Summaer Daily Summer Edition of THlE MICHIG4N DAILY Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Wednesday, August 1, 1973 News Phone: 764-0552 rg Election reofformwl~ bill takes needed steps FOR YEARS ADVOCATES of election reform have sub- mitted legislation to make necessary changes in the electoral process. But each time the suggestions were presented to the Congress they would be watered down or disregarded totally. Now Watergate is upon us and the Congress can no longer afford appearances of 'orruption or lack of the reforming spirit. Yesterday, the Senate moved in the right direction when it passed the Federal Elections Campaign Act by a 82-8 vote. The bill establishes for the first time a bipartisan commission to enforce election laws new established. THE SEVEN-MEMBER COMMISSION would have au- thority to initiate criminal prosecution or levy civil penalties up to $10,000 against violators. The legislation makes embezzling of campaign funds or converting them for personal use or using them to de- fray the legal costs of anyone accused of committing a crime subject to penalties of up to 10 years in prison and fines of $25,000. This provision would prohibit activities like the de- ferring of the excess funds of the Nixon campaign to pay the legal exoenses of the Watergate defendants. The bill limits to $3000 the amount a contributor may give to an individual candidate for Congress or President and makes $25.000 the ceiling that an individual may give to the candidates for federal office in a year. This portion would eliminate million dollar contri- butions like W. Clement Stone's to the campaign of Presi- dent Nixon or the hundreds of thousands of dollars given to McGovern by Stuart Mott. These large donations make a candidate beholden to the contributor. The campaigns of the congressional and presidential candidates were given a limit for the first time. Candi- dates may spend 10 cents times the voting age popula- Gay demonstration tactics assailed By KYLE COUNTS WHEN I SAW that "The Boys in the Band" was booked for a summer showing at the Ann Arbor Film Co-op, I anticipated protest from many of my gay brothers be- cause of the self-nitving nature of the film. Your editorial concerning the recent attempt by some of them to stop the showing of the film hit unon some key issues discussed months ago at a GLF meeting, when we were deciding whether or not to leaflet a showing of "Some of My Best Friends Are . . .", the Grade-Z counterpart to "Boys'. Many were ready, even before viewing the film, to "trash" it. and stop it from being .shown. They were, and quite justifiably so, sick and tired of the neurotic, limp- wristed stereotypes of gay people nerpetuated in films for so long. But some of us decided that a more peaceful mode of protest (i.e. leaf- letting) would educate and hope- fully win support rather than alien- ation from the audience. Up until the recent showing of "Boys" this peaceful tactic was employed, but this time around someone appar- ently thought an attempt to close the film down completely would be a more effective method of pro- test. Again * wan to voice my objec- tion to such an alienating tactic. It does border on what you refer- red to as "self-nroclaimed censor- shin." Though "Boys" has many flaws. I believe neonle should have the rinht to see it if they so desire. More is to be gained from a first- hand experience with the film's mistakes than from someone telling you what is wrong with it. (I can already hear someone saying, "But I don't have to burn myself to know that fire is hot.") The irony of the protest of "Boys' is that there were many gay people pre- sent in the audience at the time. Another thing I find' strange~is that I have heard many gays who vehe- mently object to the film's char- acterization of Super-Nellie Emory laughing the loudest over his shen- anighans at past screenings. Was Free expression far fi not it necessary for them to see the film first to know that it was offensive? Personally, I would ra- ther make up my own mind on such matters. WHAT YOU SUGGESTED in your editorial (a pre-arranged rap before the films we find offensive) in a good idea, and should comple- ment the leafletting that ought to take place as well. But you made a few errors else- where in your judgments that I am compelled to bring to your at- tention. You mentioned that this rap would be a good alternative to "inviting a police confrontation and losing all the audience's interest". How can you say that the protest- ors lost all the audience's interest when in your news coverage of the incident you reported that "near- ly all viewers remained"? At this point your editorial takes on a smug "I-know-what's-best-for-you- children" attitude, and even contra- dicts your attitude on the subject. Your concluding remarks are what I object to the most: "It is pre- cisely the sympathy of heterosex- uals that gay people must start us- ing to create an unoppressive at- mosphere for themselves". That is a dangerous and condescending statement to make,,and threatens to negate all that you have said before. It's almost as if you're ad- vising us to ask (or is it beg?) for that same degrading "pity" that "Boys in the Band" does. WELL, GAYS have been on their knees long enough and now can stand and feel free to say "no thanks" to such tokenistic 'sym- pathy'. If you want to support us, that's one thing; what we don't want or need is anyone's pity. If by 'sympathy' you mean emo- tional or active support free of phony liberal thinking, then I se- cond the emotion. If not, I suggest you get your consciousness a little more together. Kyle Counts is a student in the University. ram holy tum that a person has a right to do anything he wants within one inch of my nose - are not only presumed to be true, they are pr- sumed to be self-evidently true. Such a position reveals an ulti- mate political value of freedom from