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July 28, 1973 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1973-07-28

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Page Eight


Sotur av uy28. 197

Tigers continue hex
over Red Sox, 4-2

From Wire Service Reports
Al Kaline's -tie-breaking two-
run single with the bases loaded
in the eighth inning highlighted a
three-run uprising that enabled
the Detroit Tigers to continue
their domination of the Boston
Red Sox with a 4-2 victory last
It was the Tigers' 10th triumph
in 11 meetings with the Red Sox
this season.
Eddie Brinkman opened the

eighth with a single, the fifth
hit off loser Bill Lee, 12-5, and"
the Tigers had two runners
aboard when Lee fielded Mickey
Stanley's sacrifice bunt and
dropped it while trying to tag
the runner. The runners advanced
on a wild pitch and Tony Taylor
walked before Kaline's two-run
Taylor was cut down trying
to go to third but the Tigers
added another run on Willie

New York
Kansas City
New York 7,
Minnesota 8,
texas 5, Cali
Baltimore 9,
Baltimore 5,
Kansas City
New York
kee (Lockw
sas City (K
Texas (M
(Odom 2-9)
Boston (t
Kekich 1-3
Retroit (
more (Hood
Chicago (
sota (Decke

Major League Standings g
EatW L Pct. GB EatW L Pct. GB$
59 44 .573 - St. Louis 53 46 .535 -
54 42 .562 1' Chicago 52 48 .520 1
52 46 .531 41 Pittsburgh 48 49 .495 4
51 48 .514 6 Montreal 47 51 .479 5
47 51 .480 9' Philadelphia 46 54 .460 7x>
36 66 .352 224 New York w s 43 53 .449 8'
56 45 .554 - Los Angeles 64 38 .627 _
57 47 .550 Cincinnati 59 43 .578 5
52 47 .525 3 San Francisco 58 43 .574 50
50 51 .497 6 Houston 53 51 .509 12
48 51 .490 7 Atlanta 46 59 .438 19 4
37 61 .371 17! San Diego 33 67 .330 30
oesterday's Results Yesterday's Results
Milwaukee 6 Pittsburgh 10, Chicago 6
Oakland 2 Cincinnati 12, Atlanta 2
fornia 2 Houston 5, Los Angeles2
Cleveland 0 (1st) :Montreal 5, Philadelphia 4
Cleveland 2 (2nd) New York 2, St. Louis 1
2, Chicago 1 (10 inn.) San Diego at San Francisco, inc.
Today's Games Todays Games
(Medich 7-5) at Milwau- Philattelphia (Twitchell 8-3) at
ood 5-5). Pittsburgh (Rooker 4-2).
(C. Wright 8-13) at Kan- St. Louis (Cleveland 10-5) at Chi-
Wright 6-4). oago (Jenkins 9-8).
erritt 3-5) at Oakland Montreal (Torrez 5-9) at New York
(Stone 5-3), night
Curtis 8-8) at Cleveland Atlanta (Harrison 6-3 or Devine
), twilight 0-2) at Houston (Wilson 6-11), nightt.
Coleman 15-8) at Balti- Cincinnati (Hal 6-4) at San Diego
2-0), night (0ones 2-3), night
Johnson 2-2) at Minne- San Francisco (Barr 8-9) at Los An-
r 4-5), night geles (Sutton 12-6), night

