Summer Daily Summer Edilion of TIE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Friday, August 3, 1973 News Phone: 764-0552 Bethlehem 's teal' FOR MOST OF US, taxes were business as usual. Every year, we, the people, the great ever-changing multicolored bulk of American humanity, cursed and sweated and scribbled and airmailed our tear-stained 1040 forms to the IRS by April 15 or a few days there- after. IF WE MISSED the mark by more than a few days we would start to sweat even harder, because few things in these United States are so unkind and unavoidable as the Tax Man. At times we even list this dread Name in the same breath with Rain and Death. But not for Bethlehem Steel. Over the past four years, while we sweated it out, Bethlehem Steel didn't pay Uncle Sam a bloody cent. SURE, THEY GAVE the government $45 million in 1971- 72, but that was no big strain after the company picked up $66 million in refunds from IRS for 1969-70. In four years, Bethlehem profited $675 million, and topped it off with $21.9 million in federal income tax refunds. "Taxes", that dirty word, somehow came to mean a little extra icing on Bethlehem's annual cake. The problem seems to lie with 'incentive. For quite some time, we are told, it has been government policy to provide economic incentive to large corporations by giving them tax breaks on newly purchased equipment and property, government contracts, losses taken in past years, and other items. Hence, they expand economic- ally. NOW WE, THE PEOPLE, could certainly go for an idea like that. No sweat, no strain; a dollar earned is $1.03 gained. (That's no joke. Bethlehem Steel got three cents from Uncle Sam on every dollar of profit for 1969-72.) We, too, would like to expand economically. T STARTS TO LOOK like our dollars pay not only Richard Nixon's and H. R. Haldeman's salaries; we apparently also have been shelling out the bucks for the sirloin steak eaten by company Chairman Stewart Cort and other Bethlehem officers. It is high time we could afford some sirloin, or even some ground beef. It is high time for some people-oriented tax legislation. And it is certainly high time for Bethlehem and friends to sweat on April 15, just like the rest of us. All power to the taxpayers. Watergate session in the morning: Villians, heros, cast of thousands By GORDON ATCHESON HE WALKED deliberately into the crowded room. His face was tough and uncompromising- jsw set like a bear trap, e y e s blinking, lips carrying an icy scowl. Flanked by several of the coun- try's most agile legal minds, he marched quickly to a padded red leather chair in front. The villian had arrived. On the bad guy's heels, Amer- ica's latest folk hero sauntered across the worn maroon carpet. The whispy white hair and sagging jowls tended the ancient figure a benign air of paternalism. Sud- denly the audience broke into a round of spontaneous applause. He smiled and bounced to the front sitting face to face with his cur- rent adversary. THE SUPPORTING cast trooped in - Baker, Inouye, Gurney, Weic- ker, Montoya, Dash, and Thomp- son. They sat behind a massive oak table like the Grand Inquisi- tors. John Ehrlichman didn't seem in- timidated. Ervin's gavel fell. The session started. The questions would flow for hours. "Some matters like the Penta- gon papers break-inkwould need- lessly occupy the President's time or could be better handled by someone else," he said slowly, re- sponding to one question thrown at him. Daniel Inouye continued to inter- rogate the witness in a soft, yet firm and almost hypnotic voice. Ehrlichman's balding head glis- tened under the hot television lights. THE CAMERAS whirred away continuously. The newspaper re- porters began scribling furiously, while NBC's Doug Kiker sat back and casually read the Washington Post. The other TV news people seem- ed little busier. Sam Donaldson shuffled papers. Dan Schorr gaz- ed at a monitor, thoughtfully puf- fed on his pipe, and doodled on a legal pad. Sen. Ed Gurney raised his hand. An aide quickly ran to his side to do the boss' bidding. She re- turned a couple of minutes later with a glass of Coke. AnsInouye continued his queries, Smilin' Sam Ervin leafed through a fat pile of transcripts. His eye- AP Photo EHRLICHMAN'S BALDING HEAD glistened under the hot television lights. brows danced in a strange Groucho Marx parody while he turned the pages. Joseph Montoya and Minority Counsel Fred-Thompjson just star- ed blankly at the back wall. Per- haps wishing it was all over. Gur- ney sipped his drink. Howard Bak- er took notes on something. Heavy drapes were pulled over the only windows closing out the sun. Fourwgargantuan cut-crystal chandeliers hung from the h i g h ceiling, but most of the light was provided courtesy of the television networks. THE GRACEFUL CEILING has gold- and white inlays forming an intricate floral pattern. The room was typical of the artful architec- ture that characterizes official Washington. Large pillars, made of cream- colored marble swirled with pale greensand blues, dominated t h e walls. The electricity in the air more than off-set the grim, mort- uary image fostered by the marble. Although the senators and press at times seemed blase, the aud- ience of several hundred "j ust plain folks" jammed shoulder-to- shoulder provided a crackling emo- tional energy. They buzzed, laugh- ed, and occasionally exhaled with amazement as a single living or- ganism. They were mostly young people dressed in jeans and T-shirts, who had waited as long as ten hours for the privilege of seeing t h e downfall of the Nixon regime. They couldn't cause that collapse on Mayday or at the GOP conven- tion in Miami but the disintegiation has now started from within and they wanted to participate in toe process if only as observers. ERVIN BEGAN his series of questions. He smiled continuously as if he were chuckling at what must have been a private joke, since he wasn't telling one of his back woods homilies at the time. While Ervin talked his cyes darted around the room. He seemed to be thinking three questions ahead. Baker got up from the table and drifted out the door past the se- curity officers. He returned short- ly with a cup of coffee. He stop- ped and made a quip to Donaldson who grinned politely. All the . stars appear far more mortal in person than they do on the tube. Bsaker looks drawn and haggard. His-hair shows gray high- lights not visible to the IV aud- ience. "This is a tired committee," le commented at one point when sev- eral members began bickering among themselves. He was fati- gued too - a deep fatigue that comes from not getting a good night's sleep in two months. Gurney seemedtmore gaunt than normal. Weicker didn't ask ques- tions with his characteristic vigor. EHRLICHMAN ALSO felt t h e strain during the fifth day before the committee. He occasionaily ges- tured in a mechanical manner to emphasize his generally unrespon- sive answers. But toward the noon recess, he had taken to only nod- ding his head whenever possible. Majority Counsel Sam Dash then zeroed in on Mr. "Deep Six," hit- ting him with the most penetrating questions of the day. While Ervin talked, his eyes darted around the room. He seemed to be thinking t h r e e questions ahead. Dash, however, didn't look as imposing as his inquiries. He is a small man. Fast balding, he wears thick, black glasses. lHe could be an accountant or an ortho- donist but not a focal figure in the nation's moot dramatic scandal. DASH TALKED tough, and Ehr- lichman responded in kind using flat, measured tones belying his anger. Ehrlichman's attorneys rose en masse to object to a question, hut Dash could not be stopped. Then Gurney and Thompson joined in the chorus. The audience began to rum- ble. His blue eyes.sparkling brightly, Ervin raised his hands,. as Moses might have done to part the Red Sea, smiled beneficiently and said, "I think the 'chair can resolve this problem.." And he-'did. Gordon Atcheson is a night edi- tor for The Daily. THE s sI sA : E ss,. JOURNA 'Ah'm jes a lil' ol country lawyer, Mr. Goliath, but lemme show you this here trick ah larned. ..'