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August 01, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-08-01

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Summer Daily
Vol. LXXXIlI, No. 52-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, August 1, 1973 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Erv'in termns tape talk



Suggests White House complicity

Senator am

Nixon meat
order nixed
by supplier
WASHINGTON (A') - "If Mrs. Housewife
feels the meat shortage, so should the
White House," says Bernard Goldstein.
"They started the shortage and . . . don't
deserve any better treatment than anyone
With that he rejected an order from the
White House for 15 pounds of filet mignon
and New York strip steak.
GOLDSTEIN IS president of District
Hotel Supply, Inc., the largest hotel and
restaurant meat supplier in the District
of Columbia.
At the White House Tuesday, Deputy
Press Secretary Gerald L. Warren con-
firmed the order had been rejected. He
added: "We are shopping elsewhere to
fill out the normal replenishment. We are
in the same position as anyone else
we are buying where we can."
"We've been supplying the White House
with meat for 16 years and this is the
first time we've ever refused them," said
GOLDSTEIN SAID he offered I o w e r
quality steak but was told no thanks. "I
had no trouble filling their ground beef
order," he added with a smile.
"We're talking principle here," he went'
on. "I realize I'm sticking my neck out
- I may even lose the accounth- hut
I feel I have to do something to help the
meat industry.
"I had an order from the No. 1 house-
hold in the world and I had to say no. I
told them to take filet mignon off the
menu until the freeze is over."
THE FREEZE on beef prices is sched-
See BERNIE'S, Page 6

WASHINGTON (A) - Senate Wat-
ergate Chairman Sam Ervin (D.-
N.C.) accused the White House yes-
terday of ordering H. R. Haldeman
to reveal his interpretation of dis-
puted tape recordings which Presi-
dent Nixon has refused to make
The former presidential chief of
staff denied the charge and said in
answer to a question that he would
welcome the opportunity to play the
tapes to the committee "because they
would confirm what I told you."
"I think this is counterfeit evidence,"
said Ervin as the committee heard again
from Haldeman how he listened to record-
ings of two key meetings between Nixon
and John Dean, the ousted White House
counsel who has accused Nixon in the
Watergate cover-up.
ERVIN SAID: "I would say the clear in-
dication is that the White House counsel
ordered Mr. Haldeman to reveal his inter-
pretation of the tapes to the public . ..
"The facts are that the President of the
United States stated on July 23rd he had
sole control of the tapes and none would
be published. Now the man closest to
him appears the next week and puts his
interpretation of them into evidence."
Haldeman startled the committee Mon-
day when he said he listened in late April
to the recording of a March 21, 1973, meet-
ing between Dean and Nixon, and then lis-
tened just three weeks ago to the tape of
a Sept. 15, 1972, meeting.
he was also given additional tapes in July
to take home, but said he did not listen to
them since he had not attended the meet-
ings recorded on the tapes by the recently
disclosed White House sound system:
The Senate panel, the Watergate special
prosecutor and Nixon have battled for
possession of the tapes since a former
See ERVIN, Page 6

AP Photo
H. R. Haldeman pauses to relieve a second day itch during his testimony before
the Watergate Committee yesterday.

A&P pickets still marching

"Please don't shop here. You're hurting
some of the poorest people in the country
by shopping A&P."
It is a typical wet gray Ann Arbor
Thursday at the Maple Village shopping
center. As 2:30 approaches, two picketers
begin their mild-mannered vigil in front
of one of the city's four A&P stores.
"DO YOU HAVE a minute for me to
e x p 1 a i n something very important to
farm workers?" asks the leafleter, stand-
ing politely out of the path to the store's
automatic doors.
Since January, representatives of the
Ann Arbor United Farm Workers (UFW)

Boycott Committee have picketed outside
the city's A&P stores.
Organizers say that while initial effects
at any store are minimal, a few weeks of
picketing yield encouraging results. At
the store on Stadium and Industrial High-
way, picketers said Thursday they were
turning away an average of three out of
ten prospective customers. Business at the
Huron Street store during picketing hours
has been slowed to an almost impercep-
tible trickle.
THE BOYCOTT of A&P stores was set
by UFW leadership to increase the im-
pact of grape and lettuce consumer boy-
cotts. A&P, the nation's largest grocery

chain, handles more than four million
heads of lettuce per week. "Once enough
of A&P decides to go clean, that's the
final push to the growers to recognize the
farm workers' strike," says one spokes-
The A&P boycott has grown in impor-
tance this summer as grape harvesting
contracts formerly held by the UFW come
up for renewal. Many growers have signed
with the Teamsters Union rather than the
UFW, in what UFW leaders describe as
a payoff of corrupt Teamster officials.
Thursday' afternoon the picketers find
Maple Village shopping center as placidly
See LOCAL, Page 10

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