Page Two THE SUMMER DAILY Wednesdoy, July 25, 1973 MS2 4 711 13 News 9 Courtship of Eddie's F ather 20 Land of the Giants 24 ABC News-Smsith/Reasoner 54 Flinftstoes i6 fTaking Better Pictures 6:301 2 11 CBS News-Roger Mudd 4 13 NB3C News-John Chancellor 7 AB3C News-Smith/Reasoner 9 1Deam of Jeannie 24 Dick Van Dlyke 70 Gilligan's Island' 56 Guten Tag Wei Geht's ()A4) 56 German Film 7:111 2 Truth or Consequnc,,es' 4 News 7 To Tell the Troth 9 Beverly hillillies 11 Ttt Tell the Troth 13 What's My Lice? 20 Nannty and the Protessote 24 Bowling foerlDolars 5OILoveLtlty 7:30 2 What's My Lice? 4 Festival of Family Classies 7 Wild Kingdom 9 Irish Ravers 1t1lPolice Surgeon 13 Tetuth or Conseqtuences 20 IRifleman 24 Let's Make A Deal :50 Hogan's Heroes 56 Consumer tGatot 8011 2 11 Sottny and Ctter Cotoedy 413 Adam-12 7 '4 Thicee Than Wate 56 NewIHaoe otoe Ar Sts 0:30 4 13 Madigtn 9 Singalong Jubslte 19111 2 01 Dan Attgust 9Necws-1)onlaly 20 Ozzie and Harriet 9:30 95 3To Is Announcted 20 Seven Huotdre'd Cub 56 SMan Bildss ManIDestroys 4 13 Search-Adventure 7 24 Owen Matshall ) 0 Peery Mason BW 56 5 15altlarer i t F- hongwa5 - 11:04 2 4 7 11 13 24 New 9 C(BC1News-LlosydIRobertson 5S0fOst Steps Be ynd-Drama BWV i1110 211 Movit-DramaBW "Cr ofthIeIHttnted" (1953) 41Johnnty Caro 7 4 ak Paar Tonite 9 News 20 Came MeetingIlour-Rfeligion 50 Mosie-Western "Las of thte Badmen." (1957) 12:00 9 Moie-Derana BW "Hld Black fhe Dawn." (1941) 1:00 4 7 13 News 1:102 Mosie-Comedy BW ;"The Big Noise" (1044) 11 News THlE SUMMER DAILY, surnimee edi- tio0 1f 311Miehig~an Daily Vttl. LXXXIII, No. 47-S Wednesday, dlys25, 1973 iedtd and manaedby stuldents t the Unilversity of Michigan. News1phon 764-0562. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106, Pablished Sally Tuesday through Sunday moroning asring the Un1versity yea at 420 May- nards Street,. Ann Arbor, Mic01g00 48104. Subserlesion rates: $10 by cie (ca- pusarnea);$11 local oil (Michigan and Ohio); 013 lion-IocalImil 1o01er0stte and foreign). Summer session pulblised Tsiesday through Saturoday smorning. Subscrip- tlots rates: $5.30 by caeeiee (campun area); $6.50 local mai11(Michigan and Ohio); $7.00 non-local mall (other stolen ond foreigbn). Medieval Festival cometh By DIANE LEVICK A bit of exciting history will be recreated as the fourth Ann Arbor Medieval Festival pre- sents open-air deacon, juiggling, and mic efur the next twvo week- ends at various idyllic local spnts. Begun in 1969 by art history student Chock Rosenberg, the Medieval Festival has a inputa- lion for entertaining people of all ages and backgrounds -- at no charge - in what one festival director; Irene Goodman, calls "an atmosphere of joy," This year's plays include The Annunciation, an. English mys- stery play; Calandrino's Fever and The Secret Society, adapted From Boccassio's Decanmeron. Goodman, a library science graduate student who majored as an undergraduate in Medie- val Studies, translated some of the material herself from Middle Eogli'h. She warns that "there's a defi- nite element of sexism in medic- vat literature" To partially coun- teract' this, two women and