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July 26, 1973 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1973-07-26

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Page Eight


Thursday, July 26, 1973

Researchers warn-

of 'upper
BOSTON (ir - Using ampheta-
mines to increase alertness can
be dangeroius becars of an un-
expected drowsiness soon after
taking the drugs, researchers
said yesterday.
This paradoxical finding came
in a study using a stimulant con-
monly known as Dexedrine. A
majority of subjects in the study
became drowsy and showed de-
creased alertness within the first
hour after taking the drug, which
is known as an "upper."
THE STUDY said that an hour
or two after taking the drugs,
subjects showed desired effects
of alertness and increased- brain
But the researchers said the
unexpected initial drowsiness and
an increased feeling of sadness in
some subjects were dangers of
which most users were unaware.
And they cautioned persons about
taking the drug when alone and
depressed, or when driving an
The year-long study, funded by
the National Institute of Mental
Health, wsoconductedat Boston
State Hospital by Dr. Joaeph
Tecce, director of the hospital's
laboratory of neuropsychology,
and Dr. Jonathan Cole, chairman
of psychiatry at Temple Univer-
TECCE SAID the study was
looking into the effects of psycho-
active drugs on normal persons.
He described the 20 persons in
the study as "extremely" ment-
ally and physically healthy peo-
ple who have no history of drug
Tece said the study "focused
on an electrical brain save"

which is a "sensitive indicator rf
alertness in humans."
In the first hour after taking a
moderate dose of 10 milli'rams
of Dexedrine, Tecce said seven
subjects showed "an expec ed
alertness in behavior and an in-
crease in brain activity."
THE REPORT said the re-
maining 13 subjects "shosed
paradoxical drowsiness and sos-
pression' of brain activity.
"Clearly the assumption that
amphetamine is simply a stiom-
lant of the central nervous vo-
tem appears to need revisio,"
Tecce said.
"One of our main concerns now
is to discover what psychological
difference between people might
explain these paradoxical anl
nonparadoxical responses to am-
TECCE SAID pracautionasy
statements by amphetamine man-
ufacturers don't specifically men-
tion drowsiness as a possible side
He said these precautions say
amphetamines may mask ex-
treme fatigue and warn persons
who are tired not to take thens
while operating machinery be-
cause their reactions may be
slower than their mental alert-
"They are saying that ampheta-
mines may mask fatigue and I'm
saying amphetamines ma, be a
factor in producing drowsiness,"
he said.
study was that some subjects
who showed an initial lack of
alertness after taking toe drugs
experienced feelings of intense
sadness immediately after taking

Speaking to America's youth
Secretary of Defense James Schlesinger meets with members of a youth group yesterday. Schlesinger
said the "poisonous and suspicious atmosphere" of Watergate has magnified the impact of falsified
Cambodian bombing reports.
Astronauts make preparations
for Saturday Skylab journey

Thursday, July 26 atre at Michigan" Rackham Amph. 3
Audio-Visual Films: David Lean: A
Speech Dept.: B. Benjamin, Sr. Exec. Self-Portrait, Aud. 3, MLB, 7 pm.
Producer,CBS News, "Television and Music School: University Summer
the Documentary and Washington," Session Symphony Band, Poolside SM,
Nackham Amph., 1:45 pm. 7 pm.
Speech Dept.: R. Meyer, dir. of U University Players: Shaw's "Mrs. War-
Theatre Programs, "The Future of The- ren's Profession," Power Ctr., 8 pm.

The Skylab 2 astronauts conclud-
ed their training yesterday for
man's longest space flight by
practicing linking up with the
space station and other maneu-.
vers they may have to under-
N a ti o n a 1 Aeronautics and
Space Administration personnel
at Cape Kennedy said the weath-
er for Saturday's launch of the

UAC-DAYSTAR presents

planned 59-day mission should be
good, with scattered clouds and
winds from the south at under 10
miles per hour.
Owen Garriott and Jack Lousma
ran through their last full day of
training at the Johnson Space
Center in Houston. They are to
fly to Cape Kennedy today to
make final preparations for the
launch of their Apollo spaceship
aboard a Saturn rocket.
They practiced the complex
countdown procedures they will
go through in the final 2%
hours before the rocket roars
away from Cape Kennedy.
The astronauts also simulated
the nearly nine hours of maneu-
vers required to chase the 85-ton
Skylab and dock with it in its
orbit 275 miles above the earth.
The space station has been emp-
ty since the Skylab 1 crew com-
pleted a 28-day mission last(

yesterday going through the pro-
cedures required to get them out
of the Apollo capsule or away
from the 22-story Saturn 2B in
case of trouble before or during
the launch.
Ground controllers fed into the
simulator's computers realistic
emergency situations, such as
failure of the rocket engines and
on-board explosions after launch.
The astronauts practiced the
steps necessary to extricate
themselves from such hazards.
Engineers at Cape Kennedy in-
stalled the flight batteries on the
Saturn and made radio frequency
tests. They then began the long
series of systems tests required
before the last of the equipment
is stowed aboard the rocket and
they begin loading fuel tomorrow
THE SKYLAB 2 astronauts will
continue the medical, solar, as-
tronomy, earth resources and
other experiments begun by the
Skylab 1 crew.

in concert
FRIDAY, August 31 8 p.m. CRISLER ARENA
All Tickets $5.00 ... Go on Sale Tomorrow, Friday, July 27
Michigan Union only, 11 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Sorry, no personal checks. 763-4553 info.
during box office hours. Box Office open same hours Saturday and all next week.
Starting Monday, July 30th tickets also at World Hdqtrs Record Store, and in Ypsi
at Ned's Bookstore


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