Wednesday, July 25, 1973 THE SUMMER DAILY Page Three Wednesday, July 25, 1973 THE SUMMER DAILY Page Three The Providing relilef t Ws um e FMove over, Good Humor man. A }, Here comes Michele Zahor. y X ' Michele has taken over for 1 e r r y, the campus' regular 1> Good Humor person. He will r e t u r n in September but meanwhile Michele p u s h e s y those ice cream bars in front k..4 Y aof the LSA building. Business is booming and Michele loves it because 'I meet so many interesting eople, but a lot of them forget to pay their sales tax." Daily Photo by KEN FINK Goodh Humor woman RPP TRIAL witnessespr es ene By DAVID STOLL other. S pecialttenie ty State police detective Robert Ward, w ho y CAILIAC Mich.- The provsecution has been working an the case since tote caild its toot witnesses yesterday in the Februatry, tld te court he had ''no tialofta Rainbow People's Party I RPP) particutar insvottventent'" sith drtig cases. ' t.. membters Pun Plamnondoot and Craig lie woorks out of the Lantsing intettigetnce RIi Baiter who are charged wsith extttttiont, dix sian. t o atsttto'act , andt criminatlttsory in ott tefetise counstel Husgtt 'Buck'' Davis altteged Janutary dit transaction. intensivett oquestttonedt him in an effort to Bttought tothtte stand before Circtit stied tligt an the state poltice's iifet-nal Si Cot t Itdg %Wittia121lPetersonwsta s tirtt o pterationts duiriog theo insestigaltoto 3 eossofto :ot}:ite police detectives atnd W XRD 1)1D)NOt vs oluntteert ottoittto a x f ')Ilt" It to tt ttc i{t et otg!t'I7'. T oty { tr - tittot. ot e rioest toP cloi!t o o fl'g t t itrwhyet st etho tatd tittoevitketo te lot ttoolgolu t o s'hlsudth oooeo ston Wadt uolosi t'hoe moinottot st to to ',,Cae 1-s11's ois s, tioldotiOtt.'' iaid <; ; t 1dRNINE;t theent ose, .0 tototkuttorootoe otfottosoect polive files " ,tet to recall toooci tt 0Oto''o to Ot tosoiltis ' olote, Lose Xt'attot ott udtoittot dtoty tieslet ~ t~thots tat oote ttvt t te tt ntto ottd Etrce ealrlier testimony, fha fe loeo xcototttl to"'ev ott extenstve P Ia mondot3 n tho toortohotse souttsly cttiradtcteod eachItetoo d Ct itt Contest news 'Tho deadolinet for e iteortog Otto -,oot too sano Waotergote(iils' is boo:t 00110cictowh toy, Toll itoo who otis ftvt'wtt Wotet gordte voonstoorototo is tont soto befotre2 bibr 27 lotze sotI ii to lo too I~ sulls to toth Green grass too Root toisg twhero the tors' is OIto tsoreott roto city' 1'1:7'n 1t'ir 11t tilevs otr tol ctuterpl tlog rtwo tE their tilt 00 'o toittoot i -Trdt ace. Chalot ai'dinoince ptrtoo'ides fotr ", flo _ dolli trlne toot utso tad tot1ssossititi. A ceiritog to cttuntcilwosn Mafina.Ivlly lf thtooroot alter ilant tiold tonito off--iisitspersonailly tssuret tltto ioa Vttotlse -tod ilt ea dy b'eto fired thettoiLofth Sttotla tntttinededAuof uotorl atioUtV caan etoioseteforWotIsewas onoateor fr. h lasot twit teeks and don't knouw anything about whatt haippened." The final agreement was reached at 7 t.oot. lost night when Joseph Zar, the proiduction superintendent, met the men at the door of the room and passed there a signted acceptance of their demands. AS THE TWO mren left the room thtey wrere suirroounded ho' some 200 choeering suipporters. "We seanted to be attuned to weork," said Shorter. "Bitt we wanted the issues to be presented to the workers" S' TE PI ICI, alsso testifiedlIta they foundieloectiv e Service anod Sticial Secuority' carids t~ ooltttgtg too Waigner in Platottdot's totussesoiton at the lo timeo his arrest, W ,agner, Ott alien,. claiouts lamnotdoon anti Bloier tooik booistotnigraitiot carid and tbi'eateoeteoitexpose him tot authotrities as a hard drug dealer. Police never recorered the allegedly stolten immigration card froti the defen- dants wehothove denied taking it. DURING THE proceedings RIP has hool an artist in the courtroiom making sketches of the andercoteer agents. Proisecuittor John Wilsotn originally objected to the artist's presence, bitt his nootionum sas ovserrulted by budge Peterson. The defense wiltluupent its case later in the week. It is anticitpated that buot defendants wilt take the stand in their own bhialf, accourding to Dav is. 'Fle trial may last welt into neat week. VIA declares ba nkruptcy; studlents' lacwsuit pending,7 By JN ,ACK ,EROST 'Citelo tt eoc hi ated0t'ooc has cooso d i itsofieshre ,nd f 1'ie lerti (otr ' oo s h tt tt foocbook pc in te dt of? 45, O ti ' v e sil}ekigF i>~ lO to c o h i us beisog foleol i l! ledrofotr iccor t das ;ror! o tei 'Xredute d ttotrolt.patoit ht2 1 ': tooha'o1Io :~oct THlE LAWVSUI T , t'thnsboo't TETAE GNY the feei former stuidnts o nuor ii H1:ih Shi?(ol arrange an ai li terna ti flt tt?Na ss has been only' partially settled. See VIAl Page If)