Tuesday, July 31, 1973 THE SUMMER DAILY Page Seven For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone 764-055'7 Monday through Friday, 7 a.m.-4 p.m. (ontinuendfrom Porta61 ROOMMATES PERSONAL I PERSONAL PERSONAL USED CARS 2 FEMALE GRAD students wonted to _______shore large4-bdrm. toose, Burns 1967 SUNBEAM Alpine roadter. Ex. P alt, with 2 other a ie grads. cn.1530 Washtenaw after 5. 20N53 Furiture helpful. $1007 a. Avaioble - .--..-- ~ _____-...--.-.. - Aug. 05 f por er.Cali 763-6767 '60 FORD FAIRLARE. 485-3463, call after 6 pt.. 4Y54 atter 5:30 p.m. 19N55_____----__ - CAMPUS and ROSFITAL AREA-Need190FMOTRhi4d.god04, mlaoste.$600p alh I aunsgrea, $000. Cal1 662-7065. 08N54 720 E. Kiagsley. Ca11 663-9373. 1971 '2 TIUMH SITFRE.Newge BOHRON VALLEY REAL ESTAT 10705 TIUMR OFTFIE. a-cYtc etoe, newtorter, 2 tops, 33,000 ___ -___ 10e,8inaex. condRecenglune-up. $1200. Call 761-8424 alte 3 parsislent- LOST AND FOUND ly. 92N60 -___ 1968CHEY IMALA4-chr. oodFOUND: A tite,4-5 mos.old. Vicin-ofN 198c VYd.6 IMPALA be 4-oo. 0Good Oly ofChurch a04 B Univeiy roo. 65582 or o . 6551White0o0w/bl1ckspots. 663-2868. 6551 TOYOTAHELP WANTED HELPWANED-ppl inpersonAlt CASH1Yp 2iTnel.r403-3360. W sigon BRING YOUR TITLE Ypiat.4230. 115 YUGWOKN tole hasfull WE'LL BUY YOUR CAR!' lime "nanny N" loop agal fordinfant TOP $$$ son. Our home weekdays 8-5,peram- -MOG'S- Colil 665-9303. 231R55 '67 MGBGT British Rating Green $1595BAYITRorhidn 5ad4 '169 MOB RDSTR. W ires , 2 lops ..$3095 2-4 half-days, preferably afternoons. '71 G Midt 1,000-a,..s. $3195 To continue in fall for 5-6 half-days. Ned, chroma wiras.......$1995 Call 761-2770. 87H51 '71 MO Midget BR, Oreen .$3695 PERSON NEEDED to help ot-up new -SPORTS & IMPORTS- servce. Business raprese ntalive will '76, FIAT 124 SPIDER, Red...$2315 contact all types lotc1an mrchoots in '70 TRIUMLPH GT 6a.......... $2395 Ann Arbor-Ypsilantil area. Wark own '71 JAGUAR XEE V-12, hours, short or long leem employ- Full Power .... 966...... . 895 mntn. Call Mite Capenter, 769-2258. '72 CAPRI V-6, 81H52 4-speed, 11,0660 stiles .$..... , . , ...-$2995 _._^. '71 VOLVO 164, Full power, WORE WITH someathing worthwile . - Air, AM-F M ........$4295 People. Spend a yeor or Iwo in '68 VOLVO 144 S. PEACE, CORPS or VISTA, Former Dart Green, 4 speed . 9.... 1895 volunteers at the Michigan Union '68 VOLVO0142 S, July 30 and 31 and August 1,910o Light Blue, 4 -peed . 91695 f40. 791152 '67 SAAB 96 V-4, Beige, 4-opeed D VES..t$or4n9d.Aply -TOYOTAS- Mo. Tony's 1327 S. Unitersity. 62R153 1969-1972 a11 odels to thosfom:1 166 p e Intwrraty onngines, MUSICAL MDSE., tnsmissions ad diffs. ftr 10004 AIS EAR mlsor 30 days.AIS EAR 197 2GEMO'S - 1ea dollar vlue- - Choose from Coron a nd Caritas. GUITARS, AMPS, PIANGS. Fender, -DOMESTIC ECONOMY CARS- Hohner, Maes1r0, Gibson, Matin, '71 VEGA, 4-opetd haltchbatk, - GullS. One-otop ctntea. Apollo Mui, Siltve . . . $1305 322 S. Main, 769-1480. oXtc '72 MAVERICK, Automatic, HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO only 7,000 miles, Yellow,Uuoi doiny 10nt BlctVinyl Top. . $2205 "offere, mad, repired-also crvd '72' PLYMOUTH DUSTER, 1adilyd cesrelsos 0 6 cylinderAtomati, S. Statre665-8t01. 209 Power Steing .........$2307 / APOLLO DRUM CENTOR-Drum seto, Toyota Ann Arbor over 20 st nsok RvrSnr 907JN. Main right 0001s. 322 5. Molt, 700-1400. ~t 769-7935 t MUSIC STRINGS ct 'N' THINGS guittar lesons;, totk, classica, 1, lue, MISCELLANEOUS cutry, iazztandterty. All gutart, strings, an0 00 ceor~ ies are alwayst AMIAZI NGGRAPHICS-Al N-Itoill 5N.30 tarcent ott litt. Otton, John Polmor, an4 others.tj 516 E. Williamo(otveCampust Bitt) Aondro-Media Dolleries,301, 5.State 000-00806 o3100 St., Ann Arhor, 700-5777, 7 dayt to. ... . . hibitilon endsJuly 31, 1073. 