Sumer Daily iSimmtr E dtito o 17 i !no i eoser Uniersitro Micigan Wednsdy Ju2 13 NesPhane 764( 55 HE APPEARANCE OF Cesar Chavez in the city Mon- day night only reinforces the necessity of supporting the boycotts on grapes and let tuce. The issues of the boycott have changed since the original days of the movement, but the urgency of total participat ion in the union effort has not diminished. When the movement first began, Chavez and his fol- lowers were trying to establish the United Farm Workers (UFW) as the recognized union of farm workers. Today, the union has accomplished that goal and is a member of the AFL-CIO. The struggle now is to survive the strong-arm tactics of the Teamsters Union. T1HE GROWERS are corrupt wheelers and dealers who have tried from the outset to keep the farm workers at less than subsistence wages. The growers have re- luctantly accepted the fact that their workers will be- come organized and have turned their attentions to find- ing a union to their liking. The teamsters are just such a union. The leaders. have promised the growers that they will not rock the boat and have used deceptive and even coercive tactics to sign on the farm workers. The Chicano leader also noted the harassment of UFW pickets by local California sheriffs and legal in- junctions against his union's right to picket by the Cali- fornia courts. The growers, of course, initiated the. ac- tions. In the last several weeks over 2000 union members have been arrested. The workers must have free elections to decide their union. The large majority of workers would undoubtedly choose the United Farm Workers if they had the choice. They must be given their rights as workers to vote for a union. ONLY BY A UNIFIED EFFORT, a unified boycott, can the UFW force the growers to give the workers the union representation to which they are entitled. They de- serve our support. The warm reception was not the result of "priming." It signified in- stead the audience's previously held respect for the Chicano leader. Wine glasses tinkle and the money rolls; but Cesar remains cool By DIANE LEVICK WITH GLASSES of punch in hand and cocktail party quips on their tongues, Ann Arbor's liberal luminaries greeted United Farm Workers (UFW) leader Cesar Cha- vez in the inevitable clash of two worlds. Munching on refried bean hors d'oeuvres - in the Chicano spirit, of course - guests at the after- speech reception swarmed around the serious, quiet Chavez to ex- press their admiration and get their $5 admission's worth. Sheriff Fred Postill, C o u n t y Commissioner Liz Taylor, and even young Sonia Yaco, unsuccessful Hu- man Rights Party school board candidate, dropped in to introduce themselves, making politically kosher appearances. EX-MAYOR BOB filled the ice buckets as one young woman laugh- ingly complained to Chavez, "Oh you always pick my favorite fruits to boycott!" The vegetarian leader fortunate- ly had no punch to choke on. With strong beliefs in Ghandi's teach- ings on non-violence, Chevez mere- ly forced a little smile as the woman retreated. A smile as forced as t h e singing at the Hill Aud. rally an hour earlier. "You all know why you're here," local UFW organizer David Martinez told the rally, try-, ing to strike up some spirit. But if they had known, they must have been struck with acute amnesia. A CURIOUS ASSORTMENT of staid community liberals, summer University students, and a small core of fervent UFW supporters, the rally audience slowly warmed up as Martinez demonstrated the "UFW handelap." Members of the M Ciahitan ttho- lic Campus Ministry Associ-ttion presented a slide shsw idet-int their visit to the strike site is Coachella, Cal. When Chavez was finally into- duced, the previously low-key as.0- ience rose to its feet to applaud. But the warm reception was no resilt of the "priming." It signi- fied instead the audience's prev- oiisly held respect for the Chi- c-to leader. Ironically, Chavez coodn't even raise the audience's fervor. IH didn't try. No Martin L u t h e r King character, Chavez stotd against a background of red and black UFW flags, setting his listen- ers straight on the facts, occas- isnally throwing in a humorous re- mark or anecdote. BACK IN 1965, when Cheez was planning the originil grape boycott, counselors to him that it svould never work. "Thank God, ' sass Chavez, "that we were so naive that we did not take th r advice." The boycott forced table gr- is growers to sign more than 200 o- tracts with the UFW, now a full- fledged AFL-CIO union. "Nine and a half hours after 180 of those con- tracts expired," says Chevez, "the industry announced it had signedr contracts with the Teamsters." Whereas in 1965 the issue w:is whether farmworkers should be unionized at all, it is now "W h o should represent the workers?" The UFW has merely asked for secret balot elections to let the farmworkers c h o o s e for them- selves. Before making the deal with the "sweetheart" Teamster unions, Chavez reports that growers had attempted to edge out the UFW by setting up such puppet organiza- tions as "Mothers Against Chavez," (How pure and legitimate-sound- ing!) "Fathers Against Chavez," and the "Grape Pickers Benevo- lent Association." Why do the grape and lettuce growers so fear the UFW? Maybe because they stand by their de- mands for decent wages, controlled use of deadly pesticides in t h e fields, and humane working condi- tions. And, as Chavez says, "They say it's too difficult to live with us because we don't go to negotia- tions without the workers being with us." With representative de mocracy the growers' attempts at wheeling and dealing would be se- verely limited. "HISTORY TEACHES US t h a t when an idea comes of age, no Chavez force will stop it," concluded Cha- sea, determined that the UFW will survive recent harrassient. AS THE AUDIENCE ruse again to its feet, a man handed a 150 check tip to the stage from the International Brotherhood of Elec- trical Workers. Chavez raised his fist in thanks and solidarity, giving the more paranoid liberals heart attacks and filting Geirge DePue (American Revoluatiuntry Media mogul) with orgasmic joy as he video taped the rally. The less body--'riented were doin' what comes natiral - for them, anyway - later at the reception as they gobbled hors d'oeuvres and wrote out checks to UFW. But back in Fresno and Delano, no one was eating hors d'oeuvres. In the San Fernando valley it was still money for bail, money for life~ And the checks were appreciat- ed. Diane Levick is a night editor for The Daily, and a former boycott organizer. Disirib ued by o lilit.i'.Sei im- SYNDICATE