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August 02, 1973 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1973-08-02

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Thursday, August 2, 1973


Page Three

Ervin committee asked to halt

Gainesville trial;

spying cited
GAINESVILLE, Fla. '- Six of the
so-called Gainesville Eight yesterday
asked the Senate Watergate committee
to halt their prosecution on charges of
plotting violent disruption of the 1972 Re-
publican National Convention.
The six defendants sent a telegram to
Committee Chairman Sam Ervin (D-N.
C.) asking that Congress order U. S. Dis-
trict Court Judge Winston Arnow to re-
cess the trial pending an investigation of
two FBI agents caught Tuesday evening
with electronic bugging devices in a closet
adjoining the defense attorney s' confer-
ence room.
* AT A NEWS conference, defendant
William Patterson of Austin, Tex., termed
the incident "a clear violation of our
Fourth and Sixth Amendment rights."
Defense attorneys asked for a full hear-
ing on what FBI agents Carl Ekblad and
'Robert Romans of Jacksonville were do-
ing in the closet. Arnow denied it.
However, the judge said he would con-
sider granting a trial recess after the
jury is selected to allow time for an in-
HEARINGS IN the judge's chambers on
the discovery of the agents took up much
of the time during the second day of the
trial of seven members of the Vietnam
Veterans Against the WAR (VVAW) and
" a VVAW sympathizer.
In the telegram to Ervin, the six de-
fondants said, "We trn in a desperate ap-
pel to Congress to intervene and halt
'ny firther proceedings in this case until
a fell and immediste investigation of
prosscutorial misconduct can be made."
The telegram accused Arnow of ignor-
ing "what could only be called Water-
AP Photo gate Two."
THE VVAW has maintained since the
a friend. Afterwards he in- defendants' arrest last year that the
d about by his friends and charges were filed by the Nixon admin-
istration to draw attention away from
-- the Watergate burglary.
Defense attorneys said they could not
explain why two of the defendants refused
to sign the telegram. Arnow banned any
e participants in the trial from making pub-
lic statements concerning the case.
Arnow is known in the Florida pan-
handle as a man who speaks his mind,
v o c a te but is willing to listen to argument. He's
also remembered as the man who threw
y research revealed that the the Rebel flag out of school.
d increased the OSS budget by THE DEFENSE attorneys have asked
him to excuse himself from the case. Ar-
crease, $7,000 is earmarked for now has refused, saying he canupreside at
a fair and impartial trial. But he also
y services-advocacy for stu- warned that he will not allow the trial to
resently represented by minor- be turned into a political forum or permit
:es. The remaining $3,000 is to the uproar that accompanied the Chicago
Seven trial.
ted among new programs. Arnow has said repeatedly that he does
not see the case as a political question. It
N expressed confidence, how- is a criminal trial, he says, telling the
the total $10,000 needed to ex- defendants at one point that governmental
hicano advocate service to full- misconduct was not a defense and "the
ee CHICANO, Page 5 government is not on trial in this case."

Just clownin' around
Zapata, a clown with Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey, takes a hard right to the jaw from
dicated no willingness to swap jobs with the President because Nixon has been getting knocke
aides for over a year now.
VP pledges
0U Chicano student ad'

If USE WEN ~mM.?i{Y
Better late
School Board President Duane Renken
finally forked over his 1972 city property
taxes, only seven months late. He settled
up the $2,000 debt Tuesday. A Daily in-
vestigation published last week revealed
he failed to pay the property tax, % of
which is used to finance the city's public
schools. The board has the responsibility
for overseeing school operations just as
city residents have a responsibility to pay
their taxes. We are glad that Mr. Renken
has at least made an effort to do both.
. . . the Bach Club will meet tonite at
8:00 p-m. at 730 Tappan . . . those inter-
ested in the Divine Light Mission are in-
vited to attend a meeting at 7:30 p.m. in
room 4202 of the Union ... Williams' "Cat
on A Hot Tin Roof" will be presented by
the 'U' Players at 8:00 p.m. at the Power
Center . . . Bergman's "Persona" will be
shown at 7:00, 8:45 and 10:30 pm. in
Aud. A, Angell Hall . .. the film "Lorax"
will be shown in Aud. 3, MLB at 7:00 p.m.
. - . Nat. Sci. Aud. will have "Myra
Breckinridge" at 8:00 and 10:00 p.m.
A2's weather
Cloudy skies and cool temperatures
should prevail over the city today. Chance
of rain is only 10 per cent.

V i c e President for Student Services
Henry Johnson yesterday promised that
the University will provide a full-time
Chicano advocate, despite a severe lack of
funds presently felt by the Office of Stu-
dent Services (OSS).
Johnson made the promise at a meeting
with representatives of the student group
Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan
(MECHA), which describes itself as an
"umbrella organization of all Chicano
groups at the University."
AFTER CITING the OSS's financial dif-
ficulties, Johnson appeared to make a
t u r n a b o u t in his attitude toward the
MECHA request. By the end of the ser-
ious but orderly confrontation, he had con-
sented to fund the full-time Chicano advo-
cate position by re-allocating internal OSS
Johnson, however, reserved comment on
whether a full-time advocate for Native
Americans would be funded, saying, "I'd
rather not focus on that point at present."
Earlier in the meeting he stated, "In my
mind, the needs of the two ethnic groups
(Chicano and Native Americans) should
receive top priority."
The University's Chicano students pres-
ently have only a part-time advocate or
"liason officer," MECHA spokespersons
explained. The post includes a budget of
JOHNSON SAID current OSS priorities
favor extension of advocacy positions for
Chicanos, Native Americans and gays to
full-time status. The office also wants to
increase funding for Project Community,
he claimed.
Recently back from a vacation and ap-
parently not prepared for the meeting,
Johnson was unfamiliar with the Regents'
appropriation to the OSS for the coming

year. Hast
Regents ha
Of the in
dents not p
ity advocat
be distribut
ever, that'
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Spanish commission gives
okay to women matadors
MADRID (P) - A national commission and under their own responsibility, con-
yesterday decided that women matadors, tract their services to fight brave bulls on
now limited to fighting bulls from horse- foot."
back, can battle the beasts on the ground As a rejoneadora - or woman bull-
just as the men do. fighter on horseback - Hernandez is pro-
The blow thus struck for the Spanish hibited by a 1931 law from getting off her
version of women's liberation still has to mount to kill the bull.
be endorsed by a higher authority, prob- Hernandez was not immediately avail-
ably -the Supreme Court. able for comment. She reportedly is in
BUT IT IS expected to propel 24-year- Seville in southern Spain training with
old Maria de los Angeles Hernandez Go- Paro Ruiz, manager of retired matador
mez toward her goal of becoming the Manuel Benitez, known as "El Cordobes."
country's first authorized woman mata- IN PUSHING her case toward the Su-
dor. preme Court, Hernandez has described
Hernandez has vowed a fight to the her effort "as part of the women's libera-
finish - with both the bulls and the tion movement. Women should have the
courts. same rights as men, including fighting
In supporting her petition before the bulls in public. Why can't I do it?"
Ministry of the Interior, the National Before the commission, her attorney
Commission of Feminine Labor said: cited the Spanish constitution, the civil
"THE CRITERION of this commission code and a 1961 law saying: "The woman
is that women can, freely and voluntarily can undertake any kind of wor contract."

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