortures of
aversion "therapy" - treatment
which has resulted in the deaths

To The Daily:
WHAT KIND of paranoid, malic-
ious and elitist doggerel does John
Adams think he can foist on your
readers. I was at Watkins Glen
and had a great time. And, as any
idiot knows, Rick Danko plays the
fiddle, and not mandolin, on Rag
Mamma Rag. Also, what the hell
is wrong with Led Zeppelin. They
are one of the best bands going.
Jimmy Page is .4 killer. You can,
tell Mr. Adams that if I ever
meet him in a dark alley I'll be
-Reginald Montano

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