0057 MARlIN GUITARS U-t8, 0-28, 0-35, S_ 12-stlogs teay to be en0oy0! Apollo BOARD EXAM TUTORING Motto Center, 710-1400. cXtg Enr11l 000t0 now eigaccetedfor ; __ __________ UM BARBERS & STYLISTS RESERVE a appointmenaond 1ean RELIABLE Now taturingRKPodutst theflots aotdiamonds o your OpenMon-SatI . ngagemeat inIg ptrchasa will bha ABORTION SERVICE Michigan Union worth yourawhile an a uiqiue ax- CliniciI Mich-1t24 apr- tFS3 pret.Au 1 d 29~ nancies teamInatad, by 11cense4 ob- _... __ -.. Uniterally. 663-7151. eFtc static ian gynecologist. Quiet serv- TORPEDO TYPING-769-2645,.mor0ino. GAY BIRTH DATA aeeded for astro- ics ill bearange. Low ras. ! Ftt logica1 study to improoeacoonselling, CL CO ET for gay people alone "or in tandem. C L OLC GRAD COFFEE HOUR: Wed. night, 5-1 769-5318. 95F51 121 61 281 -6060 10 p.m. Lots of people. Special: Hot 24 HOUR SERVICE Chocolate. 4th floor Rotkham.NawREED DOG OBEDIENCE experItfor people welcome! cFt onsultation. Ca11 764-8558 4da, 663- __ ,c....... ____- 5994 ave. dF5t-OIOIVTTIN-Md0 t- PHOTOGRAPHERnedo blondeafImala EDIG.NITTON--o. rtr- model, with excellent body, who is ENNIS LESSONS - former U-M' ploy- ditlonalIstyle. Coll 761-0942. anytimor. not afaidt10ta8ehar c1othesofl in er, Country Clot pro. Palvate tourt. -- - - - front of a tamera. Pay negotiable. Individual ar groups. 769-5940. eFto COMIC BOOKS, scence fiction, hose- Call Jim Breen, 453-9217 altar 6 p.m. t alltads, paperacktls, CURIOUS 13F54 RICHARD LEE USED BOOK SHOP, TOO! 340 5. Why toy moms produced WEDDING Photographer Slate (upstairs) 761-6112 (open 1-6 RINGS? Race your personal deoign, Wadding Candids and Portraits p.m.) aBle aeatdhyJHB 79-58 5F9 Call 455-1331 10opr m apomnts. BUMPER STICKERS custom printed ?GRAD COFFEE NOUN KING retoring., tFtc while-U-toait! $2. MBL Preas, 1217 O Gad Collar Hour needs Grad. 01u- Prospet, Ann Artor, 761-8942. aFta dentOverseerlfornextlyearIfinter- XEROX AND OFFSET - ----_-- - ested Contatt 663-5977, Garypafte 6. COPY QUICK PERSONAL GROWTH groups 0esalt cFtc 0217 S. University 7019-0560 an4 Encounter trotniquas, soma GAY ibertionOpe MeeingopninttormIn an ld women. Open- GAi i la p Maigtngt AT' . ended group. Ca11 Doreen 769-0798. 8 p.m., Union, Sooth Wing, 3rd-floor "Wall-of-Slax" 49F51 Conlerence Room. All welcome. Inf. Flared 'n Culled -_LEARNING/TEAHINGEXPERIENC 763-4186 or 761-2044 (GOP Hotline). Knit ar Knot ERIGTACIGEPREC 22F51 Jas'Jakt-Helping new foreign studenta gal Jeaa n Etssettled in Ann Arbor. Volunteers LET US FILL your next presciption. MARTY'S MEN FASHION CLOTHING wanlad fromn Aug. 15-31. Ca11 Intera- l ilge Apotheaory. 1112 5. Unicer- a 310 S. State St. tional Canter. 764-9318 RIGHT AWAY. ally Ace, Pta Ftc ; 02F55 MCATforteSepterh eoam, LSAT July & October onm. DATGOtober eam, Pot Infornoation & Enrolltot Call 354-0085 tottect 78M690 WANTED TO BUY - SCIENCE FiCTION, comic tooks, base- hall cards .. . CURIOUS USED HOOK SHOP, TOO! 348 5. S51te(up0101 50, 768-0112 (1-6 p.m.). cKtc j TRANSPORTATION HORSEPLAYERS! I wantIa rde to DRC anypdayWill shae gos.CallIMichal. 769-3853. 84051 RELIABLE ABORTION SERVICE Clinic on Mh.-1 to 24 week pregnancies tetminated, toy li- teased obstetrician gynecologist. Quick services will-be arranged. Low totes. CALL COLLECT (216) 261-6060 24 HOUR SERVICE more than trees. 0a 0 0frt~sdig. Get toknow thetwo of you beforeyo become the three of you. Get to know what you both really like. What you both really want out of life. Get to enjoy your freedom together until you both decide you want to let go of a little bit of it. But make it your choice. Research statistics show that more than half of all the pregnancies each year are accidental. Too many of them, to couples who thought they knew all about family planning methods.F Get to know how the two of you don't have to become the three of you. Or the four of you. Or... Planed Parenthood Children by choice. Not chance. ror further information, write Planned Parenthood, Box 431, Radio City Station, New York, N.Y. 10019. planned Parenthood is a natiosal, son-profit organiaation dedicated ta prociding i;'( infarmsation and effectice means of family planning to all who want asd need it., r adcertising taontribusted far the public gaad e55W;4I