Page Six
Wednesday, August 8, 1973
Page Six THE SUMMER DAILY Wednesday, August 8, 1973
The game of life
Errol Segal as "Sir" plays the great game of life with Kenneth Marshall (Cocky) in a scene from "The
Roar of the Greasepaint, the Smell of the Crowd" which opened last night and runs through Saturday
at the Power Center. A review will appear in tomorrow's paper.
ISR-studyteam fins--
I studRyD e ar i
A research team at the Univer-
sity's Institute for Social R e -
search (ISR) has concluded that
a major upturn in public distrust
of the government over the last
15 years could produce "a gener-
ation of cynical Americans."
In a study titled "Social Con-
flict and Political Estrangement,
1958-72, sociologists from the
Center for Political Studies under
the direction of Prof. A r t h u r
Miller found that a rapidly grow-
ing group of black Americans
and a surprisingly large number
of white have become discontent-
ed with or "estranged from" the
political process.
And the researchers predict
that the shift in opinions will soon
produce a "reservoir of citizens
who are potential converts for ei-
ther party realignment or the
rise of a new party."
The ISR team interviewed vot-
ers in every election year since
1958, asking five questions of
each respondent to determine
trust in the government, a n d
found that both black and white
attitudes toward the system be-
gan to plunge after 1964.
Blacks and young people, ac-
cording to the study, had by 1972
become the two most increasing-
ly estranged groups; between
1968 and 1972 black people's trust
in government plunged four times
as fast as whites'.
And youth, the researchers not-
ed, has become "one of the most
profoundly estranged groups in
The research period ended in
1972 and hence does not take in-
to account the possibility of mon-
umental increases in government-
al distrust stemming from t he
Watergate scandal.
But the ISR study pointed out
that while "these trends are not,
of course, inevitable, the longer
distrust remains high, the more
difficult it will be to reverse."
The survey showed that black
faith in the political system peak-
ed in 1964 with the election of
Lyndon Johnson and the "crest-
ing of the nationwide civil rights
movement. But since then, it ap-
pears, blacks have grown in-
creasingly cynical toward the
government, especially during
Richard Nixon's first four-year
White estrangement, as nme-
aced by the ccsearchers' "Es-
trangement Percentage Differ-
ence Index" based on voter inter-
views, increased at a solid, even
pace from 1964 to the 1972 elec-
lion, when voter turnout hit its
lowest point in any presidential
election since 1948.
The researchers say that sta-
tistics and the growing potential
for "mass political conversion"
may outline the shape of things
to come.
sex bias
suit filed
DETROIT (UPI) --A suit has
been filed in U. S. District Court
accusing the Michigan tHigh
School Athletic Association (MH-
SAA) of sex discrimination and
seeking a court order to stop it
from regulating girls' sports ac-
tivities until it gives women more
representation in policy-making.
The suit was filed by a grossp
called the Committee to Ensure
Equal Opportunity in Itigh School
Athletics, which includes women
who supervise high school ath-
letics, and Roberta Bald. a stu-
dent at Ann Arbor Pioneer Iigh
The complaint claimed the MH-
SAA, because of its organization-
al structure, is not allowing wo-
men a voice in decisions which
affect girls' high school athletics.
It cites as an example an MHSAA
decision last fall to make girls'
basketball and swimming fall
season sports instead of winter
The suit also seeks a court
order to halt a scheduled girls'
fall basket ball tournament which
is the result of an MHSAA deci-
sion in April.
The suit contends no women
coaches were consulted in either
of the decisions.
"These changes were made be-
cause of the upsurges in girls'
a t e r scha 1a stIi ccom-
petition, which presented t h e
male school principals with the
problem of scheduling facilities
in order not to interfere with
boys' programs," the suit said.
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Revenuey s arin a
WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Feder- city and state governments.
al revenue sharing as proposed "The plan was proposed as an
by the Nixon administration is additive source of revenue," he
"a hoax and a snare which is said. "Instead it has been used
keeping us from dealing with our as a substitute source to save
nation's social problems," ac- money."
cording to Wilbur Cohen, dean of He said his most basic criti-
the University's School of Educa- cism of both general and special
tion, revenue sharing programs was
Speaking before the American that "they have been used by the
Bar Association here Tuesday, present administration to reduce
the former secretary of Health, the federal role in providing aid
Education and Welfare accused to minorities, the disadvantaged
the administration of deceiving and the poor."
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