THE SUMMER DAILY Thursday, July 26, 1973 U.S. bombing illegal (continued from Page3) certain terns that that's not the of Appeals extends the stay, the way an American President bombing has to stop this week- acts." end. Judd wrote, "What is involved "Second, in a more important in this case is not the training or sense, it is judicial recognition tactics of American forces, but that the President simply cannot whether Congress has authorized commit forces to combat with- the Cambodian bombing. That out congressional approval. It's question is capable of judicial the judiciary telling him in no un- resolution . New schoo okayed (contin s"ed fr o-m ae5) MEMBERS OF THE audience school could be svith only one had diverse opinions as to the summer's preparatios. school's effectiveness in deter- David Aherdeen, the author of ring further violence. the prapasal, admitted that the One parent termed the school planning had been "short cir- "a welcome return to respect cuited to an extent that is d- and discipline," while another gerous." blasted the proposal as "Ann Ar- Trustee C I a r e n c e t bkes hor's greatest shame." charged that Porley was "ct- The board will immediately plainsitg and demissndin r's c bugin accepting sspplicitions for detailed usiterial so that the audience." ing heart," Warner declared. MichtigaI RepertOry '73 in the air-co ditiened POWER CENTER "CHARMING AND EXQUISITE"-Gibson, NEWS WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE'S The Comedy of Errors IN REPERTORY THROUGH JULY 27 ALL PERFORMANCES AT 8:00 P.M. POWER CENTER BOX OFFICE OPEN 12:30-5:00 P.M. MON. 763-3333 12:30-8:00 P.M. DAYS OF PERFORMANCE Season Subscriptions $7.00-$10.50 INDIVIDUAL TICKETS $2.00-$3.00 74 T0MOORR()W "THOROUGHLY ENJOYABLE" Kane NEWS GEORGE BERNARD SHAW'S Mtrs. Warren's Profession IN REPERTORY THROUGH JULY 28 The irony of it all President Nixon shakes hands with former Democratic presidential candidate George -McGovern last night as the two met in a receiving line at the Iranian Embassy in Washington, D.C. Thomas Eagle- ton, McGovern's running mate last year for a glorious 10 days, stands in the background with his shoulder to the camera. REGENTS' VOTE: 'U*' to hike tuition (ion oni t s c )i by inflation and salary increases, SPECIFICALLY, the high court would have been necessary even invalidated the statute requiring . without the change in residency that non-resident students spend requirements. six months in Michigan while "It's hard to tell whether all taking no sore than three credit this will be greeted with any en- hours of classes to qnisalify for in- thusiasn," Smith commented last state fees night. , rhe Regelt u soon passed a new "YoU know, we don't like to do set of tighter residency rules bst Smith esutii..ted that the rui- this,' he mused, 'but we really ing would still cost the Univer- didn't have msuch choice." city an approximate $2.5 million. The Daily's sources said the new boost will absorb that loss SACRAMENTO, Calif. (UPI) -About 1,900 wild turkeys were taken in the spring and fall hunts in California in 1972, says the California Department of Fish and Game. ~fCenticore Bookshops, Inc. J 336 Maynard, 663-1812 1229 S. University, 665-2604 ANN ARBOR'S MOST COMPLETE BOOKSTORES and g ise Itse Unsiversity sat addli- tioialsix per cent resesue ins SMITH MAINTAINED that the six per cent figure, which will go towards filling the gap caused WAjmNT A R MATE THAT 0 ... FUN * NEAT * EASY GOING * GREAT TO LOOK AT * TAGS ALONG ONLY WHEN ASKED * NEVER SPEAKS OUT OF TURN * PERFORMS DUTIES WITHOUT COMPLAINT HAS A GOOD HUMOR TC-66 (Gets a charge out of thingsh) $ 9SThe TC-66 fills the bill! AMERCASFIRST CHOICE IN TAPE RECOPOERS STATE STREET AT NORTH UNIVERSITY-761-201 1-MON. THRU SAT. 9-6 WEST STADIUM NEAR LIBERTY-665-0621--MON. THRU FRI. 9-9, SAT. 9-6 2755 PLYMOUTH RD. I PLYMOUTH MALL-761-8690 MON. THRU FRI. 10-8, SAT. 10-6 Pres. Fleming RELIABLE ABORTION SERVICE Clinic in Mich.- to24 week pregnancies terminated, byi censed obstetrician gnecologist Quick services will be arranged. Low rates. CALL COLLECT (216) 281-6060 24 HOUR SERVICE F'