Pacge Ten
Wednesday, August , 973
- -ge .en THE SUMMER DAILY Wednesday, August1 1, 19731
Loca A&P picket ine continues
Cootmed from aPet,) he says. "They don't like it. We "We have a union too," one "We can't really hurt this ation for us."
suburban as ever. "Boys and get a lot of complaints. I guess remarked. "They're hurting our store," commented a novice A DECISION to buy on]
girls, go home!" calls a middle- they don't like people telling union by picketing." picketer Saturday at the Sta- grapes and lettuce woul
aged woman. "Don't you have them what to do." Most A&P employes belong to ditm store. "It's like kicking it to come out of the 32 r
anything better to do than this? THE CUSTOMERS, all of whom a subsidiary of the AFL-CIO, in the shins a lot." offices of which Young'si
I'm going to go in there and ask had to cross the line to enter the which has sent funds and organ- BUT THE A&P regional man- To boost boycott mor
for ,ny lettuce but Chavez's." store, seem irritable and defen- izers to support the UFW strikes. agement is not so sure. Sales Di- the picketers in the city
A MAN IN a grease-stained sive. A MAPLE VILLAGE employe rector Maury Young, who works Saturday afternoon at the
gray uniform is stopped by the "I go from store to store and asks, "Do you know what this Is out of the chain's Detroit office, Village store. "This is the
leafleters, listens good-naturedly I buy where it's cheapest," says about? Then he concludes, "It's says the stores are definitely los- picket line should look,
to a few sentences, and agrees a woman shopping with her jun. really just one union against an- ing business because of the boy- ments a tired organizer,
to go down the block to another ior high aged daughter and son. other. cott. "Any boycott has an effect people carrying signs an
grocery store. "I work for United "I only. have $30 a week to spend. Many Village customers are on any business." ing old union songs tra
Air Lines. I'm in a union. The Do you want to see your chil- A&P regulars, he claims, who "e any inss." i gt old oni k snd I
only way we're going to win is dren starve because sotneone is won't be swayed by pickets. produce at the lowest price front of the store.
by sticking together." picketing?" Occasionally even managers
hest unality we can findh Youny The line inciudes Uni
ly UFW
d have
is one.
tale, all
way a
" com-
as 30
nd sing-
mp de-
orth in
"We are involved in buying produce at the
lowest rTrice and best quality we can find ...
It's an untenable situation for us."
-Maury Young, A&P regional sales director
"We won't buy lettuce or
grapes," say a ye" couple as
they rush into the store. "That's
not enough," the l e a ftl e t e r
At the Stadium store, where
picketers Saturday take a softer.
line, the answer will be, "That's
a start. Next time could you help
xs by shopping somewhere else?"
Customer r e s p o n s e s to the
ticketers r a n g e from embar-
rassed smiles and ducked heads
to profanity. M a n y customers
compensate with extra toughness
-' Let California worry about it"
-or even try to change the sub-
ject-"What's a good looking girl
like you doing on a picket line?"
to loek back sheepishly as they
enfer the store. "Nine out of ten
scabs go in the out door," says
a picketer at the Stadium store.
Inside the Maple Village store
Thursday the atmosphere is tense
desipte "WEO" - Where Econo-
my Originates-advertising signs
and other familiar A&P paraphe-
"We're not allowed to make
any c o m m e n t s to the news-
papers," the manager says, going
on to claim his store has felt
"no effect yet" from the picket-
ing. But customers are disturbed,
A very small, very old worman
explains she "could care less.
I don't pay attention to thosc
AND A MAN doing his shop-
ping alone expresses the objec-
tion the manager cited: "I think
they have no right to be in front
of the store. They bother people
coming in and they try to stop
you. They should be doing some-
thing else. They're not doing any
In fact, the picketing has been
legally sanctioned by a Supreme
Court ruling which states picket-
ers whose message relates to a
stere's function may walk on
store property, as long as cus-
tomers are not obstructed.
City Chief of Police Walter
Krasny says the pickets have not
caused much trouble for police.
"We get complaints from citizens
as well as management that
they're g e t t i n g harassed and
heckled. But I wouldn't say we'd
had a lot of trouble."
MANAGERS OF all three stares
that have gotten intense picket-
ing - Huron, Stadium, and Ma-
ple Village - denied their busi-
ness had suffered- But store em-
ployes seemed extremely con-
cerned about the boycott's pos-
sible effect on their jobs.
display anxiety. Saturday the Sta-
dium manager appeared con-
siderably flustered at the sug-
gestion that he might have called
the police who arrived at the
"MAY THE good Lord strike
iee dead at this moment if I call-
ed the police," he said excitedly,
pointing at his own chest. "Did
I call the police?" tee asks a wo-
man in a red checker's uniform.
"Customer called the police.
They're not going to stand for
that stuff," she replied angrily.
The manager went outside to
assure the picketers that he had
not called the police.
EMPLOYES AT the Maple Vil-
lage claimed the Huron store will
be closed by Christmas due to
the loss of business the boycott
has caused. The store has re-
duced its hours substantially in
recent weeks.
The Huron manager denied the
report. "The students are gone-
When they come back we may go
back to 9:00 to 9:00," he said.
Customers "see the pickets and
come back on the days they're
not here," he claimed.
Reports that the in-town store
is endangered has raised some
comment from customers. "What
about the old people who rely
on this store." says a middle
aged woman.
"MANY PEOPLE get the idea
we're picking on A&P," says one
boycott committee representa-
tive. "We don't want to close
the Huron store down, we just
want to clean it tip."
At all stores they picket, the
committee provides rides to other
supermarkets for customers who
need transportation.
as taught by
8 p.m.
Assembly Room-Michigan Union Basement
Saturday and Sunday August 4 & 5
Two b Truffaut
q11 L~U Iy W ~ 11t, I lg
"If we don't carry a particu-
lar item, the customers will go to
some other store for the things
we don't carry. And what will
they do when they're there?
They'll buy things for their oth-
er needs. It's at untenable situ-
students, high school kids, par-
ents, babies, even two dogs.
Checkers peer out the plate win-
dows as the line begins to chant
"Boycott lettuce! Boycott grapes!
Boycott A&P!"
"A&P-where exploitation or-
iginates," quips a picketer.
FIMCOOP presents
NTS Filims pemudly presets THE MURDER OF FR-ID HAMPTON, No maior U.S. Filnm distributor will
touch it.
"When the shtot'nq stopp-d, Fred lampton, the 21 year old chairman of She Illinais Black Paniher
Party was dead of a bulbSt thrauqh ihb brain and Mark Clarke, a 22 year old Panther arganicer from
Peoria was dead of a bullet through the lungs and heart, FOUr of the ather sureising Panthers were ser-
iously woundod. All seen weRe arrested and on January 30, they would be indicted by the county arand
juryd fr attempted murder and armed ioenc.'-Scalons
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