T" Summer Daily Summer Edt n of THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Saturday, August 4, 1973 News Phone: 764-0552 still another place AS IF ANOTHER TRIAL of radicals on conspiracy charges were not enough, the events of the last week confirm the continuing paranoia of the federal gdvern- ment. Eight anti-war activists were charged with planning violent disruptions during the Republican national con- vention in Miami last year. They are now on trial in Gainesville, Fla. Because the demonstrators were members of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) the federal government could not easily discredit them as "gutless cowards." So they have tried to label theni as conspira- tors. THE "VVAW 8", as they are called, have claimed that their trial is an attempt by the Nixon administra- tion to divert attention from the Watergate scandal. They have asserted throughout that their trial is essen- tially political. The trial judge, Winston Arnow, of the U. S. District Court has attempted to prevent this trial from becoming a reenactment of the trial of the "Chicago 7" and has prohibited the defendants from making public state- ments during the trial. Arnow, during the pre-trial hearings, refused to ac- cept any link between this case and Watergate and said there was no evidence of any government misconduct. BUT THAT RULING was made before two FBI agents were found this week with bugging devices in a closet adjoining the defense attorneys' conference room. Judge Arnow has denied a full hearing into the in- cident until after the jury is selected. Once the full facts are known, the case may yet become Watergate Two, as the defendants assert. The tragedy of this incident goes beyond its viola- tions of the constitutional rights of the defendants. The significance is much greater. -OR IT PROVES that the paranoic atmosphere that caused the first Watergate has not left the federal government. Indeed, the air of suspicion that pervaded Washington has now spread to Florida The Watergate scandal is not an isolated incident and unless we understand that fact its meaning will be lost. What is being revealed now in the Senate hearings are not isolated incidents. Rather, they are joined by a connecting thread of mistrust of the American people. The incident in Gainesville demonstrates that thisI mistrust has not dissipated in the least. Plamondon trial: All the elements of perfect By DAVID STOLL Wagner: Well a lot of people thought it was opium so I was still selling it. Davis: Even after you knew it wasn't opium? Wagner: That's correct. Davis: You were still selling it? - Wagner: That's correct. .. .... --State's witness Uwe Wagner, in the Plamondon - Blazier ex- tortion trial. Defense counsel Hugh "Buck" Davis had some strong things to say to the judge that last day, but he never got to throw it all at a German-born alien, drug dealer, and now judicially confirmed ex- tortion victim named Uwe Wag- ner because, probably quite wise- ly, Wagner didn't hang around aft- er he'd finished testifying. Wagner is the state's witness re- sponsible for nailing R a i n b o w People's Party (RPP) members Pun Plamondon and Craig Blazier to an extortion charge last week. The convictions followed a hard- fought, two week long trial in Cadillac in which the state's deci- sion to prosecute the defendants instead of the complainant and star witness became as important courtroom melodrama state. There are more people up in Traverse City waiting for the investigation to come down on their heads," Davis catches his breath. "He won't get arrested, he won't get deported, and it cost him a lot, but he made it. Wagner hung on and now he's made it." Wagner: Just before Pun left, he had a little white derringer held against his chest, and he was looking down at it. Wilson: Was anything said? Wagner: Nothing was said. Wilson: Was anyone in a posi- tion to see this, Mr. Wagner? Wagner: Bruce Peterson was. Bruce Peterson is slow and thoughtful in his speech, has long red hair and youthfully goat-teed hang dog face, and turned 17 the last day of January that the two defendants visited Wagner at his house in a little town southwest of Traverse City. He was living with Wagner at the time and, from the time the state police first con- tacted him in Massachusetts, maintained that during the visit he had never seen a gun nor a knife. From the beginning, the prose- cution's black sheep, Peterson ate, slept, and got high with the the beginning he has maintained that Wagner was originally only Blazier's concern, and that he on- ly went along for the ride to visit friends and relatives in Traverse City. Confessing himself to be "bor- dering on paranoia" from his fre- quent contacts with law enforce- ment agencies and detentional in- stitutions in the past, Plamondon also looked like he didn't want to go back to jail. "Foolishness." -Judge Peterson, of the state's efforts in the case. The first day of the trial, Circuit Court Judge William Peterson lis- tened to Plamondon cursing wrathfully at Wagner over the telephone in in conversation tape- recorded by the state police. Turning to the defendant after the tape had finished playing, the judge observed: "Co-counsel Pun, do you remember in church when they taught you that God sees and hears everything you do? Well, you should watch your lan- guage because now the state does the same." "The most mellow judge I've ever met," observed state's wit- "Co-counsel Pun, do you remember in church when they taught you that God sees and hears