one man have heels cast, as the holy trinity. "ItI's nost the usual theatrical -- - - with3 the tension and ,the 'spening night,"' says Gosd- man. "It's a fun thing. . it can never 'fail."' The Cantigis de Santa Maria, Spanish religioulsly - oriented mus- sic, will be performed on medie- val instruments suct as the crumhorn and the vielle, loaned by the University. Althsugh the University in past years has funded the festival with $230 yearly, not a cent was -pro- vided this summer. Festival or- ganizers turned to lscal mer- chants for donations. "We're trying to build up our oawn resources," explains Good- man. Festival workers built their stage last stummer, so this sum- mer they are concentrating on designing their own costumes, The schedule of Medieval Fes- tival performances is: July 28 in the Arboretum at 3 p.m.; July 29 on the Ark lawn (1421 Bill St.) at 11 am. and at 3 pm. in West Park, Aug. 4 in Burns Park at 3 p.m., and Aug. 5 on the Diag at 11 am. and in the Arboretum at 3 p.m. Dawily Official Bulletin :..Wednesday, July .25......... DAY CALENDAR Commission foe Women : Rorn ecr Heath Lounge, Union, 11:30 am, Gerontology Lecture: M. Philihert, Univ. of Geenoble, France, "Philomo- chics of Aging Arosund the World," 140 'ch. oflus. Adm., 7pm. Audio-VisualFims:'Getcrude Stein whe This You SRemeberMe" Au~d. 3, MLB, 7 pm. Uoiversity Plnyers: Sakoespeare's "Cosedy nf Errors," PowerCtrc., 8 pm. Griad Coffee Houc: E. Conf. Rm., Raackham, 8 pm. GENERAL NOTICES Search Committee stow interviewing Ice Director of Stucdent Orgoizaotiosss, a salaried cosition within student got- enment. Interviews begin Tues., July 31. Coil 764-0436 or 704-027 foe on ap- pointment. LEARN THE FINE ART OF POOL HUSTLING Free Pocket Billiards instructions for the beginning player Every Wednesday, 5-7 P.M. BILLIARD ROOM, 2nd Floor MICHI-GAN UNION NEW WORLD FILM COOP presents Just aperson who ~ s protects children and \Y other living things ~ > JACK - TOM LAUGHLIN DELORES TAYLOR. {G CH NI Cth most ele, lr 4vlylrnt, Thursday Friday tems lrf'i theatre this yac . . (July26 & 27) -NY, Daily lyico Natural Sciences Aud. "Soar~singitension .. DOeoe thle .8:00O&10:00 pm .--$1.25 -L.A.Tne B ANA OUNTIES ONLY TWIN CINEMA ponytailsReme be "?- HulaeHoopswhen Edsl Ari glnor3D- al u and fads of the frenzied LEMARVIN & Ends Thursday, ERNEST BORGNINE U 1 - 603 E Dial 665-6290 V STARTS EMPEROR kG: FRIAY OF THE NORTH PsA OT U0 1 8ild AP lts cnema guild presents another classic comedy THE MARX BROTHERS in The brcthers take a swipe at everything particu- larly the foolishness of World War II. One of their finest, beyond a doubt. TONIGHT--JULY 25 8 and 10 p.m. ARCHITECTURE AUD. $1.00 sr, a+wo CHUCK BERRY " LITTLE RICHARD - FATS DOMINO " CHUBBY CHECKER BO DIDDLEY " 5 SATINS " THE SHIRELLES " THE COASTERS DANNY b THE JUNIORS and special guest star BILL HALEY & THE COMETS $ 43w- ADULTS ONLY "The Pit q of onlo /VARIETY t F of 3 KhW telo,/NEWSWEEK 1 I ': ' i / ' V ss i / Provocative! /PLAYBOY r>il4f "maythe kave It I=y for 1dwplomumof / . tho"wimsefts" ft IS. Judith Crist, NEW YORK MAGAZINE I' Mllivayll'[1111 1,1, g1l;l 1EX, I A