Page Eight THE SUMMER DAILY Friday, August 3, 197: Page Eight THE SUMMER DAILY Friday, August 3, 1 97~ Cinema weekend Dead End - Cinema Guild, Architecture Aud., Fri. M y r a Breckinridge - N e w World, MLB, Fri. Concert for Bangla Desh - Cinema 11, Angell Aud. A, Fri. & Sat. White Hest - Cinema Guild, Architecture And., Sat. Stolen Kisses-Friends of News- reel, MLB, S:+t. & Sun. The Wild Child - Friends of Newsreel, MLB, Sat. & Sun. Stolen Kisses-This is Truffaut at his least pretentios - light, irreverent, relaxed, leisurely, and very funny. Antoine Dloinel (Jean- Pierre Leaud) is discharged from the Army and tries several va- ried ways of earning a living: he clerks in a hotel, sells shoes (and almost becomes involved with the proprietor's wife), plays private eye, and ultimately ends up as a TV repairman, all while sporadically wooing his pretty hearthrob, Claude Jade. Truffaut never asks us to take Doinel's predicaments very seriously; the movie is filled with wry, off- handedly comic bits. Put in the context of Truffaut's earlier Doinel feature film, how- ever, Stolen Kisses (1966) gains a certain sense of sorrow. The infinitely vulnerable adolescent Doinel of The 4001 Blows (t959) hao here grown into a poker- fa c e d, somewhat nihilistic, at- tractive, funny, but thoroughly opaque and seemingly invulner- able adult. Truffaut has said that he can he much more campas- sionate towards a child than he can towards an adult, and it shows. White Heat - The scene is a SATURDAY and SUNDAY] 2 by Truffaut James Cagney hectic and tense train robberv. Chief g a n g s t e r Cody-Jarrett (James Cagney) keeps an eye on the train's conductors while his cohorts pick up the loot. One con- ductor, who has overheard Cody's conversation with a member of his gang, tells him, "Cody, you'll never get away with it." Cag- ney's reply: "You got a good memory for names. Too good." Ite then proceeds to plug several bullets into the two conductors' stomachs. A hazy and itmperfect descrip- tiona of one of White Heat's early scenes, hut it may give some sense of the film's outrageous use of violence and of the per- verse, sadistic, yet undeniably fascinating character of its main figure. Director Raoul Walsh has, in a sense, made his own Clock- work Orange here: Jarrett is un- deniably a distasteful freak, but he is one of the only charismatic individuals in a depersonalized and mechanized world. An ex- ample: Cody, prone to seizures, throws his most violent fit in a huge prison mess hall. Prison of- ficials drag him out screaming. Soon, all we hear is the regular, steady chatter of hundreds of forks on plates. Walsh's m a i n concerns, however, are narrative rather than philosophical and White Heat packs more unrelent- ing tension and plot action than any three movies I can think of. The Wild Child -- Truffaut's beautiful recreation of the true story of a boy found wild in provincial France at the turn of the 18th Century. Wild Child is taken almost entirely from t h e journals of the doctor who cared for the boy and tried to civilize him; it communicates the doc- tor's intellectual attraction to the boy and his underlying emotional attachment. As always, Truffaut recreates an era perfectly: in- the doctor's manner of treating the boy can be seen both the tradition of Rationalism and the first traces of Romanticism. An understated, warm, and compell- ing film. Also Recommended: Dead End. -RICHARD GLATZER SEILA Hisi 1NisR as Maggie and toe Cat prepare to ward ott an attack by her trustrated and alcoholic husband played by James Grenier. The play will run at the Power Center through Saturday evening. 