Civil By CHARLES STEIN Excuse me gentleman, can you tell me where the civil de- fense office is located? The three county employes taking their coffee break on the building's steps lttok up at me with a sinte pirled look. "Civ il defense? one asks. "Oh yeah, yeah. It's it this buldiog as a mattcr of ftct. Down thc hall and ocros the gym " TIlE IA6T thitpoplc sirk lug ttn t evrca 1 sfires awy v dt°n't know tte civil dInse- of fire ,hs- is to a e heat- titutly rrnac Ftor the PrtpOms( Of try sisit ti Ito fId tt ttWhat in- deed has hfpo c th o civil de- fenar. gin ttctihps of Stitttik, Khrt- scheR tad 'ate titan Missile Crisis t It e detp rtment se a s charged ilt thc vttal missiton of prtecttttg the httme frttnt against the sttssihle httrrors of a nuclear httlttruust. The 1-ussians at the time were a group of irrational war-mon- gers who banged their shoes on U. N. tables and shot down A m e r i c a n reconnaissance planes. THE CHINESE, so said our sixth grade Weekly Readers, wouldn't hesitate to start a nu- clear war because they had plenty of people to spare. In the new era of rapproch- ment, however, with President Nixon on better terms with the Russians and Chinese than he is with many members. of his own party - the threat of nu- clear attack seems far away. The civil defense program has in many ways declined with that threat, but it is by no means ex- tinct. BURIED BENEATH the build- ings and streets of Washtenaw County are fallout shelters cap- aple of holding some 240,000 peo- ple. Ypsilanti State Hospital alone has eight acres of tunnels tinder its floors. Many more are located right under our own Uni- versity. Each shelter is equipped with sufficient food and water to feed its population for 30 days - enough time for the deadly ra- dioactive fallout to dissipate ac- cording to the experts. The food -largely canned goods - is packed in 35 and 70 pound drums and sealed with wax to preserve its freshness. defense: 60s nostalgia "It won't make anybody fat, but it'll sure keep them alive," quips John Palmer, the man re- sponsible for coordinating the county's present civil defense effort. A THIN MAN with a craggy ( eatherheaten face, Palmer joined the county in 1967 after a 22-year stint as police chief in Chelsett. ThKoght n oa It ttltttter is ittn t tattv relive11 nttve it lie teat ers iii tail defense. lHe I ha sinrercly uiout the s URent apr if yrire sod strrss- s thi dsparinsst's cocerns ilt natural rthtter ttn nuclear disaster. E ena the nsaes if te shelters ohemselna haise her chatged frio faleort lt I tU K I N G THEK hig snusw- trs this spring we had over 16011 refugees in county fa- rilities," says Palmer emphasiz tug the new role. But the relics of the nuclear days are still visihle. On the wall of the office, just ahove Palmer's desk hangs an enor- mous strike chart that looks as if it has come straight ou of a Failsafe strategy session. Covering the central and east- era United States the map has a large red circle drawn in at a 500 mile radius from Washte- saw County. n "IF A BOMB falls in that cir- cle," Palmer explains, "we set our activities in motion.''" SThe t h o u g h t is some- what frightening. Bombs falling in points as distant as Harris- burg, Pennsylvania or Syracuse, New York could send Palmer scurrying to the impressive set of communications gadgetry lo- cated at the far side of the Calls would go out to schools, fire and police departments, na'- tional guard units and American Legion memhers who have heen trained for such emergency sit- nations. The effort would he largely a voluntary one as only Palmer and a single secretary are as the civil defense payroll. IN ADDITION to the radio equipment, the office has a ma- chine that tmeasutres fallosit in the atmosphere. "We pick up some slight reaction after the Frenrh and Chinese tests," Pal- mer comments, "hut its nothing The mighty mushroom cloud we have to worry about." That Palmer is a dedicated public servant who takes his job seriously can not be disput- ed, but there is unmistakeably a certain romance missing from his work. Only in 1968 when there was some concern over China's par- ticipation in the Vietnam War did the department experience anything approaching genuine excitement. "TRAINING DRILLS were stepped up a bit," Palmer re- calls dryly, "but that was about it." It wasn't always that way, however. Col. Gerald Miller who held the county's top civil de- fense post from 1958 to 1965 re- members his years in office as "incredibly hectic." During that period there were three secretaries to handle the mountains of paperwork that threatened to crush the office. "AS FAST AS we could work, we just couldn't keep up with the things that were coming down from Washington", re- marks Miller. Now retired and living in Ann Arbor, Miller looks more like the kind of friendly old grand- father you'd meet on a golf course than a top-ranking mili- tary man. Yet it was this ex- pertise - acquired as a regi- ment commander in both WWII and Korea - that made him an attractive candidate to a county in search of a civil defense leader. Working with military people from Battle Creek, Miller drew up many of the plans that were used as models for defense op- erations around the country. ACCORDING TO the colonel, the Battle Creek office was one of five regional centers around the country designed to take ov- er the functions of government should the government in Wash- ington fall to enemy bombs. The thought of high level of- ficials in Battle Creek determin- ing the fate of a war-ravaged America over bowls of Kellogg's cereal" is enough to boggle the imagination. But here we di- gress . . . Convincing people of the im- pending disaster was rather easy in those days Miller remi- nisces. "We had some films and slide shows that pointed up the horrors of nuclear war. They were very effective," he adds in classic understatement. THIS ATMOSPHERE of ten- sion that Miller describes per- vaded the entire nation in the early 60s - largely in reaction to the Russian atomic tests in the atmosphere. One Virginia realty firm, try- ing to cash in on the crisis ran an ad which read: "Buy a home in beautiful Virginia. Safely out- side the Washington target area." Businessmen also tried to make a quick buck by selling pre-fabricated home fallout shel- ters. Miller remembers one such firm operating out of Pontiac. "When the spring rains came," he jokes, "their shelters just floated right out of the ground." M I L L E R HIMSELF built a sturdy home shelter to show fellow residents what a shelter was supposed to look like. A photograph in the living room dated July 1959 shows the colo- nel up to his chest in dirt, shov- el in hand, working on that shel- ter. The structure is still there but Miller readily concedes "it's used mostly as a wine cellar these days." About 18 feet long by 8 feet wide the shelter holds several bunk beds and clorox bottles filled with water - all appropriately dated. "It wouldn't take much to get this back in shape" Miller is quick to add. YET THIS HIGH pressure period of the early 60s was not to last forever. With the signing of the test ban treaty and the deposing of the irascible Khrushev in favor of the cool and mechanical B r e z h n e v, the world's nu- clear tensions began to ease. One firm in California that had switched from swimming pool to home shelter construc- tion in 1961 was back to swim- ming pools by 1963 - the mar- ket appeal of the shelters sud- denly on a par with the Edsel. WORDS LIKE CIVIL defense and target area began to acquire a strangely anachronistic ring. By 1965 convinced that he had done all he could, and tired of trying to deal with politicians who were just not interested, Miller decided to call it quits. "When a long time passes and nothing happens," he muses, "you just have to expect people to lose interest. It's only human nature." TODAY MILLER is content to spend his time "tending the flowers and travelling." The system Miller built, how- ever, is still very much intact. And we can all rest a little eas- ier knowing that should an er- rant nuke somehow stray in the direction of Washtenaw County- we'll be ready for it. In this modern age of ten- sion and uncertainty, who could ask for more. Charles Stein is a co-editor of The Summer Daily. 'A s a THE Summer Daily Summer Edition of THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Tuesday, August 7, 1973 News Phone: 764-0552 W Ilh Dn't / sE Mi' 'Atomic waste peril? Don't be silly!'