Tuesday, May 15, 1973 TH UMyMER DAILY Page Nine EYE ON '76 Wallace fiqhts to recover Continued from Pnge)s tonic that his doctors heartily prescribe. HE READ Bremer's diary while he still was hospitalized at Silver Spring, Md., and learned that the young man had been stalking him. He talks about the shooting now almost as though it happen- ed to someone else. Wallace never has talked w Bremer, but says he has for- given him and hopes that the young man, described as a "lon- er" by his Milwaukee neighbors, has asked forgiveness for him- self. Although he has had a year's bout with pain that sometimes drains the color from his face, Wallace still has a sense of nu- mor and occasionally can make a joke about the shooting. HE SAID doctors told him that if he had known he was going to get shot that day he should have been naked and hungry. Ile said his clothes and ight lunch complicated theasurgery to remove the bullets. Wallace, who will celebrate his 54th birthday in August, h a s lost all hopes of being able to walk. Now shriveled to about half their normal size, his legs are only dead weight because of the spinal cord injury siffered in the shooting. ie exercises on braces and sometimes on crut- ches but that is only designed to help the circulation in the rest of his body. He can stand only with support. While critics were reluctant at first to say anything against Wal- lace after the shooting, s o m e have since said he seems incap- able of running the state a n d certainly should not consider a third id for president. HOWAEVER, Wallace has shown if you see news happen call 76-DADILY IF IT WAS MURDER- WHERE'S THE BODY? IF IT'S ONLY A GAME- WHY THE BLOOD ? L.AURENCE MICHAEL OLMVER CAINE J0JP ,VNS wcz d no signs of throwing in the poli- tical towel. When he was told he had won the Maryland and Michigan primaries the day af- ter he was shot, he grinned. ILess than two months after the shooting, he flew to the Demo- cratic National Convention at. M1iami Beach. He was unable to sway the delegates controlled by Sen. George McGovern, but he felt as though he had made his point later when McGovern was crushed in the election. Wallace's associates think he will try for the presidential nom- ination again in 1976, refusing to let his wheelchair knock him out taP the political arena. EVEN BEFORE 1976, Wallace has to make another big political decision - whether to risk ano- ther gubernatorial race for an unprecedented third term. His friends say there is no decision to make; they say he already has made up his mind to run and only has to decide on his strategy. A local newspaper, the Mont- gomery Advertiser, has been crit- ical of the Wallace administra- tion since his 1963-66 term, and its editor-publisher, Harold Mar- tin, suggested Wallace resign :,)t' health reasons. Martin charg'd that a group of parasites had moved into the driver's seat and was going to bring disgrace to Wallace. Wallace still runs the execitite department, he and his staff in- sist. "WE CAN TELL he is j u s t about back to normal," one aide said. "He isn't meek anymore when he asks that somethir. be done. He just tells you and he wants action before he gets off the phone." "THE BEST FILMED CHEKHOV I'VE EVER SEEN." Canby NY Time r IN ~7pCOLOR Starrinq Sergei Bondorchuk Disector r 1 of "War ' and Pea~ce" I /' "BREATH-TAKING IN ITS BEAUTY." -Archer Winston, NY Post Sat, Sun. & Wed. at 1, 3, 5, 7, & 9 P.M Mon. & Tues. at 7 & 9 P.M. Only 1214 s. university - Theatre Phone 668-6416 NEXT: "The Nelson Affair" GOVERNOR WALLACE, s u p- ported by braces, stands to ad- dress a joint session of t h e Alabama state House and Sen- ate in Montgomery. His as- sociates say confinement to a wheelchair is not enough to keep him out of the 1976 pres- idential race. WITH: Santana Grateful Dead Hot Tuna Quicksilver Boz Scaggs It's A Beautiful Day/ Cold Blood Elvin Bishop Group; New Riders of the Purple Sage Bill Graham NEW WORLD FILM COOP SPECIAL! HOT CHOCOLATE Everyone Welcome I GRAD COFFEE HOUR WEDNESDAY 8-10 p.m. West Conference Room, 4th Floor RACKEAM LOTS OF PEOPLE LOTS OF FOOD It's not the steno poolat your uncle's office. It's not the same crowd down at the beach. And it's not another teen tour through Europe. It's India. Summer in India is quite different from dusk in time to see the sun set. We'll rent any summer you've spent before. And you a car if you like, so you can discover roundtrip economy airfare from India at your own pace. And if you're New York is only $475.* interested in earning credits while you It's mornings riding through the liveand learn, we have seminartours, too. countryside of a 5000 year-old You have the whole beautiful civilization. Stopping in the villages. summer ahead of you. Make it an Indian Coasting down to seaport cities like summer. Bombay. Bargaining in the marketplaces *You can stay 14-120 days, except and then lunching with your guru. It's for the June, July, August peak season afternoons hiking to the hilltop fort at when the minimum stay is 3 weeks. Amer. And finally, pulling into Jaipur at 1713 Book Bt ding 666 Fifth Avenue, New York N.Y 10017.7 1-6 1 149Wa h 4onon 2 Ortu I""Son"03" P i leae ted eiitiri ifr aio ntur Etrrie64 "N DELUXE COLOR DAILY AT 1 P.M. - 3:30 - 6:10 and 8:45 61 t i be y a