THE Summer Daily I /. ,f I lr VVi I I PI... CA ,~ Vol. LXXA11, No. 54-5 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, August 3, 1973 Ten Cents Twelve Pnnes Helms says Watergate bugger on CIA payroll during break-in Ehrlichman 6 said todeny Hunt order WASHINGTON (Al - Richard Helms, former director of the Cen- tral Intelligence Agency, disclosed yesterday that one of the men ar- rested in the Watergate break-in was being paid a $100 monthly re- tainer at the time. And Helm's onetime deputy told the Senate Watergate committee that John Ehrlichman denied to him that he had sent Howard Hunt to get CIA assistance for a White House "plumbers" assignment. Hunt later pleaded guilty to his involve- ment in the Watergate break-in. GEN. ROBERT CUSHMAN, a four-star general who now is commandant of the Marine Corps, said Ehrlichman's denial "shook up my recollection," but that a transcript of his tape-recorded meeting with Hunt confirmed it again. "There is no qsuestion in your mind as you appear before this committee?" asked Sen. Lowell Weicker fR-Coon.) "No sir," said Csushman. 5 The many faces of Richard Helms Nio p/ ossibl inked t ITTanttrst etlemen AP Photo 2I THE COMMITTEE, driving to finish the current phase of the hearings and go on vacation by the end of next week, pol- ished off its questioning of Helms and C(shman in a day. Not since the third week of the nine-week old hearings have two witnesses come and gone in the same day. 'The agency had no involvement in the break-in, no involvement whatever," said Helms in the only emotional moment of an otherwise amiable session. He pounded his palm against the table as he said it, Helms, now ambassador to Iran, said he resisted White House feelers to get the CIA involved in the Watergate cover-up, saying "I want to lean heavily on the fact See CONSPIRATOR, Page 10 WASHINGTON (A') - The White House said yesterday that President Nixon may have sent the Justice Department policy decisions on antitrust matters -in general. But a spokesman refused to discuss a memo warning that Nixon could be linked to a specific, major antitrust settlement. The 1972 memorandum, written by Char- les Colson, then a special counsel to the President, warned that documents existed which could link Nixon to a highly con- troversial settlement of a giant federal antitrust case against International Tele- phone & Telegraph Co. THE COLSON MEMO, written for then- White House chief of staff H. R. Halde- man, was made public Wednesday at the Senate Watergate committee hearings. At the White House, Deputy Press Secre- tary Gerald Warren refused comment on the memorandum in line with White House policy of refusing to discuss testimony or evidence before the Watergate committee. "Whatever policy decisions the President may have r e 1 a y e d regarding antitrust matters in general would be entirely with- in the prerogative of the President and entirely within the proper application of antitrust laws," Warren said. THE COLSON MEMO also cited other high-ranking administration officials as taking an active interest in settlement of the ITT cases, including Vice President Spiro Agnew and former Atty. Gen. John Mitchell. The memo said that before the ITT cases were settled out of court, Mit- chell was made au-are of an ITT sub- sidiary's pledge to underwrite the Repub- lican National Convention to the tune of $400,100. Special Watergate prosecutor Archibald Cox is reportedly seeking the White House files on the ITT case, but Warren would not discuss that either, saying it was a matter between Cox and the White House counsel's office. The White House has previously denied any involvement in the ITT settlement. Mitchell has testified under oath he had no knowledge of the Sheraton pledge be- fore the settlement. Watergate committee chief counsel Samuel Dash said the Col- son memo apparently showed "an act of perjury on the part of Mitchell." IN THE MEANTIME, Sen. Edward Ken- nedy (D-Mass.) charged that the Senate Judiciary Committee was misled and lied to in its investigation of the ITT settle- ment. Kennedy angrily declared at a commit- tee hearing on the nomination of William Ruckelshaus to be deputy attorney gen- eral that he will not vote on the nomina- tion until he finds out if the administration will turn over its ITT files. In testimony b e f o r e the committee, Ruckelshaus said that when he was ap- pointed acting FBI director succeeding Patrick Gray, Nixon assured him he was not involved in the Watergate break-in or the cover-up. IN A RELATED development, Sen. John Tunney (D-Calif.) isssued a statement call- ing for a new Justice Department anti- trust action against ITT as a result of the disclosures before the Watergate com- mittee. Tunney called the ITT settlement "nothing more than a fraud on the public." "Now we have a 1972 White House memorandum that directly implicates the President in the arrangement of favorable antitrust settlements for the giant" ITT, Tunney said, adding that the memo sug- gests perjury and cover-up have become a mainstay of White House policy and "ob- literates any legitimacy the settlements on behalf of ITT may have had." Gen. Robert Cushman