coercion (physical though not economic) and the presupposition that a society is a good society in direct proportion to the extent that it miimizes coercion. Democratic society comes o be identified as one in which freedom from coer- cion (i.e. liberty) is not the only (certainly not obviously the best) candidate for an ultimate politicl value. An equally attractive alter- native, one which I favor, is he value of human dignity. From this viewpoint, coercion is bad only to the extent that i manifests itself a denial of human dignity or is an impediment to t s achieve- ments. Consequently, in certain cicum- stances, free speech may have to play second fiddle to higher values. Perhaps the "Boys in the Band" incident was such a case. IN SHORT, Liberal ideology plac- es liberty at the pinnacle of its political value structure, thus mak- ing it inviolate. Further, that liber- ty is the ultimate political value is held by Liberalism to be self- evident, thus blinding it to alterna- tive ideological viewpoints. Michael Starr is a graduate student in philosophy at the Uni- versity of Michigan. Letters to The Daily should be mailed to the Editorial Vi- rector or delivered to Mary Rafferty in the Student Plb- lications business office in the Michigan Daily building. Letters should be typed, double-spaced and normally should not exceed 250 words. The Editorial Direc. tors reserve the right to edit all letters submitted. By MICHEL STARR tion in primaries and 15 cents in the general election. TTE RECENT INCIDENT of the Gacs' stopping the showing of the A N EXCESS OF MONEY has often been cited as a con- "Boys in the Band" aroused much tributing factor in the Watergate crimes. With extra interest. It should also have il- funds at hand the campaigners found many nefarious ac- amisated samefundamental poli- tivities into which they could funnel the money. tical issies. Unfortunately, it did However, the bill has a major deficiency. It does noth- not. ing to release the hold of large unions on the Demo- it addressedithttelto he th -g cratic Party nor big business on the Republicans. In fact, m ntal questions of freedom raised rather than closing the provisions that permit large group by the incident in its editorial contributors, the Senate has made the provision more which was a standard Liberal de- liberal. fense of "free speech". The label 'free sneech" is understood to cov- rI'HE BILL MAKES PROGRESS in the area of election er the right to say who you want, reform, and with revision and improvement in the read what you want, see any movie House, it may yet help to eliminate future election scan- you want, etc., so long as you do Hoe inot injure others or obstruct their dais. freedom. Despite its well inten- tioned efforts, the Daily simply missed the point. Why, pray tell, is freedom of speech so almight important? Why "V WOLOD LItEE414u66O Uf. WHOWOUtN(5ELiEVEtTWit't5, is it so valuable? What value does MGtN 114TiSI00 ME, tiafatt'JuliIW.Iou0E l . ithave? What end does it serve? To Liberal ears, these questions :. will sound almost blasphemous and at least misconstrued. That this is so indicates the extent to which Liberal propaganda has infected ior thought processes.. TO THE LIBERAL the value of the traditional political freedoms - freedom of speech, press, assem- bly, etc. - is self-evident. They need not, indeed cannot, be jus- tified. These freedoms are not means to an end; they are ends in themselves. A society which de- ~ ^ fends these freedoms, says the Lib- eral, is free, just and democratic. A society which denies them is not. It is precisely these notions which I intend to question. And lest my purpose be misconstrued, let me say from the beginning that my aim is not to undermine the value of these freedoms, but to put them in perspective. IN MY VIEW, a society is demo- cratic to the extent that it allows divergent and competing interests equal access to political power; that is to the extent that it affords to individuals and groups in the society the power to influence the societal decisions which affect their lives. What basis, then, is there for the view that the traditional political freedoms, like the freedom to see any movie one pleases, are invio- late? It might be maintained that the traditional political freedoms are instrumental; that they are means to an end. On this view, it is supposed that if only people were allowed to speak their minds, pub- lish their opinions, peacefully as- semble, etc., then a just and demo- cratic society could not but flour- ish. But given the inherent propa- gandizing effect of modern mass communication, can we uncritically assume that as long as we allow a person to spear her mind, to pe- tition the government, to put out a newsletter, to picket, etc., that her interests will be given a fair and adequate hearing in the poli- tical forum? Can we he sure that the exercise of freedom will always serve the ends of justice and demo- cracy? In my opinion, we cannot. IT MAY VERY well be that those persons who tried to stop the showing of "Boys in the Band" were motivated by the intense be- lief that their freedom to picket in protest to the film was puny and ineffectual and that the exercise by the viewers of their right to view uncensored whatever they chose was oppressive to the dissi- dents, destructive of their welfare, and an affront to their dignity. Strict adherence to the tradition- al Liberal political freedoms does not guarantee, and may at times undercut, the higher values of jus- tice and democracy. To the Liberal, however, politi- cal freedoms, like the freedom to see whatever movie one wishes, are intrinsic values, ends in them- selves. The traditional political freedoms - speech, press, assem- bly and the rest - are said to be in need of, perhaps incapable of, any further justification by appeal to higher values. THUS THE Liberal principles - expressed by Justice Holmes' dic-