everything you do? Well, you should watch your language because now the state does the same. asis:sii~ssitswssss :::isees~sm sm mis~se meisaissesisesiesisiissssise~sam ese~s semsesisa::..saasia an issue as the trial itself. V Wagner insisted that Plam- ondon and Blazier had threatened him with knife and gun in an at- tempt to collect a $3,000 debt on a marijuana deal. The defendants however maintained throughout that there had been no knife and gun and that the heat generated during the incidenthresulted from their discovery of bard drugs on Wagner - for which Wagner was never prosecuted. Dark blonde and long of hair, handsome a n d peculiarly red- faced, at the trial Wagner always strode smiling into the cburtroom like a big jungle cat who has just eatens a good me-al. she front bench left, filled with friends of thse defense, always camnetIniilh the quickening of smsall, fuirry ani- mals in the presence of a snake. Wagner spoke with a precise and biting accent, was good at staring down his examiners, and chewved his lips and cheeks incessantly. "tie held onto his $3,000," de - fense counsel Dasis began that last day in a catching, rhythmic cant, "he made it though through the great opium rip-off, he made his three best friends split the defendants, their wives, friends and lawyers out at the defense house south of Cadillac during the trial. "I just feel more relaxed with them," he explained helplessly to the court under some unfriendly questioning from John Wilson, the prosecutor. The week before he came out to Michigan from Massachusetts in order to testify, Peterson was busted for the possession of three ounces of weed after someone saw a big marijuana plant in his win- dow. Ie declined to comment on the rumor that it was bought with the $270 which the state police gave him to come out to Michi- gan. There wasn't anything to worry about for a while anyway, however, because after he wa busted the authorities gave him a 'safe passage" to make sure he ussade it past all the law enforce- nrt agencies between M'}ssachu- setts and Michigan. "It means I can't get busted," he explained one evening with a faint note of awe in his voice. The safe passage expired the last day of the trial, however, and he now faces his own proceedings back in Massachusetts. "It's not honest." -defendant Craig Blazier, of Uwe Wagner's business prac- tices. Convicted extortionist C r a i g Blazier played football in high school, was president of his senior class, and looks and talks like the sort of clean, All-American hippie we've come to expect from the pages of True Love comics. On the .stand he poured out his side of the story with little prompting from his examiners. He may have been a little too sin- cere, or clever, however, because at difficult points he tended to slip into ingenuousness. Concerning the hole he kicked in the' wall of Wagner's bedroom, for example, his own counsel ask- ed him if he had ever done any- thing like that before, "When I was little I put a dent in the wall," he recalled to gen- eral laughter from the people in the courtroom. Then he added, by way of explanation, "I was mad at my little sister." Blazier's co-defendant was for- mer Hollywood glamour radical- on-the-run Pun Plamondon. Sit- ting at the defense table Plamon- don looked more than a little fed- up that he was the object of an- other courtroom proceeding. From, ness Bruce Peterson of Circuit Court Judge William Peterson. And the last day of the trial this up-country sage of a judge had something to say to everyone. He told the defendants they were guilty, but as gently as he could. He told the state that it had spent "an inordinate amount of time and expense" on the case, then muttered the word "foolish- ness." He called state's witness Peter- son a "pliable young man . . sinwilling to dio anything very evi- dently harmful lo the defense." And, maybe so that no one would think that he was biased, he called state's witness Wagner in "unscrupulous, immoral, and dis- honest person" and "not only a laswbreaker but a scoundrel." All in a very kindly tone of voice. Explaining his verdict, the judge told the defendants he wus coo- vinced that they had insdeed "in- tended to impose their will upon that of Mr. Wagner" in the mat- ter of the debt. Since he could not rely solely ii Wagner's testimony in the mat- ter of the knife and gun "beytnd reasonable doubt," however, he dismissed the extortion "by threat of bodily injury" counts and found them guilty only of "extortion by threat of accusation." Outside the courthouse after the verdict, Suck Davis interpreted for the press. "Basically he ended up saying," Davis said, "that he found the defendants guilty of threatening to expose Wagner as a rip-off hard drug dealer." Just before, Plamondon had ex- pressed the traditional right of a convicted man to address a few last words to the court. "We appreciate your time and consideration," he told Judge Pet- erson. "We feel that this was an essentially fair trial, we feel the court was open-minded, and we appreciate that." David Stoll is an assistant night editor for The Daily. Letters to The Daily should be mailed to the Editorial Di- rector or delivered to Mary Rafferty in the Student Pub- lications business office in the Michigan Daily building. Letters should be typed, double-spaced and normally should not exceed 250 words. The Editorial Direc- tors reserve the right to edit all letters submitted. Plamondon: (lett) Hollywood glamour radical on-the-run Blazier: (right) The All-American hippie