Horton's infield hit, which chased
- Lee, and Frank Howard's single
off reliever Bob Veale.
The Red Sox got a run in the
ninth on singles by Doug Griffin
and Luis Aparicio around an in-
field out.
Kaline's fifth home run of the
baseball season with two out in
the first inning staked Detroit
starter Jim Perry to a J-0 lead.
Boston tied it in the third on
Tomtmiy Harper's 10th home run.
Winner John Hiller, 6-3, re-
lieved Perry with runners at
second and third and one out inn
the sixth and retired pinch hitter
Danny Cater on a pop fly and
struck out Harper.
Elsewhere in the major leagues,
a couple of sluggers, Johnny
Bench of Cincinnati and George
Mitterwald of Minnesota, made
headlines along with a pitcher,
Jim Palmer of Baltimore.
Bench drove in six runs with
two homers and a bases-loaded
walk to help the Reds crush At-
lanta 12-2 behind a five-hitter by
Jack Billingham.
Mitterwald slammed his fourth
homer in four games, igniting
a seven-run first inning for the
Twins as they made it three in a
row over Oakland 8-2.
Palmer turned in a one-hitter
in pitching the Orioles to a 9-0
shutout of Cleveland in the first
game of a doubleheader. He had
a no-hitter going until George
Hendrick singled to start the
eighth inning for the Indians.
Roy White's eighth-inning triple
followed by Ron Blomberg's RBI
single gave the New York Yan-
keesea come from behind victory
over Milwaukee and Pittsburgh
exploded a 21-hit attack for a
10-6 triumph over the slumping
Chicago Cubs.
Texas made it six in a row
by beating California 5-2 on Tom
Grieve's first homer of the year.
It came with two on in the sec-
ond inning and provided the mar-
gin of victory. Houston stopped
Los Angeles 5-2 on a three-run
fifth inning capped by Roger
Metzger's triple.

AP Photo
Sparky saves
New York Yankee ace reliever Sparky Lyle, who has saved 61
Bomber victories in a little over one and one-half seasons, looks
through his Lifesaver of the Month Award he received Thursday
Summer Daily

iesr 'M l0 NOOF MARK'
presents ' rV gp
Shows at 1, 3,
603 E. Liberty . 5, ,9:05 pm
DIAL ,7 iow
DIAL20 Feature 15
665-6290 eto n rn OiflMeernCoo - minutes later
Medieval Festival
Sacred and Profane Plays
Music, Dancing, Juggling
July 28-Sot.-Aug. 4
Arb--3 p.m. Burns Park-3 p.m.
July 29-Sun.-Aug. 5
Ark-11 a.m. Diag-1 1 a.m.
West Park-3 p.m. Arb-3 p.m.

Miami defeats pesky All-Stars
behind two Csonka scores, 14-3

CHICAGO VP) - The bristling
College All-Stars, rated 17-point
underdogs, carried the game to
the World Cahmpion Miami Dol-
phins but yielded two touchdowns
to crushing fullback Larry Csonka
and bowed 14-3 in the 40th All-
Star Football Game last night.
Clinic in Mich.-] to 24 week
pregnancies terminated, by li-
censed obstetrician gynecotogist.
Quick services will be arranged.
Low rates.
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Before going down for the
collegians' 10th straight defeat
on rain-drenched Soldier Field,
the All-Stars missed a touchdown
by six inches and outplayed the
National Football League cham-
pion Dolphins between Csonka's
touchdown smashes leading off
the first and fourth quarters.
The punting of Southern Mis-
hissippi's Ray Guy and the sharp
quarterbacking of Bert Jones of
Louisiana State thrilled a ca-
pacity throng of 54,103, which was
thoroughly drenched by a tor-
rential downpour at halftime of
the nationally televised game.
Guy provided the All-Stars'
only points with a 10-yard field
goal with 15 seconds left in the
first half when the best All-Star
thrust of the game stalled after

reaching the Dolphin six-inch
It took a fourth quarter rally
on the passing of 39-year-old
Griese, to wrap up the Dolphins'
Earl Morrall, in relief of Bob
hard-earned victory with Csonka's
seven-yard scoring smash after
3:57 of the fourth period.
CSONKA, who bulled three
yards for the first Miami touch-
down to cap a 60-yard drive in
the opening quarter, got his
second touchdown after Morall
whipped a paid of decisive passes
to ex-Michigan star Jim Mandich.
In a drive starting from the
Miami 46, Morrall flipped a 24-
yard pass to Mandich carrying
to the All-Star 20 and then hit
Mandich on an 11-yarder reach-
ing the seven.
The Ann Arbor Y Judo Club,
to cooperation with the Michigan
Association of the AAU, is host-
ing this year's National AAU
Junior Judo Olympic Elimina-
tions for Michigan tomorrow at
the Ann Arbor Y. The competi-
tion will last most of the day
with the best viewing in the mid-
afternoon session.

PEACE CORPS started here.
Don't Let It End Here.
Peace Corps & Vista
Recruiters in the Michigan Union
July 30, 31, August 1, 9-4:30,

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