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July 25, 1973 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1973-07-25

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vvepnesaav July L.PI

,. .., .......... f f ,..,+. 7 ._. ....

Grees eay forsagdeleto
SATHEN S A', - A giant neon Cony;1-line as Greece's chief of since a coop on April 21, 1967, THE PAPDOPOULOS govern- HOWEVER, the country's par-
sign atop Mt, Lycahettos, Athens' state, confirm George Papado- aholished the mionarchy laszt Jone meet has already mode this lialily mated press has been per-
ighest point, lights oip every -poos as president of the newly 1 and proclaimed Greece a re- clear, milled to ry statements by
eig-ht with juist one ward, "a. formed repuhlic, and approve puhlic, "The repuhlic is an irreversihle former politicians wvho oppose 'hie
That is the Greek word fo)r sme conistittlional changes. A negative vote will display fact," it said, adding that if regime, and newspapers have
yesan a eser~s knosit A YS OT isalos unse- oplar disapp, rova of these de- tilis~es the referendum it will heen critical in carefully word-
T1nises1heC ornmen!ICt ivints sily expected. selopmlen ts, htwont cha nge ily ~1hold a sew One. T his ed editorials and cartoons.
voters next Sonda., July 29,t1) poslt, head of a nmili- anything. Constantine will still wolld sinmilarly ask confirmation The antigoverinment newspaper
v ote yes in the natinal plehis-lry bhacked governmenlt that has he writhou>.t his throne and Papa of C'onstantine's ouster and Pty- Vradyoi called on the government
cite to ruifyIthe noIer o'fi ~n ruleudwihdilauril oees dopouulos nllstu11 he'president. padu )uiur'As' ass,,umptiumoofthue to disclose how meucl it is spend-
- reidnc, m wlY 1 11 Johic mopto gem it efelected, a n d
of tlh') nis - 1 rubSiumlt 1l 1paoted mint that in demortic
cha uges. elecimon. political parties, not the
T s voidliii - the 'government t l\,1 Ey'rsu id the, nill.
' .ha sffllered the voters sortim - Jlsot opposition ha. been ex-
siiiste un iddfi'l pressed abroad.
ts refuse. Among the constiu- IKING CONSTANTINEfroin
tuonol changes ts he 'pprov-ed or his Noose home in exile, demand-
disapproved are twa that woumld ed that Greeks he allowed to ex-
lift permnnt martial law in pins their desires freely in a
s Athens and the neighhoring apin. referenduom conducted hy a nem
- - -of Piraeums, and restore persasm-ut tral, careta ker governmsent. le
liherties. said if Gmeeks were denied the
- -Farmer maembuers of P mnt:-m chance Is select their own Lemd-
- meet, disbanded afier the 1957 ers he would "fight with all nmy
coutp, hove branded the ref, rn-stsrength as a suoldier."
Nwduim a "farne," Many (reeks ouu' Frain Paris former Premier
- the street say they- don'tI n ) onslanlime Carnanli-, said the
whit il's mll about, "people of Greece mush reject
- - T'S UST uuat 'Fuumu this imipoulent plebiscrite."
nITaSUSA saud ein f. h mum Paupadopoulos' abolition of the
shump onusen. Whyodsnchy followed-an ubortisve
mahead and do wsub, he J wnt? mcup d'etat by netired anud achive
'Thu nhonemalne-adys-"navl officers, mn May2.
YByumvhi ' ly his,;Sbt w u idmcI 1WREF 'KEN DIIM us notu
I - ote _isl e lfuuu cm ithmed(cidekblu--u peen
muyim m us l n o h m md mbi s ( n m s u t o h d i d e10 4 ub s um t ah
ihuu ruuulust uu tur umuaum 's ums umu~umnchy, und it iuu mu 9.1
muuu ymmt icetyutuiu.um lrestorIuth fee I narc i ithutuue
# 7, 4umC5y -cup :l i' mummmcl lu . 'Flues ta i ddr musu " s ihuso a d Warsuuushm uhm' u
vums''u-cueim.Ioedsto,24,1)2rofthe ist- 9,676951)
:u'h ..c u ugus i.'clm relimu e mct uvun ufthe ast amegerend iving th>
a, 5'u *he,. cal-led -to saltesruitlhmenalttion emscomi
wulrblr ad^hie pshrs rei ookhop1-nc
r a ; F U'~~~~lnig"Gee Kpulireung siuinaddmns h ii'
rsA~i-,A'i pirtes ura ares thougpGrece's1 ,-3360a24,72 f663-1813,95
AA ~sA~iregisterPapadoourmisa"sEvenltreesii
The tw gentemen trture aboveplan o spen the ext n days ivinginsthemonstositynhosvnbe 011 isladshhaeabeenadofmuthd 39 hangieveiivyn65-260
hin temsom 20 eetbeos th Oea's urac nar anucet slndin asacusetsTh I onewithlhept. ersOppsition,ay- r ANNe92. ArBctoS heMoSte
ivil helooingfortresur beievd t beamog te rmais o th shp AdriaDora shic sak Wiatelaloffhatkine isnotpartCOPLEEaBOKSORE
Joly of 9 6 mGred.ce'sother__cities,__townsand
vilgs have___been_________ _______________"C

Be hkeiaPesescud incurirfuouns l alind'ke
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