'Repertory gives strong By TAMMY JACOBS and DEBRA THAL Michigan Repertory's produc- tion of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof rates about 4 on a scale of 5- good but with some disappointing flaws in both the acting and the technical aspects. G i v e n the imperfections of Tennessee Williams' o r i g i n a 1 play, the acting manages to elicit a high level of audience involve- ment, despite Director Donald Boros' occasional attempts to imitate the Elizabeth Taylor-Paul Newman film of the play. BOTH SHEILA Rittenberg as Maggie and James Grenier as Brick are guilty of this character impersonation, but, at least in the case of Rittenberg, other facets of the performance over- -shadow the flaw. Rittenberg, by the way, is the shining light of the production. Her Maggie is vital and pulsat- ing, every inch Williams' cat on a hot tin roof. She was perfect as a woman trapped in the sexist South of the 50s, dependent on her husband for satisfaction- both physical and financial. The magnetism of Rittenberg's performance stands in stark con- trast to the bleakness of Brick- a bleakness attributable both to Williams in the original play and, we fear, to James Grenier's per- formance. ,. GRENIER IS miscast as Brick.. Too young to play the drunk, de- feated and fast-aging scion of a wealthy plantation owner, Gre- nier strives for the agonized yet d e a d e n e d personality that is Brick's, but comes up with more deadness than agony. Margo Martindale and Richard Haas, as Big Mama and Big Daddy respectively, canot be ig- nired. Martindale succeeded as the Mississippi 50's version of Edith Bunker and Haas was ade- quate as the blustering, bellow- ing redneck farmhand turned redneck millionaire. Big Daddy, however, could have done with- out the larger-than-life gestures and constant circling of the set- again Director Boros' fault, we assume. But Judy Levitt survived his direction in her role as the for- ever fertile Mae. A catty and avaricious social climber, Mae sometimes seemed too stereotyp- ical. Tamsin Seidler and Jacob and Saul Kozubei, the "no-neck monsters," were a suitable foil to Mae's pushy motherhood, na- tural onstage as a perpetual mo- tion trio of bratty kids. IT HAS been said: "If you can't do an accent well, don't do it at all." Several of the per- formers disregarded this classic advice, and it hurt. Robert Metz, as Gooper, was A Film By FRANCOIS TRUFFAUT "STOLEN KISSES" R COLOR byDeluxe ANstDbtedby 0RRIPICTUESCORPORATIO by far the worst offender. His attempt at Southern enunciation traveled between Liverpool and Boston - anywhere and every- where but to the South. While Big Daddy, a University speech pro- fessor in real life, proved he can handle a Mississippi accent, he did not maintain it consistently. On the other hand, Maggie, Big Mama and Mae all did fairly well in this department. THE TECHNICAL aspects of the show were generally good. The huge wooden liquor cabinet seemed out of place, and a yel- low lighting effect in the first act should have been pinker, but on the whole, the lighting set, props, and costuming were excellent. What wasn't excellent was the make-up. On the men, in fact, it was terrible. All three male leads looked too young for their roles. The make-up artist did to Goop- er's fact what Metz did to his character-blew it. But there the analogy ends. While the make-up was overdone, Metz's perform- ance was half-baked. The women's make-up (like their performances) was better, despite the attempt- to make Rittenberg took like Elizabeth Taylor instead of like Maggie. All in all, the production is well worth the $2 and $3 admission price, and its last three perform- ances (today through Saturday) deserve a healthy attendance. Curtain is 8 p.m., at Power Center. NEWARK, Del. (UPI) - A new high quality cultivar canta- loupe called Cum Laude has been developed by University of Dela- ware agriculture experts. The new hybrid will become a favor- ite for roadside stands and mar- kets because of its excellent col- or, flavor and aroma, predicted originator Eugene P. Brasher, a university plant scientist. RELIABLE ABORTION SERVICE Clinic in Mich.-l to 24 week pregnancies termirfated, by li- censed obstetrician gynecologist. Quick services will be arranged. Law roles. CALL COLLECT 24 HOUR SERVICE What on earth is a long-haired Latin street kid doing with a tightly shorn British Buddhist? .. . UAC-Doysta r presents Carlos AND Makavisknu Santana John McLaughlin IN CONCERT Friday, August 31st- 8 p.m.- Crister Arena $5.00 ALL TICKETS ON SALE NOW: Michigan Union 11-5:30 daily-763-4553 for info during box office hours only. Also available-at World Hdqtrs. Records and in Ypsi at Ned's b kstor aSorry, no personal checks Don't wait too late if you wont to see this one MOD. LANG. AUD. 3 & 4 7 30 & 9:30 p.m. . J ,p .25 single; $2 double fri newsreel_,*t- ;